Unexpectedly Hazardous Foods You Should Avoid

1. Nutmeg

Nutmeg aids in additional enhancement of spice level in your food. What we dont realize that in large doses however it causes small seizures, hallucogenic effects, temporary psychosis, and even DEATH[7]. In any case, nutmegs add a finger-licking flavor to certain dishes. Large amounts of nutmeg can be harmful and even results in short term psychosis, small seizures and psychedelic effects.
2. Potatoes

Potatoes have a rich flavor which is loved by foodies especially when used in different dishes. Overly green potatoes can contain the vomit-inducing and heart attack-causing chemical solanine. The potato is a staple food of the world. Tastes great, and has versatility in a variety of dishes. But steer clear of the green version.
3. Cherries

Cherry jam tastes wonderful but one should be free of pits as they are highly poisonous when processing the fruit. One of these would be essentially benign if swallowed accidentally, but they do not make for fun butchering or chomping! Real cherry product is delicious. There is enough cyanide in the centre of a cherry seed to kill a human adult.
4. Raw Milk

The large majority of rural population believes that the idea of sterilizing raw milk, so that it can be drunk freely, is simply absurd, as they can never imagine that any germ lurks in the milk. Raw dairy products have the highest risk of bacterial diseases. Therefore, one should avoid the pasteurized milk.
5. Elderberries

If Elderberries however are cooked or processed then they can be great for your diet, but if it isn’t cooked then you will have unhealthy experiences. Anyway, did you know that raw elderberries have glycosides that convert to cyanide?! To consume raw berries can cost you your life!
6. Castor Beans

The fact that castor oil is actually castor beans is just so interesting. Although castor oil is not a pleasant taste but remember castor oil was the remedy when sick! Who would have figured that raw castor beans would end your life because they are used to create ricin, a castor bean plant?
7. Kidney Beans

Kidney beans are shaped like human kidneys and they fight with deadly diseases. However, do not eat them raw! Mature kidney beans are so rich in nutrients, but they can be poisonous too, which is why you always need to cook them properly. However, due to presence of phytohaemagglutinin raw kidney beans can lead to stomach disorders.
8. Almonds

Did you know that almonds can be oddly lethal?!? Although they belong to a good source of protein, and are good for mind, but the wild ones are completely different. Some almonds taste bitter. They are a wild plant and have poisonous components in them. If you then want to drink them, cook them and moc crack them.
9. Tomatoes

Let me just clarify though, that recipes aren’t complete without tomatoes, but never have I heard that the stem and leaves above tomatoes from the red big nourishing tomatoes are for you to digest and could give you cramps from the stomach! Tomatoes are eaten by a wide variety of humans, where they reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, but they have the potential to be detrimental to your health.
10. Apricot Seeds

Fresh apricots are served with an appetising flavour. These apricot seeds contains amygdalin which reverts to cyanide in the body, on ground. Its hard to find a non-hereditarily modified apricot seeds with seeds. The seeds are very toxic because they contain a chemical that is harmful.
11. Lima Beans

A starchy but buttery textured legume complimenting wide variety of dishes, the Lima Beans hides cyanide that endangers the human body. Fortunately, the risk associated with the substance in the nice green colored beans can be decreased by boiling them for approximately ten minutes or so. Breaking the toxic substance into bits.