Shoppers Who Scored Big with Amazing Grocery Store Finds

1. Gummy Wizard Of Oz Gummy In A Bag Of Bears

This person’s bag of gummy bears contained a fascinating golden magician. Perhaps there was a competition, and finding the golden wizard would earn you a prize from Haribo. It’s possible that all of your wishes will come true if you eat this wizard gummy after making a wish. You never know; it might work.
2. The Perfect Avocado Doesn’t Exi–

Avocados have only one negative — one of the worst crimes that they could have committed — and that is their price. It is the pit. It can consume the avocado so there is just a tiny portion of avocado to eat. The avocado has no pit/pip and this means that you can eat the whole thing. And you don’t have to fight to get the pit out without taking off a finger in the process.
3. I Shall Call You Clemintiny

This clementine is / was pregnant and so you find a tiny little clementine inside it. Whoever opened this just nailed a (vitamin) c-section. It was only left for us to know whether the smaller clementine was as delicious as the bigger clementine. We hope it did.
4. Get The Shuck Out Of Here, It’s A Pearl From An Oyster

We all know this pearl is a good news, that someone had found whilst eating their oysters. Perhaps they can use to create a one ear-ring craft or a one pearl necklace. They should start to a pearl collection, so eventually they would have enough pearls to string a pearl necklace.
5. For Nutritional Purposes, This Counts As One Gummy Bear

Not sure if these melted together or they just never got cut apart at the factory but this person found a gummy chain! So this chain can be used in the few following ways. Cut them apart or think of it as one gummy bear and eat the whole thing.
6. Quadnanas

These four bananas developed in the same huge peel. They look more like an old-school barbershop quartet that would be called bananashop quartet. The only real question is whether they ate all four together because they were all in one pee. And what of the other bananas, now out of their peel?
7. Italians Finally Found The Perfect Amount Of Garlic

This is likely what you think of when a recipe calls for one clove of garlic. That is the biggest head of garlic we have ever seen. This would save you tons of time on peeling every clove of garlic. The implication being that, the larger the garlic, the more tasteless it will be.
8. How Many Yolks Do You Think Are Inside The Giant Egg

Some of thier ladies like to get in a extra big egg to keep in the freezer to eat when the eggs get low Also they found one monster egg in their henho use it is twice the size of another eggs. You could use that one egg to double the scramble. Perhaps an ostrich became a chicken, laid it at night, and left before the morning.
9. Berry Big Berries

These blueberries are huge, compare to a regular sized one We question where this individual acquired them or if they own a rare plant that produces enormous blueberries. Perhaps, just maybe, this person’s house is near a nuke site, which is how their berries became so much Humongous-Than-Normal.
10. Cookies ‘N Cream…More Like Cookie And Cream

This person’s popsicle had a whole Korea inside of it. At least she can rest assured there are real Oreos instead of other knockoff cookies replacing them. At least other small cookie bits were in it — instead of just having one oreo and ice cream.
11. Not Complaining, But That Is One Giant Chocolate Chip

This one had a giant piece of chocolate added to their ice cream, and my goodness, it looks amazing. The only way to be mad about this is if this was the chocolate chip. This ice cream brand in particular — Greaters — has giant chocolate chunks because of the way they make their ice cream.
12. Happy Grapeween!

The grape morphed into this small little pumpkiny shape and I just love how cute it is. Some pumpkin must have cheated on his wife with some grapevines. We were left to wonder if this was intended to be tons of grape, or if the grape just happened to sprout misshapen and super-sized.
13. When You Get An Extra 42 Grams Of Skittles

If you thought you won the lottery when you found an extra 103 grams in our 61g skittles bag, you are correct. They tend to stuff bags like this with air, so you get less than the package promises. This one went to extra so the person who only got 42 g into the bag must feel pretty shit right now. And we would NEVER want to be said person.
14. Strawberry That Turned Into A Splatberry

We’ve spotted a few shaped strawberries in the grocery store — but never a shaped strawberry this large. This is like a strawberry-shaped coin purse that has a bunch of change stored up for the coin machine.
15. When They Forget To Cut A Roll Of Cheerios

And last but not least, this woman found an extra long cheerio in her cereal, and we suggested she could totally use it as a straw — if there’s a hole on the other end, of course. Someone should start branding cheerio straws like this so you can drink the milk out of the cereal bowl and then eat the straw.
16. A Bun Inside A Bun

Someone found a whole, unblemished hamburger bun inside his hamburger bun. When he took it off he made a new moon. How does that even happen? Or just an enormous bubble that looked suspiciously like a bun.
17. Four Packs Of Chips For The Price Of Two

Someone found a whole, unblemished hamburger bun inside his hamburger bun. When he took it off he made a new moon. How does that even happen? Or just an enormous bubble that looked suspiciously like a bun.