Cooking Fails: Real-Life Kitchen Moments Gone Wrong

There was a time when Grandma made banana bread and misplaced her glasses.
Grandmas are some of the best cooks ever, but grandma sometimes screws up too. When this grandma misplaced her glasses whilst making some banana bread, everyone in the house could be a suspect when she accused everyone of being the criminal. And what was hidden right inside the bread, when the tastiness was pulled from the oven? Grandma’s glasses. Talk about embarrassment, and we are sure the banana bread still tasted delicious even through the glasses.

Let us hope they took off the spectacles before they commenced slicing bread. But we can bet she never forgot them again once she had to run out and buy a new pair.
“Use crackers instead of breadcrumbs,” she told her husband, and he got this.
Some forgot that she had left the kitchen for a bit and that her husband was cooking. And when he said that they were out of breadcrumbs, he said to use some crackers instead. She arrived and discovered her plate littered with Goldfish. We know he ruined her recipe, but this actually looks pretty okay, and we could even see it as being an improvement on regular crackers.

Yet the husband couldn’t be bothered to smash the Goldfish, at the very least, before layering them on top like he was wearing cheese. Well, unless you’re about seven, nobody wants Goldfish casserole.
The Alien Invasion Has Begun
If you do a lot of baking then you know that the bread rises when the fridge go in. We’ve seen a lot of bread rise, but never this high. It usually only rises a bit. Somebody placed dough in the fridge to rise and when they returned, the dough had expanded and filled their whole fridge! It almost looks like a scene from one of those old horror films or a scene from an alien invasion,

They had clearly overused yeast or had poured an excess of dough in the container. Either way, we can rest assured they’re still going to be able to use whatever isn’t attacking whatever other groceries were within striking distance.
WSL – SpursNextStay
Would you like some mop water in a cup?
Purple lemonade is not something we were aware existed, but here we are, writing a post about it, and according to the comments, its not meant to look like this. So someone boldly went forth to make some and then ended up with a pitcher of lemonade as if someone had dumped the dirty mop water in. May not be the most thirst-quenching look, but it better taste good, right? Just don’t expect yourself to be selling this stuff at a lemonade stand.

Though this could be a decent Halloween-oriented pour. Given that if you could even get people to try it and take that first sip.
This Brioche Was Like, “I’ll Fake It Till I Make It, Baby”
How crushing for this poor person, who slices into their brioche. On the outside, it was perfectly normal, but once they started to cut it open, it was all empty inside. This means that something happened during baking that stopped the interior from rising. But there is one positive: whoever was responsible for this now owns themselves a brioche they can very simply fill with whatever they please. Well, half of it they can stuff with real ease.

Inside they can add a little bit of Nutella or some ice cream Anyway, the options are limitless — which is some consolation for not having fodder for a fluffy brioche.
Treat yourself to some Halloween cookies from a self-proclaimed “Grown Man.”
We could be all: let us explain what happened here, but we think the human who posted the photo nailed it. If you were to say: ‘Oh, the child made an effort to decorate Halloween cookies! Nope. This was all me. An adult male, a working man, who cannot draw. That is a pretty brutal indictment of himself, but he’s not wrong. These really feels like the kind of shit we would’ve made when we were kids

But at least they are slightly less awful than most of the other fails on this list. The are not the prettiest things, but at least that has no bearing on flavor. We’re positive these were still wonderful tasting. Okay, maybe we’re just hungry and overly optimistic, bediening.
Bringing this to the company is the best way to say, “I hate my job.” Gathering
To cook something for someone is always an opportunity to showcase your cooking talents and impress them with a delicious dish. But this guy had other plans. It was his coworker’s lunch day where everyone brought something in, and it was this monstrosity he chose to whip up. Not even certain what you’d name this, but it’s in essence gelatin from beef broth with frankfurters and hard-boiled eggs.

This thing is an offense to the senses and so he apparently really does not like his co-workers. We doubt many were excited about this dish when he brought it in. It was likely as hard to make, if not harder, than a real good meal would be.
If your roommate does this, you should get out of your room before it’s too late.
The average person has walked away from a pot of boiling water on at least one occasion, right? But this is definitely next level shit. This pot was left on the burner by someone’s roommate for long enough that the water boiled away, so hot it melted into the stovetop. This process may have taken hours and could possibly have burned down the whole house.

Why was the roommate not around for all of this? We’re also hoping that if someone came home and found the pot looking like this that they were at least able to boot the other roommates out of the house or apartment and haven’t just been forced to live with them indefinitely.
The Only Thing Worse Than Running Out of Coffee
Even after seeing this photograph we had no idea that doing so was a possibility with coffee pots — but apparently they are. A person lost the room to be having this happen in their kitchen, and thankfully it appears they were at least standing away from it. The pot must’ve exploded into hot coffee and shrapnel. With that being said, we aren’t entirely convinced every blemish on the wall here is caused by the blast.

A few of these marks appear to be mold that, judging by the condition of the kitchen, might not be a huge shock. It shows a kitchen catastrophe all at once.
Hers and His DIY Pizza
In most relationships, determining which partner is the better cook is a straightforward task. Take this photo, for example. The pizza on the left was cook by the wife who shared the image, the right by the husband. Q: Which one do you like better? It is most definitely not this pizza on the right, which the wife also labelled a ‘single-cell organism’. We’d have to agree. It does look like blob thingamajig.

That one on the left looks a million times better. That cheese doesn’t even look like it came from the same pizza on the right. How could two people living in the same house and using the same ingredients end up with such a different outcome?
When Your Date Wants “blue Cheese Pizza” but You’re Cheese-Ignorant
So, if there are any Italians reading this right now, then turn away. This pizza hurts the soul only, no more. An attempt at blue cheese pizza for writing from home Date night’s favorite food was clearly misinterpreted by one Twitter user who desperately tried to make their Date’s favourite its own homemade take on the specialty — blue cheese pizza. Rather than stumping up for a block of actual blue cheese, into which they dye some other cheese blue. We have no idea how they did it to so get blue, and we’re not sure we want to know.

To be fair, we’re sure this at least brought a chuckle and they clearly went to great lengths to construct it. So fingers crossed, by the sound of it, it was actually a really nice date.
Can You Guess Which Ingredient This First-Time Bread Baker Forgot?
Baking can be pretty brutal. A lot of it is really precise and you literally need to do all the steps in the recipe or it will not work as intended. What this person forgot was an essential ingredient, and upon pulling their loaf of bread out of the oven and seeing it hadn’t risen, they knew exactly what they had missed. They omitted yeast, which may be the most important ingredient in nearly every baked good. And it’s also the one that puffs up your bread.

We’re certain you could still eat this, but maybe it would be best repurposed as a flatbread or something. Note: We can only assume that you won’t use this to prepare a sandwich or even some toast.
Ah Yes, Just Like the French Like It
There is nothing like a light and flaky croissant. It’s just a nice equilibrium that you can’t really find with any other pastry. They are not the type of croissant in question; A partner of someone asks that they heat up their croissant and make the croissant crispy to eat, but the partner took it a little too far. We’re assuming they cooked it for about 20 minutes too long. Like, a couple of days too long.

Like, we seriously want to know how do you manage to convert a croissant to a cinder. It almost appears as if someone put it in a fire and just walked away.
“I Get Drunk and Leave Pizza in the Oven All Night”
This one is pretty scary. When this dude drank too much, he wanted to bake a pizza. But he left it in there and his roommate stumbled upon it ablaze in the oven. That’s a good way to start a house fire so thankfully, it didn’t burn the whole house down. Other people come waddling along trying to explain the full shame of what this fiend did to his roommate and post the picture.

But we kind of don’t believe that was the case, because as the sign in the photo states, this isn’t the first time.
A Boiled Egg Massacre
So there is no reason to be surprised by eggs exploding if you boil them too long. I mean, they’re all practically shaped like grenades, so why not? However, we were surprised at just how big the explosion could be! Somebody boiled their eggs for too long, and their kitchen ended up looking like this. If you examine closely, there are traces of eggs all over the house even on the roof.

Another one for us to remember the next time we want to boil a few eggs or a miniature bomb So be sure not to take your eggs off the hot plate.
Never Leaving It in the Fungi Family: Pasta with Mushrooms Turns Into Pasta with Mold
And this is what happen when you put the plate of spaghetti with mushrooms into the microwave and forget for a week, just leave it there all the time. It gets covered in a fuzzy layer of mold. While it seems sort of adorable in a way, you would not want this chilling in your fridge, or microwave for some time, and we doubt that it would be the best for you either.

Although others suggested the threader keep the moldy pasta, giving the mold a name, we’d say this is best tossed out with a bleach rinse of the microwave.
Sorry, but we only consume plastic packaging on BPA-free hamburgers.
This one should be impossible to look at if you love Burgers. Wife of some dude stuck these puppies in an oven and switched the broiler on. But she left the plastic wrap on but seemingly when pulled the burgers out looked as if someone iced it with some blue frosting. Well, it’s plastic so maybe a petroleum-based candy does not have a sweet flavor. In any case, the dish was screwed up completely.

Which is a shame because the burgers under the plastic are looking like they’re gonna be a decent time. Still, we’re positive these guys ended up ordering pizza that evening.
If You Lose Something, Always Check the Couch Cushions and Inside the Oven
Losing a pair of glasses is a pain for anybody. However, to lose your spectacles and three days later discover them melted in the oven is a bit extreme, no? And you can pretty much guess what happened to the guy in the photo above. We aren’t even sure how something like this happens exactly, but maybe they were leaning in on the stove or putting a pan up there and balancing their glasses in one hand.

We reckon it’s safe to say that either way, these were unlikely to be saved and this person had to purchase a new pair or wear contact lenses.
Hope No One Wanted Their Burgers Medium-Rare
Which is why you should always clean your grill — before or after you cook. Of course, it’s just straight-up disgusting to cook food over burnt food, but it can actually be hazardous, too. If your grill is dirty, the fire will catch and you will burn whatever you are cooking on there. Like in this case, when this picture was clicked. Its someone trying to BBQ burgers and a pineapple.

But they lost their supper because the flames ignited some aged food and just like that, everything went south. The at the end of this story: Don’t ever forget to clean your grill.
This Can Only Be Explained by Paranormal Phenomena
Why this exists, we are not really sure, but it exists and we are glad about it. This milk glass snapped almost perfectly in half, and someone shared the image online. That said, some glasses can break like this when hot and you pour something really cold in, but there has to be a little crack in the glass to begin with. Nor have we ever seen glass break so perfectly down the center like this.

Some commented that an exorcism was required after this photo was put up, and we’re not sure we can disagree with them. Then again it could have just been a one in a million type of thing.
Pizza With Vantablack Toppings, Please
To combine vantablack, the darkest shade on the available spectrum is not simple. However, someone did end up doing it after leaving their pizza overcooked in it. This pizza stares back into you the way we imagine staring into the darkest depths of space. Not a single touch of color remains. No idea how long it took to bake this way, but bet it needed to go in the oven for a bit.

There’s a few others in this list of burnt square pizzas but none burnt nearly as dark as this. It looks almost fake; like they just doused it in this color paint.
This Is Why We Never Cook Before Having Our Coffee
We all know mornings are hard for most of us. And perhaps the worst thing is feeling like you need to start making breakfast about two minutes after your eyes pop open. This joker was about to scramble up some eggs and found they had poured one of the egg yolks back into the egg container. They can probably still wear it, because it’s not that disgusting or unhealthy, really — in our opinion, anyway.

Then again, perhaps they should have a coffee first in future before attempting anything else in the morning, starting with something as easy as scrambling an egg.
She only asked her boyfriend to slice an avocado.
Caption with this photo: “My boyfriend cut the avocado wrong” Except that in this photo, it looks as though no sort of slicing is taking place. Rather this dude looks like he just ripped into it and attempted to smear it all over the bread using his fingers which is so disgusting. None of this looks very appealing, and there’s even what looks like a piece of cherry pit in one of the loaves.

Even worse, avocados not that difficult to slice up, actually. You merely cut it a few times around the pit and pull it apart.
It’s a wonderful idea to cool boiled eggs in the freezer until you forget about them.
Makes sense, of course, considering just how hot they can be, but some people like to cool them down in the freezer before they eat, apparently. Just be sure to take them out or you will wind up picking your stepdad of this person. Sometimes he neglects to remove the eggs from the freezer and finds himself with a solid, frozen mass of ice and an egg or two.

The boiled eggs remain consumable, we guess, but without a freezing apparatus, these things have probably lost their taste after a day or two inside a ice cube awaiting to be defrosted.
The girlfriend’s first fish cooking experience went unexpectedly wrong.
Sometimes, because of where you live, you do not have a time to cook like, fish or seafood. The thing he ended up with was this guy whose girlfriend had never cooked fish in her life. Well, for a first time, it’s not too bad. It’s all scrambled, but a bit of lemon juice is all it needs. Alternatively, use it in some tacos.

The fish doesn’t appear to be under or overcooked, a major feat for a highly delicate type of fish. All in all, we would say this was a solid first effort.
Spaghetti With a Sprinkling of Broken Glass
And, this is likely one of the worst things that can happen while cooking using your stove. A person was preparing spaghetti, whose glass lid shattered, and the pieces splashed into their thread of memories. And that pasta sauce actually looks quite well done too — shame about the container. We are convinced this individual invested some time doing this. Although they likely had to just toss it all, including their top.

Along with this is sort of strange, given the fact that pot lids are supposed to be near hot input so we really do not precisely understand what the deal was below. Perhaps it was just a very, very cheap flat.
The Mixer Said, “not Today, Buddy”
Another one where a kitchen appliance just simply refuses to go on. While somebody was preparing pizza dough (obviously, an art tedious to do) the prongs of the mixer snapped off into the mixture. Fortunately, they can likely excavate them, but the dough will have to be mixed by hand, which is great exercise. And they’ll have to hit the stores for a new mixer, too.

At least, it could have been worse than this. Causation could have gone kaboom, but they could just have left the pie in the oven overnight. Mixer broke here, at least dinner was salvaged.
Breaking News: 6-Year-Old Turns Mac and Cheese Into Metal
There are many things kids can get in trouble with in the kitchen. Which is not shocking in and of itself, but there are a million hacks on dry mac and cheese that a kid never thought to toss dry into the microwave. And this is what happens when your kid attempts to do just that, apparently. The mac and cheese had the appearance of a funeral pyre or something you would expect to see in a dystopian film. The charmed became metallic, and the terracota pot or bowl a rich burnt orange.

Others commented that this image resembled a cheap knockoff of the eye of Sauron out of The Lord of The Rings, which we think is basically on-fucking-point.
The Leeks Won This Round
There is a special place for every cook in the kitchen for the best knife. The best knife : it may not actually be the best knife we own, but it’s the one we always grab when we need to cook something. A fatal case of amulets on the chopping board. The knife had a lot of fans but was killed by a couple of leaking chips. It is not the greatest way of going out. Even some potatoes might have been a better option.

If you do not maintain your knives, however, this will happen eventually. It appears like this one may have had a little bit of rust around where the blade snapped off so maybe it became brittle and broke.
This Is Called Karma
One individual went to sprinkle a few shakes of pepper flakes onto whatever they were concocting when the lid just so happened to come off and they received a little more than they bargained for. But perhaps it was also karma, because whoever posted this photo said that when they were in junior high, they would take the tops off pepper shakers in pizza huts. Which we guess is kind of fitting justice for them.

It’s not quite hopeless, either. All they really need to do is shovel most of this away and they will be good to go. It may be a little more spicy than they were anticipating but there’s nothing wrong with a little spice.
This Is Not Someone’s Science Fair Project Volcano
However, maybe, don’t leave it in so long? So, we think it’s perfectly fine to warm Nutella up in the microwave but you could possibly overdo it. Or you would get something like this. Looks like someone just walked away from the microwave after hitting the timer for 20 minutes. Actually, it looks worse than the majority of the other things on this list, at least the majority of the other things burnt.

And the fact that whoever took this photo had to lug it outside means that the thing was most likely filling the house with smoke and almost burning down the place.
Imagine Thinking You’ll Come Home to Delicious Cooked Pork and Finding This
Of course, you don’t want to have most appliances on all day with you gone, but some food can take hours to cook. This dude was keeping some pork in his crockpot while he was at work all day and came home to find the cord like that. He forgot to plug in his crockpot and his dinner was likely a lot less tasty.

This isn’t the worst offender on this list. He didn’t almost set the house on fire or anything. But we can only imagine how disheartening it may have been; a person wouldn’t even want to cook for a home then.
Dad Put “Just a Dash of Turmeric”
A person’s father cooked him some eggs and said that he was adding “just a pinch of turmeric.” It was clear he used a lot more than a dash or a sprinkle and it turned the eggs completely yellow. We have no idea what is the broth but it should be oil or whatever. Others said this would actually not be bad if it was slap on some rice or toast. We’re not so sure.

Not ugly horrible, but that broth laced egg mash-up is not our jam — especially in mustard yellow. On the other hand, it may not be the most attractive but it may taste fantastic.
One Year Later
Why are people putting a pizza in the oven and forgetting it? The only things some people use their ovens for anyway. Someone else decided to put this pizza in her oven and went about their business, only to remember it was there to find a lump of burnt brick. And when we say charred, we mean charred. You could toss this motherfucker straight in your grill and use it as charcoal.

Or if you like, toss it in the fireplace, and burn it during the winter months to save on electricity costs. Kidding of course not an option, but ummm yeah this pizza is basically toast.
An Eggs-Plosion
And this is another entry on this list that illustrates just how scary a food hard-boiled egg can be. But this one is in a microwave. One girlfriend, however, was oblivious to the fact you cannot microwave boiled eggs, leading her to create quite the explosive mess when she attempted it. Still, neither really poses a threat here, and almost anyone who likes eggs goes through this once or twice.

Nevertheless, we wouldn’t want to be the ones cleaning this up. I would be shocked if it didn ‘t takr at least an hour to get the place spotless.
When Grandma Uses the Oven as a Pantry
Ovens can be utilized for more than simply cooking, They may also be useful for warming up food items and even for storing something in it. That’s what his grandmother used her oven for! Unfortunately her grandson was unaware of this and went ahead to preheat the oven and ended up melting all of the food and plastic containers inside. The most shameful part is he admitted he also usually checks stoves before he turns them on.

All he had to do after that was just let everything cool down and it should have popped off easily enough. Well, all that food went spoiled, of course.
May I have a small glass of anything with that?
Sure has to be something regarding these glass lids. Someone was cooking their food with a lid, and the lid exploded and went all inside of their food. These covers are designed to resist extreme heat (along with extreme cold if you change settings between seasons), but apparently at least a few of them are a little defective or something. The lids on this list might also just be manufactured cheaply, because this, quite frankly, shouldn’t be happening in the first place.

An exploding glass lid isn’t entirely the cook’s fault like most of the other items on this list, so we’re going to give these guys a break. Their food still looks as on point as ever, save for the glass, of course.
Most likely, she should spend the remainder of the day at home.
Once in a while, it can be a joy to cook, especially if you don’t cook all that often. According to this person they decided to make themselves breakfast for a change and eat it in bed but yeah that obviously did not exactly go to plan. The caption says they had to wait for things to cool down a little bit first before returning to clean it all up, which, in hindsight, probably wasn’t the best idea.

If you give egg yolks a second to dry, then they are ten times more difficult to get off of anything, and are all the more challenging when you’re working with floors. This person needed to man up and take a napkin to it as soon as they could.