Unnecessary Product Packaging: Why Less is More for Sustainability

We’ve Been Catfished by… Glue
I can only imagine how horrified this customer must have been when they turned the bottle of super glue over and realized it wasn’t even close to being that big. Additionally, the company didn’t feel bad about this idea, simply adding a little extra plastic around the container for convenience. There’s nothing more confusing than a lot of extra packaging that doesn’t serve a purpose.

It would have saved a lot of time and money to make this super glue differently, but those two things didn’t seem to be important.
This Hair Gel Is Playing Tricks on Customers
This only becomes a problem if you’re almost out of hair gel and suddenly run out. The company made the decision to design this tub in a way that deceives the eye, and they likely take pride in it. Customers might see this as a huge waste of money and an even bigger failure in packing, whereas the brand may just see it as a cheap party trick.

There’s a good reason for brands to take advantage of the fact that customers tend to think about what they see and aren’t interested in what’s under their products.
“Chocolate Confection” turned into “chocolatey Confection.”
After a certain point, bad ingredients no longer qualify as food, and that’s exactly what happened to this poor chocolate orange. Big-name brands sometimes buy more than they need, which means that every once in a while, industry norms change. That might be beneficial for the business’s bottom line, but customers aren’t always pleased about it, especially since Terry’s orange isn’t really chocolate anymore.

We’re curious why and how this popular chocolate orange turned into a chocolatey dessert.
That’s more air than food!
We can’t think of anyone who doesn’t like tortilla chips, but we believe that a lot of people skipped over these after they told everyone their secret, since no one ever wants to buy air. They turned them over, allowing everyone to see that there is more air than chips. They performed so well that the bags appear completely empty, even though they are only partially empty.

It happens all the time: big brands want their snack bags to look even bigger, no matter what’s inside them.
Lie, Lie, Lie, Pants on Fire
This photo shows that the right can is smaller than the left. However, the company argues that the smaller can contains 35 mL more product. There is no doubt that the can is much smaller. Either they were trying to hide something or they managed to fit a lot more goods into a small can. We’ll never really know the answer to this question.

The company responsible for placing the size labels on the bottom of these spray cans made a math error when stating that the smaller can was larger.
Oh, does this look like it’s partly empty to you? Relax; they kindly left “Room for Toppings.”
We never thought there was a smart way to make a package hold less product, but this yogurt brand has shown us we were wrong. They believed they should at least explain why the yogurt wasn’t filled to the brim of the container: they had left space for toppings. Some toppings don’t seem to fit in the room that’s there, and it gets worse the longer you look.

That much extra space is way too much, unless someone is putting toppings six inches deep into the yogurt. It appears that yogurt also enjoys its own space.
Yes, even Pringles contributes to the decrease in price movement.
Most things in the food store, like chocolates and chips, have changed in at least one way over the years. From the mascot to the chip size, Pringles seems to have changed everything. Because it’s obvious, this person had to photograph the issue to post online.

The only positive thing about the new Pringles is that they’re possibly easier to eat. The bad news is that you’ll want more because the container is smaller.
A 12 Oz Package That Lost Some Weight During Delivery
In the real world, twelve-ounce bags cannot weigh ten ounces. The store scale might have been having a terrible day, or they might normally charge more for things that weigh less. Always, this customer has a picture as proof, so they can try to get their money back.

Considering the weight of the packaging, a 12-ounce package shouldn’t weigh that much. You should return this item to the shop immediately.
They left some extra space in case the candy grew really quickly.
The best thing about sour strips is their length, but it appears that they require significantly more space to pack than they did previously. We could only think of a beneficial reason for the extra space: these sour strips are cramped and need more room to move around. Aside from that, this package is probably a waste because it doesn’t need to be so big.

Better times had sour strips long enough to go around the package, so this view is wrong.
When you double-space your homework to reach the required number of pages,
What could be better than having a fresh pack of Toblerone? Nothing. Unless you live in the UK. That’s because the new copies of the same things are so much smaller than the old ones that they almost look like toys. They still taste great, though, so we don’t have many reasons to complain. We hope that one day the price will be the same as the size.

DarioZg via Shutterstock | Lenscap Photography via Shutterstock
People have said that the tiny spikes hitting the roof of their mouth are the worst thing that could happen, so perhaps the shrinking is beneficial.
The Devil Is in the Details
This picture shows two tea packages from the same company. However, a single sign conceals a significant difference between the two packages. The top one appears to be the better choice because it has 50% more tea than the bottom one, which only says “50 more tea bags.” You’d be getting a lot more for your money, even though they look a lot alike.

When it comes to amounts, a sneaky percentage sign makes all the difference. It’s simple to miss the hidden contrasts in the text on these two boxes.
A Five Pack for the Price of Six
It seems like every food item in stores is getting smaller these days, so it makes sense that this also holds true for quantities. Someone was excited to get their six-pack of bagels from a nearby store, but their joy quickly faded when they saw that there were now only five bagels inside. Looking at this picture, we can almost feel how disappointed this customer is.

When you visit the store to purchase your favorite six-pack of bagels, you’re disappointed to discover that the pack now only contains five bagels for the same price.
A Whole Lot Less of the “good Stuff”
Food companies are becoming very picky about how they package their goods, and it appears that they are also cutting back on the good stuff. This yogurt’s tiny toppings almost didn’t appear, so that happened. An afternoon snack of yogurt with a bit of chocolate is the best. But next time, you might want to pick a different brand because this one doesn’t have much in it.

Most likely, everyone who has eaten this yogurt knows that the chocolate that comes with it is what makes it great. It looks like that’s no longer the case.
Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (chocolate Chips Not Included)
It’s possible that Breyer’s forgot to add the right number of chocolate chips to this batch of ice cream, or they meant to add a lot less in general. There’s nothing better than ice cream chunks, and most people who like chocolate Chip go straight for the chips. The small number we saw on one hand disappointed us.

Looking for the chunks is the best part of eating a pint of ice cream. However, the container contained no chocolate chip chunks.
This Person Couldn’t Understand Why They’re New Utensil Holder Always Tipped Over but the Old One Didn’t
They bought the same tool holder they used at home, but it kept falling over, leading them to believe it was a waste of money. They weighed the two of them by putting them on a scale. Less stability means less weight. The newer one was lighter than the older one, which doesn’t make sense since they’re meant to be made of the same stuff.

The person who took this picture went to Ikea to buy a new utensil holder. When they saw that it kept falling over, things became unclear and suspicious.
We Have Bad News for Oreo Fans Who Only Like the Stuffing
When watching your weight, you may choose smaller Oreo cookies, but you may miss out. The main reason for this is that someone has noticed that the cookie is thinner, but the cream doesn’t reach the tip. It doesn’t matter if you want a thinner or bigger cookie; the cream should always be worth it, especially when you’re eating an Oreo.

After seeing this picture, we are sure that everyone should support the double-stuffed Oreos over the smaller ones for a number of important but mostly tasty reasons.
How Dare They Call This Double Stuf?!
People can actually tell that something has changed because Oreos aren’t giving away as many double-stuffed cookies as they used to. It’s true—double-stuffed Oreos used to look like they had a lot of cream in the middle, but now they just look like regular stuffed cookies. We hope that this picture finds its way to Oreo’s main office so that Double Stuf Oreo can get back on track.

No one is disappointed when they buy double-stuffed Oreos because they have extra cream in the middle of each cookie. It turns out that it’s no longer there.
Big Macs Aren’t so Big Anymore
The name used to spell out what a Big Mac was, but now that they’re smaller, it’s time for a new name. It used to be that the Big Mac made people want to get a bigger burger for less money. These days, they’re much smaller and cost a lot more. While you’re thinking about getting a Big Mac, try to find a coupon code first.

The purpose of a Big Mac is to be large. It seems that people have very different ideas about what a food item is “sized” these days.
New vs. discontinued: Same price, but 3.2 Ounces Less
To begin, we can say that the smell booster, which had been taken off the market, was still easily found here. It was also much bigger than the newer ones. Everything about them is pretty much the same, except for size. That’s too awful for anyone who liked putting these in their freshly washed clothes. The people who buy those things might want to look for a new brand.

There’s no doubt that laundry scent boosters make your clothes smell ten times better than you thought they could.
A brand-new container of baby powder
There’s no need for the extra plastic here, since the bottle is only about half full. This approach lacks eco-friendliness, as the unused portions of the container could have yielded numerous other products. They could have used those empty parts to create a whole new bottle of baby powder. Don’t worry about being eco-friendly; that would make more sense and save money.

The only truly new aspect of this baby powder bottle is its price, as it remains unopened. Most people believe that an unopened bottle should be slightly more than half full.
The Pointless Part That No Gum Chewer Asked For
Some individuals may find this packing acceptable, and they might even overlook the possibility of adding an extra piece of gum to the pack. Some people, like the person who took this picture, wanted bigger and better things to happen. What’s the point of those two tiny lines in that huge, empty space? Why not put another piece of tasty gum there instead?

This package could have had an extra piece of gum inside, but they chose to leave it empty to save money.
They are on dating sites versus who they are in real life
Toothpaste is something that everyone should always have enough of. A lot of people like to buy a bigger tube so that it lasts longer, which is what we do. The tube could have held more toothpaste and moved less in the box if it was bigger. The tube is only about half the size of the box.

It makes sense that the toothpaste tube inside this package would be about the same length as the tube it came in, but it looks like we were all wrong.
Someone’s cat is about to lose some weight.
Quality and price don’t always go together as well as they should. This cat food is expensive but may be low-quality. This brand used to be only $55 for 24 cans that weighed 5.8 oz each. The whole case for 5.1-ounce cans costs about $62, so cat owners will have to pay a lot more for smaller cans.

The world’s most expensive cat food may not be this, but we wouldn’t be surprised.
“Put the Last Cookies Face Down—They’ll Never Notice”
The act of tearing open a brand-new package of Oreo cookies is rewarding in and of itself, as is the perfectly organized taste. At least, that’s how it felt. There’s something strange about this box of Oreos. Instead of filling the rows to the brim, the last few cookies are lying down. This leaves about three more cookies empty.

Putting each of the last few cookies in the row face down makes it look like Oreo was trying to pull a quick one on their customers.
A Salad Dressing Called Out on the Internet
Someone wrote on Twitter that they didn’t like how the new salad dressing had more calories and was smaller than the old one. If you can believe it, that company did react to the complaint and even gave a satisfactory reason for the changes they made. Their customers “don’t often finish the whole bottle,” but no one is sure if that’s really the case.

At least the company that packs these dressings appears to be explaining online why they made the “even tastier” version smaller than the standard one.
The Best Part Is That the Smaller Pasta Box Was More Expensive
There is a big difference between these two boxes of pasta. The first one costs a little less than a dollar and has 454 grams of pasta in it, while the second one costs $1.97 and has less pasta. We probably wouldn’t notice the difference in the amount of pasta, but the price difference is big.

Being able to eat more from your dinner plate means that the pasta box is nice and full. A reduction of thirty-four grams is significant, particularly considering the increased cost.
To conceal the fact that there is one less taco, we changed the font.
They are selling two kinds of the same chicken and cheese taco in this Canadian grocery store. The only thing that’s different is the number of taquitos in each box. It might take two blinks to notice, but one box contains one more taquito than the other. If people notice the difference, they can still buy the box with more tacos.

Other than the font, this product has undergone some changes. There is now one taquito left, and they even took one out of the shot.
Large Dinosaur Nuggets Are Going Extinct
The smaller dinosaur nuggets still taste great, but they’re getting tiny that it will be impossible to see them under a microscope one day. Fortunately, we can still consume the larger ones for the time being. It’s possible that this particular nugget was the only one of its kind, and that the rest of the ones in the store are still the normal size. We hope that’s the case for all dinosaur nugget fans around the world.

Like their predecessors, dinosaur nuggets are going extinct, and they look even smaller than they did before. This means that it might be time to go back to chicken nuggets.
These chocolate bars take only nine grams to eat.
Even though a dark chocolate pretzel bar sounds great, the weight on the package is wrong. It says it weighs 50 grams, but there are only 41 grams of chocolatey goodness inside, so it’s not worth the money. This customer is lucky that they had a scale nearby, because otherwise it would not have been clear that something wasn’t right.

Who wouldn’t want the specified amount of chocolate on the package? That’s why no one ever wants their chocolate bar to be smaller than it says it is.
Say It With Us: Toilet Paper Core Size Matters
Actually, the size of a paper towel’s core doesn’t always determine the size and quantity of the towel’s role. These people were a little confused when they saw that the chain brand they had just bought looked bigger than the regular one. It’s possible that they weigh the same, or the off-brand is bigger than the brand name without taking the core into account.

To show how much bigger the cores seem to be in the newer paper towel rolls, these customers even brought along their regular role core as a scale.
Toast that a shrink ray hit
There was a customer who didn’t know what to do with this package of toast or garlic bread. They were running low on the special toast that they had bought three weeks earlier, so they went to get a new pack for Thanksgiving. Before putting the two pieces from different boxes in the oven, the buyer realized they weren’t even close in size.

We all agree that bigger toast is better. This one will still taste great, but we’d all like to know why the new one is only half as big.
Get Your Hands off Our Toilet Paper!
There is something secretly wrong with the 2021 version of toilet paper that looks exactly the same as the 2019 version. Most people won’t put their toilet paper on a scale to see how much it weighs, but this person did it because they could. Newer version was lighter than old one, which could mean less product.

These people have been saving toilet paper since 2019, but we’ll never know why. When they wanted to compare it to newer ones, it came in handy.
Candy Bars That Aren’t Afraid to Lie
The Twix box should have been as long as a yard, but it appears they simply lied. Instead of putting enough chocolates in the box, they put fewer and hid it by moving things. They may have thought that no one would notice, but it’s difficult to miss.

It sounds great to buy a box of Twix chocolate bars that is a yard long. Everything was going smoothly until the buyer opened the box.
So that people could hold it better, they say they shrunk the bottle.
The new Softsoap bottle is smaller than the old ones, so someone asked the company on social media why. The company responded by thanking the customer for reaching out and saying they switched to smaller bottles to make their sizes more marketable. We’re not sure what that means, but if you do, please let us know.

Many individuals observe discrepancies in product packaging on a daily basis, yet not all of them have the courage to confront the company online.
It looks like everything is getting smaller except garlic cloves.
The cook couldn’t figure out why the measurements on these two different lids of the same brand of garlic seemed to say two different things. It looked like the garlic with the bottom lid was smaller, but the cloves got bigger, so the measurement changed. That’s the more optimistic view, since everything seems to be getting smaller.

Right now, everything looks smaller, even the boxes that things come in. But there is good news: this brand of garlic may be getting bigger.
Legos that have been changing backwards
It’s possible that the price has gone down with size, since the newer version of this Lego spaceship is much smaller than the one that came out eleven years ago. It might be easier to build, but it’s not as cool to look at. Regardless of the size, this is still a very cool collector’s item that would look wonderful in the home of any Star Wars fan.

The older version of this set is better for Lego gathering and building, unless you don’t mind how much it shrinks.
There may or may not be a brand-new method to roast.
Even though Folger’s tried to clear up any confusion when someone tweeted about them, their explanation doesn’t really make sense. They said that the newer roast is smaller than the older one, but they can make 400 cups more because they’ve invented a secret way to roast beans that makes the lighter ones taste just as good as the heavier ones.

Followers say they have a new way of baking their beans that makes them lighter, but the more you try to understand it, the less sense it makes.
At Domino’s, the 10-Wing Deal is over.
This news source says that Domino’s Pizza used to sell ten chicken wings for $7.99, but that deal is no longer available. That number is going down to eight, which will make a difference on your dinner plate if you go there for a meal. This change is worst because the ten wings will cost the same.

When people go to Domino’s Pizza, they usually just order pizza. If you really like wings, though, you might be upset about the change.
Finally, food that fits in one bag.
Mini hotdogs and a tiny amount of peanut butter aren’t enough for a snack, but at least they’re simple to carry around. These are just fun little toys, and most food companies that sell their products in grocery stores make larger sizes. However, we wouldn’t mind if snacks came in miniature sizes because that sounds a lot more fun than picking up a regular one off the shelf.

Even though these things aren’t food, it’s okay to daydream about them. There’s nothing better than a shopping trip where everything fits in one bag.
The Glory Days of Cheap Rice Are Gone
People are used to seeing pretty stable prices for things like rice at the grocery store. But someone noticed that food prices have quickly changed in the UK, where the cheapest pasta isn’t so cheap anymore. Some shoppers say that prices have changed a lot for things like pasta, rice, baked beans, canned spaghetti, and even bread. This means that there’s no such thing as being cheap anymore.

Indeed, 45 p.m. used to be the cheapest price in Britain. Unfortunately, that same bag now costs £1, which is 344% more expensive.