Amusingly Honest Slogans That Expose the Truth Behind Famous Food Brands

1. Lay’s

Or you open a bag of Lay’s chips, and there are four chips while the rest of the bag is air? But who is going to shell out for a sack of just air? OK so yes, the air keeps the chips intact in transit, but is there really that much excess air?
2. Activia

Activia is a probiotic yoghurt that contains probiotics, which helps with balance of the digestive system. Basically, it aids with bowel movements. Such as Dannon, who sold it with Jamie Lee Curtis, and it worked. There are millions of probiotics in each cup, and hey, if you’re a little backed up that’s wonderful.
3. Perrier

Perrier water is like that fancy pants water that costs a fortune at a restaurant thus making you feel fancy when you order it as it goes well with your lobster or ravioli. Tastes like any other sparkling water but comes in that gorgeous green glass bottle. This is the only water you should be sipping on if you have ever wanted to feel bougie. The store-brand is equal to it, if not superior.
4. Starbucks

Even if nice, they will spell your name wrong — and serve you decaf if rude. The same goes for their coffee which is oily and burned, although perhaps that is my own issue.
5. McDonalds

The biggest fast food of them all, McDonald’s dollar menu is the lowest of the low fast food dollars, but let’s be real — when you want to spend no money or hardly any money, it’s your best bet. Their lacks any real message save, perhaps, “I’m lovin’ it, and only have $4.”
6. Pepsi

You know when you ask for a Coke, and then they go “We only have Pepsi”. That little twinge of disappointment at the idea of having only Pepsi available. Pepsi is a sometimes — or go for the H2O instead. It’s just not good like Coke.
7. Sprite

And even though Sprite is supposed to be lemon-lime, we can see it does taste Skittles-ish, come to think of it. The taste of sprite is mostly sugar but it is so good.
8. Halls

Have you ever been in dire need of a sweet fix and all that was available was Halls cough drops? Their flavors are straight up candy, meaning you’ll want to stay away unless you’re actually sick. Perhaps, because they were so delicious, you medicated a little more than necessary! And nigga its okay we not gonna tell nobody.
9. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter

You can tell that “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” isn’t butter, unless you never had real butter in your life. They can attempt to convince us otherwise until they are blue in the face, but we all know that this is not the real deal. They made good effort but nothing beats real butter.