Hilarious Kitchen Fails That’ll Boost Your Cooking Confidence

1. Birthday Cake Gone Wrong

This is a prime example of noticing things kids do not like. We don’t know the intents of the maker of the Löwenstück. This cake was created by one person for her friend daughter birthday. Predictably, one of the children began crying.
2. Egg with Rice For Visitor Alien

That person just wanted a damn breakfast Good intentions, poor outcome. And for at least generating lol-worthy memes. This one, for example, is the face you do when you turn on the phone at night.
3. “Hey, Where Are My Glasses?”

The baker probably lost their pair of glasses — they just powered through. Again, we can not fault the baker since he or she probably didnenter the glasses there to begin with.
4. Creating Lava

You have no idea if this guy is attempting on becoming a chef or a mad scientist hell bent on taking over the world. It looks like they had a failed simple attempt at caramel and somehow captured the sun.
5. Main Reason Why You Shouldn’t Cook

You gotta love how you can screw up spaghetti even. The chef must have turned on the burner high and forgot that hewas assisting the spagetti slip down into the pan.
6. Better Buy a Rice Cooker Next Time

One just makes it so relative to how easy is to do this kind of disaster and how dificult of understanding. What is for sure is this is not just some rice that has created this hilarious mess.
7. Pancake Goals

This photo deserves the definition of “perfection” And it turned out to be just as predicted, didn’t it? It’s clear to see the fairy really loves Donald Trump and also has his hair.
8. Nuclear Lunch

And what is more ignorant than not knowing that foods can cause a great deal of devastation (which might become true if we do not prepare sustainable futures). We can hardly shake the thought that it is actually high-jacket on the box that reads: «nuke to devour» себя
9. Beginner Sushi Chef

This chef definitely loved cooking sushi ekonomisk. There is a few better ways than this. Trust us, you must try this recipe for minimalist sushi.
10. Creativity at Its Best

While it is kind of a hack, whatever, still we can call it fail cause we see it fails. Different perspective people! If you wanna cook but broke, this looks like a good plan.
11. This Is The Guy Who Wrote The Label That Says “WARNING: Do Not Use Over An Open Flame”

We can not comment on this one because here whatever has happened can make a sane person angry. One wonders how anyone can be so blind that they cannot recognize that this is an electric kettle.
12. Ceramic Fail

That is how ceramic will break, when you have no idea how ceramic works. Directly heating the bottom of the ceramic on the stove top then causes it to break.
13. Close Enough

The correct number of petals is all this picture had going for it. Everything except that, is incorrect about it. But you have to give a little love and hope that this baker never ever does this again (or ever bake again).
14. Making the Best Use of Bread Maker

It looks like the dreaded fungi bread the masses should never consume. We just hope that she practiced and improved! Given that, she does not want to waste her Christmas gift.
15. Expectation vs. Harsh Reality

It is nice that she had hope, though that person grossly underestimated what the real world is like. I don’t even know what to call this thing. We can’t say if it’s a fat horse or something else entirely, but who really cares!
16. Understanding Kitchen Utensils

And this is yet another reason why people should possess a basic knowledge of common kitchen tools — Allowing something like this to happen in the fired clay pot because of the heat. Well at least he taught this guy a thing or two.