Luxury Foods Ranked by Price: The Most Expensive Delicacies

Sekai Ichi Apples ($21 per Apple)

Japan is known for having very expensive foods, and this apple is a case in point. Each Sekai Ichi apple can cost around $21. They’re a bit bigger than normal apples, as you can probably tell from the picture. The Sekai Ichi apples are a cross between red and golden apples. But that’s not the only thing that makes these apples unique. People say you should clean them with honey.


Although the effects on the apple itself are unclear, reports suggest that they have a mild, sweet taste and a firm texture. People only buy the ones that are the same.

Da Hong Pao Tea (around $45 per Pound)

Like coffee, people have long associated tea with special occasions. In a specific region of Japan, people cultivate da hong pao tea on trees planted in mountainous terrain. An auction once sold leaves from what was believed to be a mother tree for an astounding $21,700. You can buy tea leaves for about 45 pounds. But because it’s cheaper, we suggest sticking with the more popular type.


Given the type of dirt the trees grow in and the appearance of the leaves, it makes sense that these tea leaves taste like wood.

Pistachios from Iran cost approximately $68 per pound

If you like pistachios, you already know why they made our list. They can cost a lot, especially when compared to other nuts. This is because the majority of the world’s peanuts originate from Iran. Also, it takes the trees more than ten years to start making fruit. There are now a lot more pistachio trees in California than there used to be, but not enough to meet demand and bring down the price.


Also, pistachios from Iran are known to be of high quality. Pistachios are believed to offer numerous health benefits, including aiding in gut health, which may not come as a surprise.

Oysters ($50 – $100 per Dozen)

If you live near a clam farm. However, many people do not reside near oyster-growing beaches, leading to an increase in the price of this once-cheap shellfish in recent years. However, many people do not reside near oyster-growing beaches, leading to an increase in the price of this once-cheap shellfish in recent years. Storms, pollution, and rising sea levels have destroyed oyster beds in some parts of the world, which has made the price go up even more. People who really know their oysters say that oysters from different areas taste different.


How do you cook your oyster? Raw or fried oysters typically cost less than their cooked counterparts. They can be dressed in a variety of ways.

Jamón Ibérico De Bellota ($50 per Pound)

A well-known kind of ham from Spain is Jamón Ibérico de Bellota. The cuts come from Iberian pigs, which are native to Spain and Portugal and are generally very thin. Pigs eat a lot of different things, but nuts are the most important because they help them get the right amount of fat for muscle. This is also why the cuts have their famous white marbling.


According to reports, Jamón Ibérico de Bellota has a spicy flavor with a hint of earthiness and nutty undertones. Also, the thin pieces should be so soft that they melt in your mouth.

Mānuka Honey (up to $120 per Jar)

Most likely, you haven’t heard of Mānuka honey unless you’ve lived in Australia or New Zealand. People say that this kind of honey is a little bitter, but it has a lot of taste and isn’t as thick as most honey. Additionally, people believe it to be healthier than regular honey, already considered one of the healthiest foods. Since more people know about it now, the price has gone through the roof.

Wikimedia Commons/Grey Geezer

One big difference between Mānuka honey and others is that it only uses pollen from one kind of flower, and that flower only blooms for a short time each year.

Animal Farm Butter (around $60 per Pound)

Only a family-run creamery in a small town in Vermont produces this cultured butter, something even Michelin-starred chef Thomas Keller is unaware of. Since the creamery’s owner retired a few years ago, a family from outside the area took over the business. The New York Times wrote about the story because it was so important. You can buy this cultured butter today for about $60 a pound.


That is, if you can find it at all. Chefs in six countries typically receive it immediately after it sells out. According to some, it tastes very mild, earthy, and sweet.

It costs about $63 a pound for Caciocavallo Podolico

Most of us know that some cheeses cost a lot of money. One of the most expensive ones is Casiocavallo podolico. This unusual cheese has a shape that makes it look more like a veggie or root than a cheese. The southern part of Italy produces it using milk from a podolico cow. The cows eat only certain things, like berries, juniper, and other herbs and fruits that sound delicious.


Despite the cow’s resemblance to an ox, Italy and the world consider the cheese it produces to be among the best.

Edible Gold (around $70 for a Couple Grams)

It might look like edible gold is the ultimate treat, but it’s not as expensive as some of the other things on this list. Often, people serve it alongside more expensive dishes to enhance the opulence of the meal. On the other hand, the gold leaf doesn’t really add any taste; it’s just there. Also, it doesn’t taste like metal like you might think it would.


It’s real gold, but it costs a lot less than regular gold because it’s not as heavy as, say, a full chunk of gold.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (around $75 per 100ml Bottle)

Of course you know that olive oil can be pricey, but did you know that some types can cost up to $75 a bottle? The most expensive type is extra virgin olive oil, considered to be the best. When it comes to names, the Greek brand Lambda can get pretty pricey. Some of Greece’s oldest olive trees press olives while they are still raw to make Lambda.


People often claim that the olives produced by an older tree are superior. If that’s true, Lambda may be right when it says it’s better than everyone else.

Matcha Green Tea Powder ($80 per Pound)

Matcha has become more well-known over the years. You might have heard of it, but not that it’s green tea powder. The leaves come from starting-to-pick tea trees and can only be picked in certain places. This explains why a pound of matcha powder can cost approximately $80. The trees also need a certain kind of weather and dirt to grow.

Wikimedia Commons/SzokeAdrienn

Matcha is believed to have many health benefits. For example, it has a lot of antioxidants, which help the immune system get rid of cancer cells. Besides that, it has a lot of fiber.

Sembikiya Queen Strawberries ($85 per Package)

The price of these ruby-red strawberries will make you glad to pay whatever the grocery store charges for strawberries. Twelve Sembikiya queen strawberries cost about $85 each. People adore the taste and consistency of these strawberries, which are exclusively available at the fruit shop in Japan that bears their name. Numerous fruit stands offer a variety of varieties, each claiming to be the best, but these are the ones that are guaranteed to satisfy.

Flickr/Yusuke Kawasaki

If you ever decide to buy a bunch of these strawberries, you’ll probably notice that they are all pretty much the same size, shape, color, and taste.

Guisante Lágrima (from $100 – $300 a Pound)

A simple pea? Who would have thought it would make it onto the list? So, this isn’t your average pea. Only the Basque area of Spain can cultivate it due to its specific soil and weather requirements. Spanish cooks have been using Guisante lagrima for a long time, but as it gains global attention, the price of these peas has increased to meet demand. Additionally, the majority of these beans remain hand-picked.


“Green caviar,” as it’s sometimes known, is without a doubt the most expensive pea you can buy, and reviews say it’s well worth the high price.

Fugu ($135 a Pound)

Most likely, you have never heard of fugu. You may have heard of pufferfish, however. In Japanese, the area’s pufferfish is known as fugu. In certain Japanese restaurants, it costs about $135 per pound. Why is it so expensive? The poisonous nature of the fish necessitates extensive training for chefs to ensure they don’t serve their guests their final meal.

Flickr/Peter Kaminski

Getting licensed is also a lengthy and strict process that they have to go through. It’s interesting to note that properly cooked innards can have a mild numbing effect.

Geisha Coffee (around $145 per Pound)

People have always thought of coffee as a high-end product, but some people believe that Geisha coffee is the best version of this old drink. Ethiopia is where the coffee beans come from. Some people say it tastes a little sweet, with flowery flavors. Due to its limited growth and high demand, the asking price is extremely high. However, coffee fans say the price is well worth it.


Ethiopia and other countries around the world are now growing coffee beans, but the prices haven’t decreased significantly. We hope that one day this coffee will be cheap enough for everyone to try.

Wasabi (from $150 – $250 a Pound)

Has anyone ever had sushi? If so, they may have given you something that the restaurant called “wasabi.” However, only the most expensive sushi restaurants serve real wasabi, which comes at a high price. It costs between $150 and $250 a pound for this spicy plant. As a result, it requires very specific temperatures and natural spring water to grow. This makes it extremely rare and limited to cultivation in Japan.


Most of the things you see at sushi places are just horseradish and mustard powder. People also think that real wasabi is beneficial for you in many ways.

Wagyu ($200 a Pound)

In the last few decades, Wagyu has slowly become more famous, but that hasn’t helped bring down the price much. Many people think this is the best steak you can buy because of its unique coloring, taste, and texture. It’s named Wagyu after the breed of cows that the beef comes from. People say that thinly sliced steak almost melts in your mouth.

Wikimedia Commons/Matsubokkuri

It probably goes without saying, but you shouldn’t get this steak well done. Instead, keep the middle pink to retain most of the flavor.

Kan Yao Durian ($200 per Fruit)

This is one of the few expensive fruits that isn’t from Japan. It is called Kan Yao Durian and comes from Thailand. According to the story, this fruit is both rich and delicious. Sometimes these fruits are auctioned off to wealthy people for astronomical amounts of money, but most can be bought for $200.


Another thing that this type of durian is known for is its long stalk. There are a few other types of durian that are also very popular and are often seen as status symbols.

Le Bonnotte Potatoes (around $225 per Pound)

Even the humble potato has a place in the world of high-end foods. Let’s discuss le bonnotte potatoes. Only one island in the Bay of Biscay can grow these potatoes, and harvesting occurs only once a year. This is one potato that you don’t want to peel because it needs sandy soil to grow. People say that the skin has most of the unique taste.


The price per pound can change a lot from season to season because they’re only picked on one day of the year. People claim that feeding them with seaweed enhances their growth.

Goose Barnacles (around $225 a Pound)

Goose barnacles cost different amounts depending on where you buy them, just like other fish. In places close to the coast, they’ll be less expensive, but deeper into the land, they might cost a lot. But these aren’t the barnacles you usually see on ships. They often hang out in the water near the Iberian Peninsula.


You only eat the “neck” of the barnacle, and you can cook it in a number of ways, such as boiling or cooking it. They can also be eaten without cooking.

Kopi Luwak (around $275 per Pound)

There is a very special way that kopi luwak coffee is made before it is drunk. The Asian palm civet must break them down before eating them. So, yes, it’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like. However, testers say it has a distinct, rich flavor. It’s pretty much the cook’s job to ferment the coffee beans. This process also contributes to the high cost of these beans.

Wikimedia Commons/Wibowo Djatmiko

The only coffee that costs more than Kopi Luwak is. Our guess is that it’s also one of the world’s most unusual ways to process things.

Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale Di Modena (around $200 an Ounce)

Italy protects Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena, a specific brand of balsamic vinegar. Prices can be very different, but this brand costs about $200 an ounce, which makes it one of the world’s most expensive foods. It has maintained its quality for approximately 25 years, surpassing the longevity of many wines. In Italy, you can choose from a huge number of vinegars.


According to popular belief, vinegar that is darker and sweeter tends to be more expensive and of higher quality. In some ways, this pricing and value system is similar to how people value wine.

Matsutake Mushrooms (around $275 per Pound)

There are a lot of different kinds of rare mushrooms that can sell for a lot of money. Matsutake mushrooms, on the other hand, are some of the most sought-after. They can only grow at the base of red pine trees, which are going away because of an invading worm. That’s one reason why these mushrooms are so expensive. People also love the way they taste, which is said to be a mix of sweet and earthy.


Some people think these mushrooms might not be around for much longer because the trees they live under are slowly dying out and individuals really want them.

Madagascar Vanilla ($300 a Pound)

No matter where they come from, real vanilla beans are expensive. But those from Madagascar are especially sought after and can cost up to $300 a pound. That’s because vanilla beans grown in Madagascar have more of the chemical that gives vanilla its flavor than beans grown in other places. People, not bees like in other places, have to pollinate Madagascar vanilla, which is different from other types.

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It’s fascinating that Madagascar not only grows the best vanilla in the world, but it also grows more vanilla than any other country. Madagascar vanilla’s price is still very high.

Hop Shoots (around $360 per Pound)

Those of you who drink beer probably know what “hops” mean. Hops are a key ingredient in the beverage’s creation. However, one can also consume the unripe green shoots of the hop plant. They’ve become more famous in recent years, which has made them more expensive. Some people claim they can help with sleep problems, stress, and worry. Some people say it tastes like asparagus.


However, due to their health benefits and the labor-intensive nature of handpicking, they fetch a significantly higher price.

Pule Cheese (around $450 per Pound)

Pulse cheese uses about 25 liters of milk from special Balkan horses. In addition, only about 100 horses’ milk goes into making this extremely rare cheese. People say the cheese tastes very strong and feels a bit like chalk. It should be a little sour but smooth and well-balanced. It’s one of the strangest and most expensive cheeses in the world.

YouTube/Great Big Story

Because there are a limited number of makers and horses, the price can fluctuate significantly. It undergoes aging for a minimum of seven months, and in some cases, even longer.

Moose Cheese (around $550 per Pound)

Most people don’t think of milking a moose when they see one for the first time, but the first person likely had business acumen. A pound of moose cheese can cost around $50. The cheese made from moose milk is very expensive because the milk is only produced for a short time. We also believe that the high price is due to the milk’s high quality.

Pexels/Polina Tankilevitch

One farm in Sweden is the only place in the world that makes cheese. However, reports indicate that other farms in various parts of the world are about to commence operations.

Heligan Pineapple ($1,200 per Pineapple)

Heligan The U.K. grows pineapples, making it an unlikely destination for those seeking the world’s most expensive pineapple. A single pineapple can take up to three years to fully ripen, which is one reason for the high price. In Victorian times, pineapples were grown on the same land as today, but new growers had to learn the right way.


In 1997, the late Queen Elizabeth II received some of the first pineapples grown here as a wedding anniversary present. People say they aren’t as stringy as some other pineapples.

Saffron (anywhere From $500 – $2000 a Pound)

Due to its meticulous cultivation and high cost, saffron ranks among the world’s most expensive spices. The stigma of saffron flowers is used to make the spice, and each flower only makes a few strands. Indian food has long used saffron, despite its primary cultivation and harvesting in Iran. A single pound of saffron needs about 75,000 flowers to make it.

Wikimedia Commons/Salonik Saffron

Apart from that, manual labor is required to harvest everything. While the process is labor-intensive, the vast fields of flowers required to produce saffron are aesthetically pleasing.

Horse Chestnut Oil (around $1,400 per 1,000ml)

Most chestnuts aren’t too expensive, but horse chestnut oil is very valuable. This is due to its numerous health benefits for the skin. Good-for-your-face products often come at a high price. People think that horse chestnuts grown in Morocco are the best. As an intriguing side note, these chestnuts are poisonous when eaten raw and can even kill you.


You can use the oil not only for cooking, but also occasionally as a spread or sauce. The oil’s price is what distinguishes it as “liquid gold.”

Ethical Foie Gras (around $1,500 per Pound)

In France, foie gras has always been considered a luxury item. However, due to growing concerns about the production process, some companies are now producing ethical foie gras, which can fetch even higher prices. Duck and goose livers are used to make foie gras. In the past, people force-fed the animals to fatten their livers and increase profits.


People have eaten foie gras since the Egyptians invented it, even though France is known for it.

Black Périgord Truffle ($1,700 per Pound)

The black Périgord truffle has a name that makes you think it will cost a lot. In France’s Perigod area, they can only be found near oak and hazelnut trees. Also, the season is very short—it only lasts a few months. People describe their taste as slightly sweet, spicy, and earthy. In addition to other natural ingredients, there are hints of pepper and hazelnut in the taste.

Wikimedia Commons/moi-même

Because they are so expensive, getting a big truffle is like hitting gold. Most people don’t eat them whole, though. Some people even call them “the black diamond” because they are so sought after.

Swiftlet Nests (around $1,800 per Pound)

People in Asia mostly eat swiftlet nests, and the practice of collecting them has caused worry in recent years. People say they taste excellent and have a lot of energy. Some people also eat them because they think they are beneficial for you. Cave swiftlets build the nests with pretty much just their dried saliva. However, in recent years, demand has led to an excessive gathering.

Wikimedia Commons/Kowloonese

Both the Chinese government and other groups have tried to stop people from overharvesting, but some people have kept going after them anyway. People often utilize the nests to prepare bird nest soup.

Ayam Cemani Chicken ($2,500 per Chicken)

People in Indonesia, where this unique chicken resides, believe it possesses almost magical powers. One can sell a black chicken for approximately $2,000. The genes that make the bird’s black feathers also make its bones, innards, and meat black. So far, scientists have found that the meat is somewhat healthier than white meat from regular chickens, but they are still looking into how much healthier it is. They do not keep the chickens in large cages, allowing them to roam freely.

Wikimedia Commons/Kangwira

The birds receive meticulous care due to their high cost. People really want this chicken’s blood, but the blood is red instead of white like the rest of its body.

Pacific Bluefin Tuna (around $3,600 – $5,000 per Pound)

You may have heard of bluefin tuna and know how pricey they can be. These fish, which are very strong and quick, are excellent examples of how evolution works. The design of nearly every part of the fish’s body enables them to move swiftly through the water. This is also a contributing factor to their delicious flavor. People want meat that has a lot of flavor.


Here is the average price for a bluefin tuna. However, these fish can and often do sell for millions of dollars at markets in Japan, which is known for having the best.

Taiyo No Tamago Mango (two for $4,000)

To get the best result possible, Japanese farmers work very hard and spend a lot of time on these melons. At every stage of growth, they closely monitor the melons and even place protective materials around them to soften the fall when they’re ready to be harvested. Some people think that this is the best way to let the fruit grow up. These mangos don’t have a stringy feel like some other melons do.


People who have tried them also say they are just the right amount of sweet and sour. At $4,000 a pair, though, that number of people is pretty small.

Tartufo Bianco D’Alba (around $6,000 per Pound)

Only the Piedmont region of Italy produces Tartufo bianco d’Alba truffles. Due to their high cost, only the most expensive meals utilize them. People say they taste a little like dirt and garlic, as well as being a little sweet. They also need a certain kind of dirt to grow. Those with the means occasionally grate these truffles and sprinkle them over pasta to infuse it with an exclusive flavor.

Wikimedia Commons/Marco Plassio

These are some of the rarest and most expensive truffles in the world. On the outside, they look like simple roots or vegetables. They are also known as Piedmont white truffles.

Densuke Watermelon ($6,000)

This may be the strangest watermelon you’ve ever seen, and it sells for a strange price. People in Japan love these watermelons because they taste so different from other watermelons. People say they are crisp and firm, but we don’t know how much crisper and harder they are than regular watermelons. They also reportedly contain fewer seeds than regular watermelons. They look like other watermelons on the inside, despite the fact that they are black.


The main reason for the high price is how difficult it is to find these melons. People also claim that these melons are significantly sweeter than regular varieties. However, it’s up to you to decide if they’re sweet enough to price.

Beluga Caviar (around $3,200 – $10,000)

On this list, there must be some kind of caviar. Despite the name “beluga caviar,” beluga whales do not actually harvest it. Instead, it comes from beluga sturgeons that live in the Caspian Sea. These sturgeon don’t lay as many eggs as other types of sturgeon, and it takes them about 20 to 25 years to develop and reach the point where they can lay yolks. People who have tried it love the way it tastes.


People who tried it said it was very smooth and had a lot of taste, with hints of butter and salt. The beluga sturgeon is an endangered species, like most other types of sturgeon. This implies that the U.S. and other regions prohibit its importation.

Ruby Roman Grapes (around $10,000)

Red Roman grapes, like many other expensive fruits, are exclusive to Japan. There are different prices, but some have gone for as much as $10,000 for a bunch. Some people claim that the grapes taste similar to wine grapes, and they are significantly larger than most other varieties. A big part of the price comes from the work and care that goes into each bunch of grapes.


A lot of people want it, which makes the price go up. Despite the grapes’ reputation for sweetness and juiciness, their cost remains high.

Almas Caviar (around $14,000 per Pound)

There isn’t much Almas caviar left, so it’s one of the most expensive foods in the world. It comes from albino sturgeon, which is only found in the southern parts of the Caspian Sea and is related to beluga sturgeon. These eggs are yellow, not gray or black, like those from other beluga fish. According to reports, it tastes similar to other caviar caught from beluga fish, so the high price may be due to how rare it is.


No matter what the reason is, this caviar does come in small gold tins, so we guess you get some of your money back when you buy Almas caviar.

Glass Eels (around $16,000 per Pound)

It’s true that glass eels look like glass. They’re a type of clear eel that lives in Japan. Experts claim that a chef must dedicate years to mastering the art of cooking these eels, a fitting response considering their high cost. In Japan, glass eels are one of the few seafood items that cost more than bluefin tuna. Farmers grow many of these eels instead of catching them in the wild.


Supply and demand are a big part of the reason for the high price. People all over Asia want glass eels, but there aren’t enough to meet their needs.

Peri Bali (Elvish) Honey (around $20,500 per Pound)

There are many types of honey, some of which are expensive. Elvish honey can only be found in Turkey, and it is only picked from the sides of a cliff there. In 2009, a beekeeper had to pay skilled climbers to help him get about nine pounds of honey from the hives. This surely cost him some money. However, we’re certain he got his money back because of how much a bottle is worth.


People describe the honey as rich and slightly bitter, and they only harvest it once a year. The people who really want the best are very interested in it.

Yubari King Melon ($27,000)

The amount shown above is how much a Yubari King Melon went for at auction in 2017. Fruits that grow only in rocky soil are sweet, say people. There are also different grades based on things like sweetness, uniformity, and so on. Only one place in Japan can grow this melon. This is a theme that keeps appearing on the list.

Wikimedia Commons/Captain76

Others have reported that the interior of this melon is soft, unlike some others, and that it melts in your mouth. For that price, it’s better…

Zengcheng Hanging Green Lychee ($67,000)

The green lychee hanging from the zengcheng seems to have come from a Dr. Seuss book. In China, there is only one tree that produces this fruit. It is called the Xiyuangualu tree. The fruit that set the record price is said to have come from a 400-year-old tree that only gives birth to a few zengcheng hanging green lychees each year. Because they are so rare, people sell them by the fruit rather than by the weight.

Shutterstock/Vietnam Stock Images

People say these apples are soft and crisp at the same time. As you might expect, this crucial fruit in China has a fascinating past and a lot of stories about it.

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