Effortless and Brilliant Cooking Tips for Lazy Chefs

Make the Fluffiest Whip Cream by Shaking the Ingredients Inside a Jar

It shouldn’t be difficult to turn out silky whip cream Honestly, you don’t even need to use a hand whisk to whip cream; a recipe like that takes so much time and effort and elbow grease. Offer yourself some cream, powdered sugar, vanilla, plus any flavorings you prefer rather than that. Then, add all those into a clean jam jar or bottle and shake.


When done shaking, your cream should be light, fluffy, and so delicious. To be sure to mix it up just make sure that you screw on the jar tightly before you begin to shake it!

Get Ice-Cold Drinks in Minutes by Wrapping the Bottle in a Paper Towel

OK, technically some drinks are best at room temp, but doesn’t a cold beer (or a cold Dr. Pepper) on a hot day hit the spot? But how do you get this, umm, chill? Although some people simply put a bottle in the freezer to cool a drink, this hack you already know, if you want your drinks ice cold within a few minutes, is to put in the freezer a bottle wrapped in a wet paper towel.


As it turns out, the water inside the wet towel freezes much faster than the liquid stuck in bottle, so you wont have to wait long before enjoying an ice-cold beverage you’ve been eyeing all day.

If you use this jar trick, the peel will come right off of a boiled egg.

A cobb salad with a hard-boiled egg can be a champion midday snack. But if you want to know how to cheat the system, then peeling the shell of an egg can be a very messy and lengthy procedure to go through. The good news is that there’s a relatively simple trick that can transform the egg game for you. Simply place your egg into a jar of cold water and screw on the lid.

YouTube/Stephanie Martin

After that, you shake the jar well. About that time the shell should loosen, it should just pull off the egg with no problem.

For the best shape, microwave your tacos in a cup.

Tacos are 99% reliable. Well obviously, they taste good always – not just on a taco Tuesday. And while taco > sandwich, and god knows they are good enough to overcome that gap, tacos do lose points for structural integrity. Try as we may, these things when joined up appear to spill its contents all over our hands. They could put an end to that.


To preserve the shape and structure of your tortilla until you are done eating it, half-roll your tortilla into a microwave-safe cup and microwave it for 30 seconds.

A plastic bottle makes it easy to separate eggs.

A recipe that may call for separate egg yolks or egg white is infuriating for no reason. Separating eggs is a messy, tedious process that often leaves broken egg yolks that you have no use for! Fortunately, it doesn’t need to be so. So, with the plastic bottle, you can separate the whites balls from the egg without a fuss.


Your only task is to pin the opening of the bottle over the egg yolk. When you let go, the yolk should be sucked into the bottle.

To make grits or polenta cook faster, add baking powder.

If you’re a grits or polenta fan, you know that dishes like these are something edible that require time and really a lot of effort to prepare. These meals can sometimes take hours to prepare and a lot of people simply don’t have that time to spare. Fortunately, it’s a simple hack to ensure these dishes are just as delicious, when they take half the time to cook. And that trick has to do with baking soda.


Adding a pinch of baking soda dissolved in water expedites the cooking time without compromising in flavor. As long as you are careful not to use too much!

Separate all the kernels from the popcorn before you start to eat it.

That reminds me, everybody knows the popcorn battle, right? Popped popcorn is already great — but no one wants a fistful of hulls, right? Their flavor is downright terrible, and, as if that wasn’t enough, don’t even get me started on the pricey dental work we have all seen plenty of people get because of these little kernels! Luckily, though, there’s a failsafe method to guarantee kernel-free corn, and you don’t need to get fancy!


Microwave popcorn bags were created for your kernel disposal. Just unseal the bag a little and hold it upside down to shake them out of it.

It’s simple and quick to shred your chicken with a mixer.

The truth is, we live in an age where cooking need not be long-drawn-out. And you definitely should not have to spend your time manually shredding your chicken with your hands. In some cases the solution to their problems is right in front of their eyes. The reason being is that the easiest way to shred a chicken is by using a kitchen tool we all have at home. Yes, a mixer!


All you have to do is toss your chicken in a bowl, turn on your mixer, and bam! You will have shredded chicken in no time, allowing you to eat your delicious meal.

Freeze a lot of fresh garlic ahead of time so you always have it ready to use.

Come on, there is no dish without garlic, right? Of course you can purchase garlic granules or powder, but there is just nothing like fresh garlic in a recipe. But, some of us don’t have time to peel & chop fresh garlic! Which is why, bulk-freezing garlic in advance is something you will thank yourself for. This way, you will have a supply of fresh garlic every single day, all day long.

YouTube/Ommas Kitchen

To make this hack, the secret is to peel and chop a whole load of garlic, dump it all in the ice cube tray, and then freeze it. From there, you can just take one cube on demand!

Warm water and dish soap mixed together in a blender.

Anyone who has attempted to clean a blender knows it is not the most straightforward task. The nasty shape, the concealed blades it is considered several layers of mush will be forever caked on the bottom. Nonetheless, washing a mixer shouldn’t be that tough By using warm water and soap, and with a great hack in hand, you can have the blender cleaned in a couple of seconds.


Pour warm water and dish soap into your blender (fill about halfway) and run it on high for a little blitz. Just do not forget to put some lid on it!

Instead of using pizza dough, make tasty pizza at home on a tortilla.

Of course, if you live by yourself like I do yet enjoy pizza, welcome to the club of all of the most recurring issues. It forces you to either have overpriced pizza, a pizza so big from the store that it doesn’t fit your fridge or make it yourself — which takes hours! But it doesn’t have to. There’s no need for pizza dough if you want a homemade pizza in minutes. You need a tortilla instead.


Spread some marinara sauce and your toppings-of-choice on your tortilla, pop it in the oven, and voila! Pizza done easy.

Add cheese powder to your popcorn to make it taste better.

Granted, popcorn is amazing by itself. But what if we said you could easily dispense with all of this for something that you likely already have in the pantry? Macaroni & cheese popcorn is something we all should experience once, and it truly requires very little time and effort. In fact, it can be done in a matter of seconds.


When your popcorn is popped and in a bowl, just sprinkle some mac and cheese powder on it and voilà. It really is as easy as that.

To remove the seeds from Jiffy, soak your pomegranates in water.

Pomegranates are, of course, delicious—and that deliciousness is undeniable even if pomegranates are a bit infuriating in every sense. Removing the seeds from this fruit just takes forever and most of the time, it is not possible to completely de-seed the fruit. However, it shouldn’t be necessary. It will take you only a few minutes to de-seed one pomegranate using the so-called underwater method. And you don’t get pomegranate juice splattered all over yourself!

YouTube/Home Made Simple

All you have to do is halved the fruit and place it in a bowl of water. Then, begin to harvest the seeds and watch them sink to the bottom of the dish. The more you go, the richer the membrane should float!

Use a Skillet for Quicker Spaghetti

Now, one might think that cooking your spaghetti in a pot is a no-brainer move — and they would be correct. That’s the classic way to cook pasta, but who says you have to be so, well, classic? The key is this: Revise your approach and cook your spaghetti in the skillet, and the time taken is half because the water will boil twice as fast with a new setup and perspective. But that’s not all.


The starchy water you have in the skillet can help you upgrade your pasta sauce and make it something special and more suited to your taste buds. Because what is better than that right?

Put Your Garlic in the Microwave to Peel It Easily

Though fresh garlic is so much better than any of that grocery store stuff, peeling it can be a pain in the ass. Some days it feels like the cloves are glued to the bulb and you wind up with stinky hands, three days straight. But what you may now not recognise is that it even can help you to peel this cussed garlic in much less than a minute with the assist of a microwave.


Blasting the garlic in a microwave for about 20 seconds or so, you should find the cloves plopping out of the bulb with relative ease. So, there cannot be any more stink hands for you!

Quickly make overnight oats in a peanut butter jar for an effortless breakfast.

If you tend to hit your snooze button more times than you should, you might frequently rush out the door without eating breakfast. But of course, we all know breakfast is the most important of the three! Instead, why not set your breakfast the night before so it will be ready for you in the morning. Basically, a nearly-empty jar of peanut butter, some oats, and whatever topping(s) you want.


To enjoy a breakfast that gets you from breakfast to lunch, simply pour your oats + toppings into the peanut butter jar and shake it up; by morning you have a healthy, delicious meal waiting for you.

Anchovies are a healthy and protein-rich alternative to salt.

We want to say anchovies might be your new cooking BFF, whether you’re trying to step up your cooking or looking to cut back on a sodium bomb. While these fishy little dudes will scare some out of the kitchen, anchovies are a true all-rounder, capable of making nearly any dish zing. They have zero fishy taste when mixed into your food. Instead, they will complement the entire dish for a greater flavor profile.


If you want to avoid the fishy taste and just get the salt, then use only one or two anchovies in the dish. It doesn’t appear to be a game changer, but soon you’ll think to yourself “I wish I had known about this hack sooner!”

That way, you won’t have to cry when you peel your onions.

Peeling onions might be the most debated topic of all time. Of course, it’s said that the best remedy is to hold a chilled spoon against your tongue to avoid the watering of the eyes – but in Yan’s experience, you might need to wear ski goggles. But if you need some guaranteed onion-peeling without the tears, all you need is a bowl of warm water, and a couple of spare minutes.

YouTube/Matthew Francis

Soak onions in hot water for a few minutes before peeling them, and you can avoid the sting on your tear ducts. Or just go freeze them for 10-15 minutes!

If you don’t peel your mashed potatoes, you can save time and get more texture and nutrition.

Our entire lives, everyone has peeled their potatoes for mashed potatoes. This process treats the mix inside the tube, giving you a mash which is white and creamy But do you really want that? If you are tired of the same old mashed potatoes, you may as well skip peeling them at all Not only will it save you tremendously in the kitchen but you might just love your mashed potatoes more than ever.

YouTube/Inspired Taste

Potato skins will deliver an extra texture and flavor to your beetroot mash. And potato skins are so good for us, they can have up to 12 times more antioxidant than the flesh!

Quickly make your own deep-dish pizza.

Deep-dish pizza is pretty different from any other pizza out there and is known to have its roots in Chicago. It’s cheesy, it’s yummy, and it’s a filling meal. But most people think that if they want to eat deep-dish pizza, that they can only get it at a restaurant or fast food joint; wrong! And this little cooking trick is how you can make a deep-dish pizza in your own home.


Simply purchase a frozen grocery store pizza, thaw it for 20 minutes, put it in an oiled pan, and bake for 10 minutes. The best part? You can top it as you desire!

Instead of purchasing individual chicken parts, opt for a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken.

If you’re vegetarian, this hack might not do you any good, but if you really like chicken, you should pay attention! Particularly if you purchase individual chicken breasts, legs, and wings weekly for a selection of dishes. Because if you purchase one big rotisserie chicken you can save yourself some serious time and energy in the long run. Because, really, one rotisserie chicken does serve up all the components you need in one simple place.


Once you have your chicken, shred it into pieces and use them for various meals during the week. However, if you are aware that you will not finish all of it, ensure that you freeze it.

Turn Your Leftovers Into a Quiche

There is no reason for you to just go ahead and toss your leftovers in the garbage if you accidentally end up with too much food. Not only would they help someone in need, but they could also be used by you once again! Right, a quiche is one of the great ways to use the food at your disposal. And you sure will be even making this dessert over and over again.


Now the great thing about a quiche is that it can be whatever you want it to be! Just mix up your leftovers with egg, pour them into a pastry case and bake away.

Stop Thawing Frozen Fish

A fish might be the greatest way to add something more to something familiar, but if you love fish, you might have a whole drawer full of them — in your freezer. But how many of you defrost your fish before cooking it? The shocker is probably that you actually do not need to do any of it at all. Cooking your fish from frozen is perfectly safe, and will actually taste better if you cook it this way! And it will be convenient as hell for you.


Cooking your fish straight from the freezer means you never need to pre-plan your meals. Literally coming home from work, taking your fish from the freezer and preparing it on the spot.

Use a mug to make French toast.

Have you ever had such a hankering for French toast you were willing to handle all the dirty dishes that accompany making it? Well, we’re here to tell you, you don’t! For this sweet treat, all you’ll need is a mug to whip up the perfectly portioned easy-peasy French toast goodness. After that, you should tear off a few pieces of bread.


Then pour over a custard mixture of eggs, milk, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. Microwave for 1 minute, then all it with maple syrup and microwave that for an additional 15 seconds.

Paprika can quickly make you feel like you’re at a barbecue.

Food cooked on a barbeque just tastes better than other cooking methods, right? Actually, that may not be the case. Although not a lot of people like to barbeque after a long day at work, to get that flame-flavoured taste, you must not need to turn on your barbeque. By sprinkling some paprika over your meals, you can recreate the barbeque taste and flavor without all of the annoying extra work.


Paprika will introduce a touch of smokiness to your food that will have you longing for the summer. It’s not a perfect replica of the real deal barbeque, but it is pretty damn close.

Frozen Pastries Are Quick, Cheap, and Delicious

Take us in if you have the time to be making pastries every week. However, the average Joe does not have a few hours to laying out the dough and permitting it to bake. Fortunately, there is a hack around it. And it has to do with frozen pastries that you pick up in the frozen section of the supermarket degree and your credit score card.


Despite some wrinkled noses towards frozen pastries, these are built to be virtually deliciously efficient. And if you wish to make them your own, you can also add your own toppings!

For the best taste, heat up your leftovers in the microwave or oven.

Well perhaps eating leftovers is a good way to avoid food waste but everyone knows that leftovers tastes different than freshly cooked, right? For microwaving your leftovers, of course but that cannot be said for the microwave and then the oven switch. Food that has been reheated in the microwave by itself will lose that fresh texture, but this is readily solvable with an oven.


To heat up the interior, defrost your food in the microwave before putting it in the oven. Once you move to the oven you can work to shaping the outside.

You can make delicious homemade ramen with instant noodles.

Now, let’s be real here, instant noodles have a terrible reputation. And whether you want to eat instant noodles or not, we just want to say that you can actually make these instant noodles delicious, and also turn them into something really easy. In fact, they are perfect if you are looking to generate a no-fuss ramen right at your own, much cozier home! This is how they get flavour into ramen, and you can do it in minutes.


What is the person part of instant noodle ramen is that you can personalize it to your heart aware extent. Peanut butter can be added to the sauce, vegetables on the side, and so on.

Make a new meal out of your leftovers.

Leftovers are also a lifesaver when you have a busy week ahead and are making too much food. It takes only seconds for this food to be heated and only minutes before it will be inside your belly. But if you don’t want to eat, what you ate earlier in the week? Or in other words — reuse your scraps!


Get creative and repurpose your leftovers into another dish to change it up a bit. Which led me to this burrito — why not repurpose some left over rice? Or maybe a buddha bowl?

We can help you by providing instant food.

You must have seen instant foods while wandering around the grocery store. Anything from instant mashed potatoes to instant noodles and beyond. However, if you typically walk right on by these things, then maybe these are worth a try. After all, they are a best seller for a reason! Not only do they taste great and are cheap compared to fresh, but they’re also unbelievably easy to use.

YouTube/Steve Eats

These instant products are a massive time and energy saver for you. And you can always spice things up yourself, too.

You can make an effortless meal at any time if you cook a lot of potatoes at once.

You most likely don’t need us to explain to you that potatoes are maybe the greatest food there is. These have great versatility, capable of being boiled, fried, roasted, and baked. However, if you are the type of person who uses potatoes a couple of times every week, you could be realizing that you are spending half your life, peeling or preparing these potatoes for each meal! Add all that up, and that’s a ton of time you’re wasting!


However, if you devoted one day of the week to preparing most of your potatoes en masse, you could make your cooking so much easier. Just stick them in the fridge and out they come when ready.

Making Apple Pie in a Mug: Simple Steps

A warm slice of apple pie on a chilly winter day is just as good as it gets. But anyone who has ever made this from scratch knows that it’s not a piece of cake. It requires so much time and energy that most people just opt to wait till they can eat the apple pie at a restaurant! But hold right there, because we’re here to switch the whole thing up with this super simple apple pie hack so you can whip this treat up at home in minutes.

YouTube/Em’s Kitchen

Microwave for 5 minutes with butter, sugar, cinnamon and salt on top of apple cubes and finished with graham crackers! It’s as simple as that.

To save money, use lemon juice instead of lemons.

Dear lime lovers, you will see that most of the recipes you may find, whether online or in the recipe books, would take fresh lemons and limes! But most of the time, you only use these fruits for the juice, which make the carcass that is dying from wasting! However, it’s actually very simple to avoid this waste, and all you have to do is keep a few bottles of lemon and lime juice from the store on hand. So you don’t need to squeeze it this way.


Instead of picking out the seeds in your meal, bottled juice is a super lazy alternative, and its going to cost you so much less. Yes, it doesn’t taste quite as fresh, but it’s soooo much easier.

If you want to open a can without cutting your fingers, use a magnet.

Now, opening a can, is dangerous business. You also have to wrestle with a can opener and then somehow get the jagged edge of the can up without amputating a finger. That’s awful, and that could be a dangerous mistake if you’re accident-prone! Fortunately, it does not need to be s that. You just need one thing to make sure you can safely open a can.


With a strong magnet stuck on the top of the lid you would expect to use the can opener to pull up on the lid? That way, you dont have to use your fingers!

It’s much easier to bake your bacon than to fry it.

Fried bacon is delicious. Well, you don’t need us to tell you that. Say it for the smell, the edges that crisp up, it is not a surprise that 95% of the folks fry the bacon. But this process, while oil intensive, is hazardous and rather dirty. Your kitchen, and your clothes, end up covered in grease. Might as well use your oven to make your bacon instead.


You can put your bacon right on a cooking sheet and then on a baking pan, throw it in the oven and forget about it (and the mess) for a few minutes.

How to Mix Your Hollandaise Sauce

Although Hollandaise is a wonderful thing to have on breakfast dishes, most people eat it out at a restaurant rather than having it at home. And because hollandaise is so damned easy to screw up. Proper whisking and it won’t be scrambled eggs, but how do you do that? This is probably the greatest hack we have learned, which is to blend your hollandaise in the blender you already own.

YouTube/Bed Bath & Beyond

Just throw the rest of the ingredients into the blender and let the magic happen. No whisking needed and sauce in seconds!

To make your veggie servings, cut up some Pico de Gallo.

It can be difficult for many to get casserole veggies into the diet. However in trying, they just pile a fuck tonne of veggies on their plate and pray it’s going to be delicious. Most of the time, they actually do not! The good news is that there is an extremely simple hack that allows you to take veggies as well as like them at the same time. And that trick is all about the beloved Mexican staple, pico de Gallo. This is a vegetable-heavy salsa often referred to as salsa fresco.


Pico de gallo not only taste great but is so simple to prepare. Or if you want to skip that whole process just buy from the store!

Serve a box of dessert mixes.

Sweet craving is something that runs across the world but to kill that sweet craving when you have no time can be hard. Fortunately, there is an incredibly simple solution for browning off the brownies or apple pie for desert, and that solution is to not take the trouble at all. All you have to do is go to the grocery store and stock up on dessert mixes in a box! They’re freaking cheap, easy, and delicious.

YouTube/Yummies By Azeera Sadia

These boxes allow you to have the sweet treats baked in 15 minutes, rather than from scratch. You can also customize it with your own ingredients.

Turn a Ruined Cake Into a Delicious Trifle

Those who’ve tried to bake cakes before would admit that it takes real artistry. You are then forced to bake it for just the right amount of time, and try to remove it from the tin before it crumbles! And though it’s tempting to give a botched cake the heave-ho into the trash, this is your sign to save it and repurpose it as a trifle instead.


Just layer it in a glass or in a jar with some cream, chocolate, fruit or whatever you dig — if the cake still tastes good! The trifle verse is your oyster.

Make a Cookie Cake at Home With This Easy Trick

While most of us would love to have the skill of a master cake decorator, you either got it or you don’t. However, if you prefer not to hire someone else to bake a cake for a special occasion, rejoice: you don’t have to. Or, alternatively, you can bake a cake yourself or to buy a cake in the store, although you’ll want to buy in the store as well some cookies for decoration.


By garnishing a cake with cookies, cake decoration can be instantly embellished. And it will fool all of your guests into believing you did all of the icing yourself.

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