Top Air Fryer Tips for Easier and Tastier Cooking

Prevent a Smoky Air Fryer With a Little Bit of Water

There are times when it seems like air fryers are almost perfect. It’s surprising that not everyone has air fryers in their homes. Some of them are good, though. They’re pretty close, but one of the worst things about them is that they often smoke a lot while they’re cooking. This is particularly crucial when preparing meat, as the accumulation of grease and oils can be quite bothersome.


To stop this from happening, just add a few tablespoons of water to the air fryer while it’s cooking. This will prevent the food from being too smoky.

Make Individual Portions Using Silicone Cups

You might have assumed that you could only use plastic cupcake cups for baking delicious treats. That’s not true, though, especially when using an air fryer to cook. They can be used to make cupcakes, but you can also use them to cook almost anything in small portions for one person. You can make small omelets or other meals to take with you.

YouTube/Air Fryer World

Everyone loves small foods that they can eat on the go or whenever they’re hungry. Cooking snacks in plastic cups makes them easy to eat.

Add the Juice Leftover in the Air Fryer to Your Meal

Most likely, this is the last thing you think an air fryer can make. After all, it’s not actually a cooked meal. However, this isn’t the juice you’re likely referring to, as it’s neither orange nor carrot juice. Instead, it’s the leftover juices from food preparation. Don’t doubt it just because it sounds good. Save some of the juices and see how they change the taste of other foods.

YouTube/Risa Weiner

Putting in all the food scraps, spices, and juices from cooking won’t make you feel bad. It goes well with a lot of different foods.

Make Desserts in Your Air Fryer

When you hear the word “fryer,” you might assume that an air fryer can only fry food. While it’s understandable for you to assume this, the name “fryer” doesn’t necessarily convey the same meaning. The air fryer allows you to cook food in a manner similar to that of an oven, as it resembles an oven more than a fryer. While they cook, they also bake.

Ingrid Balabanova/Shutterstock

Small lava cakes like these are easy to make, as is anything that fits in a small baking dish.

Salvage Stale Pastries With Water and an Air Fryer

There’s nothing worse than finding out that the fresh bread and cakes you just bought are no longer fresh. Not only is it a waste of money, but it’s also disheartening that the delicious food is no longer edible. If you have an air burner, don’t worry too much. You can bring the cakes back to life with just a little water and some air fryer heat.


You only need to add a little water to the drip pan and turn up the heat. In no time at all, you will have fresh cakes.

Defrost Frozen Foods

After getting everything ready to cook, there’s nothing worse than realizing that you forgot to defrost some of the food. Do you know that your air cooker makes it simple to thaw frozen vegetables? Additionally, it allows the veggies to defrost at the ideal pace, ensuring they retain their delicious flavor when cooked. Plus, it’s really simple and only takes a few minutes.


After properly defrosting the vegetables using the air fryer method, you can cook them as usual.

Always Preheat the Air Fryer

People still refer to the air fryer as a fryer, despite its clear similarities to an oven. But you should remember that air fryers require many of the same steps as ovens. One thing you should do is make sure the oven is hot before you put the food in it.


When working with foods, it is very important to do so. You can be sure that they will cook evenly and correctly if you preheat the oven.

Use It to Hard “Boil” Eggs

Everyone loves a good hard-boiled egg. It can be eaten as a snack with sandwiches or by itself. You can also eat it for breakfast. However, it can be challenging to precisely time the hard boiling process. So, do you put the egg in before the water boils, or do you do it the other way around? How long should it stay in the water? There are too many questions.


Everything is fine now that you have an air fryer; you don’t even need water to hard boil the eggs. They only need 15 minutes of cooking on low heat. Simple as that.

Avoid Nonstick Cooking Sprays

Most people believe that food sprays that don’t stick are one of the best things that can happen in the kitchen. Although true most of the time, air fryers are an exception. Sprays that don’t stick to food can do more harm than good. Over time, they can cling to the air fryer, causing it to become less smooth. Because of this, you should instead use olive oil or other natural oils whenever you can.


You putting olive oil in a spray bottle, you can make your own food spray. This is a simple task that will keep your air fryer in excellent shape.

Shake the Basket Every so Often

If you cook often, you probably know that you should move the pans or flip the food over halfway through baking. When you cook with an air fryer, the same thing holds true. You can tell the difference in the end result if you shake the basket a few times while it’s cooking.

Bubbers BB/Shutterstock

So all sides of the food cook at the same rate, which is crucial for crispy food.

Here’s How You Should Place Parchment Paper

While parchment paper is excellent for most food tasks, it’s not so great when you’re using an air fryer. Sticky paper can still be used. But when you use parchment paper, there are some things you should remember. Ensure the paper has holes to facilitate air flow and prevent burning during cooking.

If you don’t want to deal with an air fryer and parchment paper, you can use aluminum foil instead, which is easier to operate.

Dehydrate Your Fruit

Using your air fryer for this is a unique kitchen task. Many of the hacks have focused on how to cook or bake different kinds of food. Of course, you can use it for other things, like drying vegetables. In the air fryer, put any extra fruit that is about to go bad.


A dehydrator is unnecessary if an air oven works as well, if not better. You can accomplish everything with a single device!

You Shouldn’t Place Your Air Fryer in a Kitchen Corner or Crowded Between Other Appliances

Even though it seems unimportant, where you put your air fryer while cooking is. Many people find themselves tempted to fit the small and handy size of the air fryer into their small kitchen spaces. This is true, but it will eventually change how the air fryer cooks food.

Hazal Ak/Shutterstock

The air fryer needs to be able to move air around just like any other oven does so the food can cook right. Squeezing it into a small space prevents this from happening.

Parboil Potatoes Before Placing Them Inside and Get Delicious Results

It’s not a secret that cooking potatoes can take a long time. Due to their thickness and size, they require a considerable amount of time to fully cook. So, if you want to cook a whole potato in the air fryer, you should first boil it. In the long run, this will help them cook faster and better.


A five-minute boil in water is all it takes to make the potatoes perfectly crispy before putting them in the air fryer.

Use Dishwashing Tablets to Easily Clean the Appliance

The fact that it is difficult to clean might be the worst thing about an air fryer. Cooking with these air fryers is truly enjoyable, yet cleaning up can be confusing. It’s not very clear; after all, it’s a pretty strange way to cook. It’s not as hard as you might think, though. There you go, all you need is a dish soap tablet and some hot water.


Additionally, ensure that the liquid fully soaks both the dishwashing tablet and the basket for at least 15 minutes. Once you get rid of it, you will be amazed at how great things look.

Stop Using the Microwave to Reheat Leftovers – It’s Yummier With an Air Fryer

Everyone agrees that microwaved food isn’t always the best, but they are excellent for quickly heating up leftovers. Typically, the food emerges hot, yet it retains its soft texture and loses its original flavor. If you have an air fryer, we have good news for you. You might even want to get rid of your microwave. Do not use the microwave to heat up your leftovers. Instead, use the air fryer.


The taste of the food will be nearly identical to that of freshly prepared food. The microwave-hot food tastes nothing like that.

Use the Right Oil to Get the Perfect Smoking Point

When you use your air fryer, the oil you use can really change how your food turns out. You need to use the right oil to achieve the right boiling point. In other words, you need to use the right oil in the air fryer’s bottom. You can use soy or safflower oil instead.

The food will taste great because it will be cooked at a better level, preventing it from becoming too smokey. These oils might also cost less, so everyone wins.

Aluminum Foil Helps Keep the Basket Clean

If cooking cleanup is your worst dread, try this hack. It’s okay to not use your air fryer because you don’t want to clean it. You can cover the entire air fryer basket with a small piece of metal foil, simplifying the cleanup process.


After cooking, all you need to do is remove the food from the metal foil. There is no need to clean up.

Make the Yummiest Grilled Cheese in Your Air Fryer

A tasty grilled cheese burger is something everyone loves. Almost no one will say no to a tasty grilled cheese as a snack or lunch. Don’t use the stove, the microwave, or even the sandwich maker. You can make the best grilled cheese in just a few minutes with an air fryer. It’s simple, easy, and tasty.


It’s pretty clear what this one means. You just need to turn up the heat, put the sandwiches together, and make sure the cheese melts just right.

When Cooking Meat, Make Sure to Space Out the Pieces so That They Cook Properly

No one likes being in places that are too crowded. After all, a lot of people are claustrophobic and can’t stand being too close to other people or in small places. Consider how the same principle applies when cooking meat in an air fryer. Make sure your air-fried meat is evenly distributed.


This makes sure that the meat cooks evenly and correctly. Don’t try to save time by putting everything together; it won’t work out in the end!

Stack Food but Don’t Overcrowd

In the air fryer, putting food on top of each other is probably the best way to cook a lot of food at once. While some foods may be suitable for stacking, others may adhere to one another and suffer damage during the cooking process. If you get something that can stack the foods in the tray but keep them separate, that won’t happen.

To cook items like hash browns, use a metal barrier like the one in this picture. Additionally, it ensures a uniform distribution of crunchiness.

Use Your Air Fryer to Make a Casserole

Most likely, casseroles are one of the best things a parent can make. Of course, anyone can make a tasty dish. But there’s something about being a parent and making casseroles that goes well together. It’s tough to tell them apart. With an air oven, you can make casseroles taste even better. It’s simple to get ready, cook, and clean up afterward. The only thing holding you back is yourself.

YouTube/Kelly’s Cookin’

There are lots of different casseroles you can make. Just make sure you have the correct pot for the air fryer and the ingredients you need to make the casserole.

Cook Delicious Garlic

Garlic is something that every cook needs. Adding a little garlic to almost any savory food makes it taste better. If you don’t know how to cook garlic, the air fryer can help you, whether you’re cooking a few cloves or the whole head. This recipe only needs a little metal foil, olive oil, and your time.


You will be amazed at how delicious it tastes, how simple it is to clean up, and how many ways you can use the finished product.

Make Your Own Chicken Stock

Any food that can be transformed into something else and used in a different dish while still tasting good should not be wasted. Yes, chicken soup is one of those things. However, instead of preparing an entire jar of chicken broth, consider repurposing the leftover liquids from air-frying chicken to create chicken stock.


It will possess a wealth of character and prove to be useful. In addition, it will come at a very affordable price! You don’t need to get anything new to make this dinner!

Chicken Nuggets Just Like at Your Favorite Fast Food Restaurant

There is something so addicting about food from fast food places. The tasty food is just too tempting to pass up, no matter how harmful it is for you. That’s why it’s beneficial for people to learn how to make it at home. They can save a lot of time by not having to drive to a drive-through and eat unhealthy food.


Your food might get so good that your chicken nuggets will be as tasty as those at McDonald’s or Chick-fil-A. That way, you would never have to eat at a fast food place again!

The Trick to Perfect French Fries: The Perfect Temperature

One of the world’s favorite foods is French fries. The secret to making the best french fries is still a bit of a puzzle, even though people all over the world love them. It’s challenging to find the right balance between crunchy and soft. They are either too brown or too wet, and no one likes a French fry that is too wet. Anyone who wants to know the truth now knows that 375 degrees is the best setting.


If you heat up your air fryer to about 375 degrees and then put the fries inside, you’ll get the best fries ever.

Use Dawn Powerwash to Clean Your Air Fryer

Cleaning up is not always required to be the hardest part of cooking. No worries if you don’t know how to clean your air fryer after use. This tip will make you feel better. To clean your air fryer quickly and easily, mix Dawn Powerwash with hot water and let it soak.


There are times when this is even better than using water. If there are any tough spots, you can also use a magic eraser to make sure every spot is clean.

Make Delicious Non-Greasy Bacon

Along with french fries, bacon might be the second most popular food on this list. People are pleased to eat a lot of this food because it tastes so good, even though it might not be beneficial for them. But too much grease can ruin the taste of even bacon. But if you have an air fryer, that’s simple to avoid!


The best thing about air fryer bacon is that it only takes a few minutes and is very simple to make. You only need to cook it at 375 degrees for five minutes.

Use Olive Oil in a Spray Bottle on Air Fried Foods

Olive oil is a great oil to eat, and everyone should already know this. It is good for you and is a big part of the Mediterranean diet, which is one of the best in the world. The negative news is that olive oil is not very cheap. You can add olive oil to your diet without spending a lot of money. Simply buy a spray bottle and spread the oil.


When you cook with an air fryer, you don’t need a lot of olive oil. That’s one more reason why they’re great.

Easily Make Impressive Snacks for Guests

Some individuals mistakenly believe that they can only use their air fryers for complete meals and foods, but this is not accurate. It works fine in an air fryer to cook that. But there are plenty of other things you can cook. Your air fryer will be very useful if you’re having a small party or get-together.


For a tasty snack, you can cook potatoes, grated beans, or even shrimp and prawns. There are a lot of different ways to make foods and snacks crunchier.

Make Your Own Roasted Nuts

Many people have a fondness for nuts. They taste great, are good for you, and are full of beneficial fats. If you like your nuts raw, this hack may not work for you. But there is something so delicious about a perfectly roasted nut. That’s a breeze to do with an air fryer. It only takes a few minutes to roast peanuts, almonds, or walnuts.


To improve flavor, sprinkle salt on top. But don’t add too much salt if you want the nuts to stay healthy.

Perfect Air Fried Chicken Breasts

People probably cook chicken in their air fryers more than anything else. It is true that chicken can be challenging to get right sometimes. You should cook it thoroughly without making it too tough. That’s why you should try this tip for making tasty chicken in an air oven. You only need chicken, cornstarch, and twenty minutes of cooking time.


You can cook the chicken breasts in an air fryer set to 400 degrees for twenty minutes. Upon completion, you will observe their flawless cooking.

Make the Corn on the Cob Even in the Winter

When they think of corn on the cob, most people think of summer. People generally eat it during its season. However, you don’t have to limit your consumption to BBQs. It’s possible that this is the most well-known way to cook corn on the cob, but there is another excellent way: use an air fryer. With just an air fryer, you can make tasty corn on the cob.


Make sure to put butter on the corn’s exterior so it doesn’t stick and gives it a great taste. To ensure even cooking, flip the corn over halfway through.

Extra Crispy Tofu Made Easy

These days, more and more people are going veggie or vegan, so tofu has become very popular. For these people, not eating tofu is hard, so this tip will help. It’s also not straightforward to cook tofu. If you don’t cook it properly, it can become extremely soft and tasteless. However, the air fryer will fix that, and there’s no going back now.


Bid farewell to undercooked tofu. You will never have to worry about your tofu not being crunchy, crispy, and tasty again. We have resolved your tofu problems.

Don’t Get Stuck on the Air Fryer Basket

Many people believe that the oven’s well-known basket is the only cooking tool. True, but you can use any air fryer-compatible pan. Make sure it doesn’t touch the heating source or bottom, and you’re good to go.

Francisco Zeledon/Shutterstock

This means you don’t have to clean the basket over and over again. You have a little more freedom and flexibility with your pants.

Cook the Perfect Easter Morning Ham

Ham is a favorite holiday food for Christians worldwide and in America. It is, however, one of the trickier ones to make. It’s challenging for some people to figure out how to cook ham for a holiday meal, but you can forget about those days. It’s easier than you think with an air fryer.


For every pound of meat, cook the ham at 300 degrees for 10 minutes.

Always Leave Room for Air Circulation Between Skewers

You can use this tip for any type of cooking, not just air fryer cooking. However, it is especially helpful for people who cook with an air fryer. It’s even more important for people who use an air fryer to cook meat sticks. It is important to leave enough space between the blades so that air can flow properly.

Toshio Chan/Shutterstock

That’s what will make sure the food cooks right and has the right taste and structure. Just make sure that air can always flow through it.

Make Mini Cakes and Brownies

There’s something about smaller sizes that makes everything taste a little better. One beneficial thing about an air fryer is that it lets you cook everything in small amounts. Any oven can do that, but an air fryer makes it easier to make something tasty and quick. Mini cakes or cookies are possible depending on pan size.


If you want to cook a dessert, you may need to be more specific than when making other foods.

Stop Wasting Money on Expensive Oils

You should stay away from cheap oils like nonstick cooking spray, but if you have an air fryer, you don’t have to worry about getting the most expensive oils either. Most types of cooking require a significant amount of cooking oil, but air fryers significantly reduce this requirement. This allows you to purchase oil at a lower cost, as it’s not the most crucial component of cooking.


If you’d rather, you can still get good oil, even though you’ll need a lot less of it over time.

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