Tex-Mex Restaurant Delights Diners with Hilarious Signage

There are many reasons why El Arroyo is famous. People in Austin, Texas, love this Tex-Mex diner for its food, but the humorous sayings and quotes that they hang outside might be even more well-known. Even if you are not fond of Tex-Mex cuisine, it is difficult to overlook this establishment due to the humorous and accurate signage. At El Arroyo, they’ve done this every year since the 1980s, and they haven’t stopped. They put up humorous signs outside of their restaurant that make you laugh out loud. After reading this one, you’ll want to read more!
The Fastest Land Mammal
What is the land animal that moves the fastest? Even though El Arroyo may not have given the exact right answer, they seem to have been right when they said that the person being asked is a child. As soon as you ask them what’s in their mouth, they will run away faster than you ever thought possible. You hope it’s not something too risky.

The same thing is true for dogs. You will almost certainly never be able to get something out of your dog’s mouth after they find out that you saw them with something in their mouth.
Wearing a Mask at a Bank
Who would have thought that one day people would wear masks and ask a bank worker for money? Especially normal people who aren’t criminals. That didn’t happen all the time during COVID-19, and I doubt anyone ever thought that would be the standard. This humorous sign encapsulates the craziness of that era and the apparent upheaval of the world.

You must love living in Austin, Texas, and being able to drive by this Tex-Mex place, knowing that there will always be a funny sign outside.
A Message to the Taco Trucks
Okay, I think this one is something that everyone can relate to. The ice cream truck is a wonderful sound for everyone. It is a thrilling experience to hear that music and be aware that you can immediately go outside and purchase an ice cream from the vendor who is located just outside your door. What an amazing time this would be if there were food trucks instead of cars? Since they’re already in cars, why not go for a ride?

Consider sitting at home and listening to the music from the taco truck. It would be so fun to have a snack. This restaurant in Texas is on to something!
Social Distancing Forever
A lot of people were sad that they had to keep their distance from family and friends for their own health’s sake. However, some people learned that many of their relationships weren’t the best. They still want many of the people who were staying away to stay away, even after the virus is gone. There’s no limit to avoiding human contact.

There is no way to say this to certain people, and most people would probably only follow this if they had to, like they did during the Corona.
Cheers to Strong Women
This one is both beautiful and beneficial for you.El Arroyo took a moment to call out to all the strong women. They want to get to know them, be like them, and grow up with them. Everyone should remember to help the women in their lives, and teach their kids to do the same. This is the kind of thing that makes lots of people happy.

Seeing this sign on your way to work in the morning is so pretty. This Texas restaurant has brightened people’s days.
The New Method for Online Shopping
Some have accepted and made the best of the “phones are listening to people” idea, which has sparked debate. They won’t spend hours trying to find what they want online; instead, they will just say out loud what they want and wait for the ads to (inevitably) come to them.

It’s going to happen anyway, so why not enjoy it like these people who just wait for the ads.
Scary Thoughts From the Operation Game
It’s likely that the majority of people who played Operation were too focused on getting the butterfly or rubber band out of the man’s mouth to notice that his eyes were wide open. El Arroyo looked around to see if anyone else had noticed, but the man was clearly awake the whole time the game players were “operating” on him. This worried El Arroyo.

What was the purpose of forcing his eyes open? They could have easily made him close his eyes to make it clearer.
Beauty Is on the Inside
This sign is a lovely way to start the day. Unlike some of El Arroyo’s other signs, this one aims to inspire rather than entertain. They wanted everyone to understand that “You’re only as pretty as you treat people.” People should seriously consider this beautiful quote. Cosmetically focused people should know that how they treat others is more important in the long run.

This sign may have influenced drivers to think differently and treat others differently for a day.
The Shock of a Talking Parrot
Imagine what the first person whose bird spoke back encountered. It had to have been a pretty scary event. After all, you might assume that, like most other animals, they are incapable of speaking human language. Then, all of a sudden, you hear some words. You don’t know if they’re responding, repeating, or mocking you.

We think it took them a few days to get better, as this strange sign shows. They refrained from informing their friends about it, as they wished to avoid appearing unusual.
Forgetting Something Important in the Car
This sign outside of El Arroyo was amusing and true for most people. There isn’t much worse than leaving your car, going for a walk, and then realizing you left something important in the car. It could be your wallet, a mask, or anything else you need to finish the job you set out to do. But no matter what it is, it’s so annoying and upsetting.

People would be excited to enter this Tex-Mex restaurant, only to realize later that they had forgotten their masks in the car. The restaurant likely witnessed numerous instances of this phenomenon.
The Stampede for the Toilet Paper
One of the most terrifying aspects of the pandemic was the world’s toilet paper obsession. It really amazed me how many people ran to the stores to buy toilet paper instead of other important food items. Did they follow their instincts, they would never survive a real situation.

There are times when having toilet paper on hand is very helpful, but it’s not the most important thing in the world. You can get by without toilet paper.
The Birthday Cake Dilemma
It’s fascinating how something like the coronavirus outbreak can change the way you see everything in life. People used to think that certain things were normal, but now they are unheard of and impossible. Think about the idea of blowing out the candles on a party cake. No one gave this much thought as early as before the outbreak. But as soon as Corona showed up, things changed quickly, and this became unacceptable.

El Arroyo says it’s crazy to think that people used to eat that cake like it was nothing special.
The Most Used Phrase of 2020
As more people worked from home and Corona came out, they switched all of their in-person conversations to Zoom ones. Prior to 2020, Zoom was merely a well-known tool for occasional use. Now, it’s one of the most-used things in the world. Everybody had to hold their talks online, and all of them used Zoom. Because of this, people were having technical problems, particularly with their level.

That’s why “You’re on mute” was one of the most-used words in 2020. Too often, individuals would attempt to communicate during a meeting without recognizing their mute status.
Tequila Instead of Coffee
Most people believe that coffee is the best way to begin the day, but El Arroyo doesn’t agree. They think tequila is a better way to start the day than coffee. This could be due to their status as a Tex-Mex restaurant, or it could simply be a matter of chance. It is, if you want to see the world through rose-colored eyes.

It’s probably not the best piece of advice in the world to drink first thing in the morning, but it makes for a humorous joke.
Not a Valid Excuse
One funny thing about the El Arroyo signs is that most of the time, they are both true and funny. This one says, “Having a big nose isn’t a reason to wear a mask.” “I mean, I still wear underwear.” During the corona, some people tried to avoid wearing masks by saying that their noses were too big for the masks.

The sign shows that saying you shouldn’t wear underwear because another part is “too big” is silly. You’re making a negative case that doesn’t make sense.
Life at Several WTF’s per Hour
Putting this out there for everyone you know seems like a beneficial idea. It might also work well as a bumper sign. It’s amusing to see whether you’re headed to work or a Tex-Mex restaurant. “Experiencing life at several WTF’s per hour” is probably something that a lot of people can connect to.

Everything in life seems to be confusing and annoying at all times, which is why everyone can relate to the idea of “running at several WTF’s per hour.”
Do You Know What Boobytrap Spelling Backwards Is?
It’s amazing how some words can have two different meanings when you think about them spelled backwards. Many people believe that a dog spelled backwards is God. The word “boobytrap” is not widely known. If you spell “boobytrap” backwards, you get “partyboob.” Things may not have gone as planned, but there is a humorous twist to them.

What are some things you can do with this information? Not really anything. It’s a funny fact, though, thanks to El Arroyo, that you can tell at a party.
You Have a Choice to Be One of These Things After Covid
The truth behind this funny, rhyming sign outside of El Arroyo is shockingly clear. People underwent significant changes after the COVID-19 pandemic. Some people became monks because the experience made them pray more. Some individuals looked great due to their intense physical activity. Another group of people got drunk because they had nothing better to do. Last but not least, people turned into chunks because they only ate.

I think it’s amusing that all of the choices rhymed. That works out well. Which of the following did you finish COVID as: a monk, a hunk, a drunk, or a chunk?
Sorry, Not Sorry
There are people who are always late to the party. There are also people who are late because they can’t tell time off. Some individuals arrive late due to a lack of desire or concern for punctuality. Their goal was to arrive at a time that worked for them, and this sign outside of El Arroyo will bring them home.

The amusing thing about this explanation is that at first, people will think you’re serious, but it only takes a moment for them to see how silly it is.
When You Have the Mouth of a Sailor
“You never truly understand the extent of your need, love, or familiarity with something until you experience its absence.” That’s how a lot of people feel when they can’t swear or curse. They don’t think they swear a lot, but it’s clear how much they really do once they learn they can’t.

Some people must find it challenging to remain silent at work due to the fear of losing their jobs. It must be hard to break a habit that is so hard to break.
Listen to Your Body
This El Arroyo is likely one of the funniest ones they’ve had so far. They have devised a humorous slogan that resonates with a wide audience and a concept that entices people to patronize their restaurant. As long as they incorporate fun and their product in a way that doesn’t feel like an advertisement, this is the epitome of effective marketing. As they pull you in, they tell you to pay attention to your body.

You can guess that a lot of other people can relate to this too. Whose body doesn’t tell them to just sit back and enjoy some queso?
The Description of Personal Style
There are people who really love getting dressed up every day. They want to look their best no matter what, because they are very proud of how they look. Some people will do anything to avoid getting dressed up and will wear their most comfy pajamas everywhere. The phrase “they didn’t expect to get out of the car” describes the way these people speak.

If this sounds like you, then you should be ready for what’s going to happen…Murphey’s law will inevitably strike you. Perhaps you didn’t expect to leave the car, but you will.
The Battle of the Worst Numbers
There would be a few intriguing numbers that could compete in a fight to see which one was the worst. 13 is probably the number that most people believe is the least likely to occur and is bad. The 666 number scares people worldwide, so consider it too. However, there exists a number that has the potential to be far more terrifying than both of them combined.

It’s pretty clear that 2020 is the real “Worst Number” winner, as this sign outside of El Arroyo knows and is ready to tell everyone.
The Saga of the Avocado
Olives are loved by everyone. However, high-quality avocados appear to be indifferent to their surroundings. After harvesting, people can consume them within a day. You could wait days, or even half days, and still find that they were not ready when you thought they were. It’s almost as if they intentionally chose not to do so. Their goal is to survive and avoid extinction.

Because avocados are so healthy, it’s possible that they want to live a short life. You should consume them immediately.
Can’t We All Just Be Cool?
To promote peace in the world, the catchphrase “can’t we all just get along?” has been around for a long time, but it seems like it needs a new look. And what better place than a Tex-Mex restaurant to get a message for peace in the world? After all, they have a point. Why can’t we all just chill out? It’s clear that our country would be a nicer place to live.

If we could just stick to it, it looks like a lot of issues would go away. We could all use some help with this. El Arroyo could offer free food to those of us who can stay cool. Who knows, a bowl of chili might be the key to peace in the world.
Was It Batman or Covid?
Interestingly, there are numerous similarities between the COVID outbreak and superheroes. The fact that people in both cases wore masks accounts for most of the parallels. Superheroes wear masks, as does everyone who lived through 2020. What people said in the past about superheroes and what individuals will say in the future about the same thing would surprise you.

In 2020, El Arroyo’s sign likely provided a sense of relief to many. Everyone needed some amusing stuff, and this is a wonderful way to give it to them!
A Special Word for 2020
If given the chance, people would probably have a long list of angry things to say in 2020. However, the words etched on this humorous placard may hold the greatest significance. “Alright 2020, take off the wig, we know it’s YOU.” . It would have been wonderful if the year could just take off its wig and go to sleep.

2020 was the longest year, appearing to never end. People didn’t know how long it would last, if it would ever end, or if everything would change for good.
A Different Type of Dancing Queen
When you first started reading this sign, you probably didn’t anticipate this ending. It’s likely that you thought it would just be the happy-go-lucky words from the well-known ABBA song. However, the lyrics have been slightly altered to align with the prevailing mood of 2020. Despite your youth and beauty, you embody the essence of a dancing queen. You are not seventeen; you and everyone else in the world are in lockdown.

That’s a sad turn for a joyful and beautiful song. But it fits with how people felt during the COVID era. Lockdown prevented them from dancing or enjoying themselves.
Is That a New Scent of Hand Sanitizer?
In keeping with the COVID theme and the year 2020, people frequently washed their hands and faces with soap and water. Because everyone was covering themselves in too much hand sanitizer, it was impossible to smell perfume. Because you were socially withdrawing, you probably never noticed a new smell on someone else. Finding a new scent for yourself was much more exciting.

You were a little more excited about the day because you knew you smelled like new hand sanitizer. There wasn’t much else going on at the time, after all.
A Space That Makes Quite a Difference
What’s the difference between a boyfriend and a boy friend? You’d say it’s just the little space between the words. What does that little space mean, though? It refers to the friend zone. This sign is both amusing and mean. Finding a sign that accurately expresses your situation can be challenging if you are in the friend zone.

El Arroyo seems to know a lot. There are signs indicating a wide range of topics. They discuss more than just food and humorous topics. They also talk about love, especially the friend zone.
The New Suggested Category for Netflix
I find it funny that some people find it too hard to do simple things like watch Netflix shows without thinking. They also require unnecessary movies or TV shows that can be viewed while scrolling through your phone. That’s how things are in the world, whether you like it or not. There is a lot to like about this section. However, the term “easy watches” would be a better choice than “easy to watch while I’m on my phone the whole time.”

It’s all the rage these days. It’s never enough to just have the phone around. You always need a little more.
8 Years of Forgetting to Go to the Gym
It’s enjoyable to be in a gym. Many people find going to the gym to be a chore. It’s challenging for them to muster the motivation to attend. But there are also people who love it and would gladly go every day. The folks at El Arroyo know that a lot of people use “I forgot to go to the gym” as an excuse. Most of the time, they don’t say that they forgot to go for eight years in a row.

You shouldn’t feel awful if you never want to go to the gym, but you might want to stop being lazy and say you forgot. You should be proud of not telling everyone at once.
Introducing Your Pet to Himself
When you don’t have a pet of your own, the things pet owners do can seem very strange and challenging to understand. People who own pets often do this funny thing where they stand in front of a mirror and try to introduce themselves to their pet. They likely don’t know what they look like anyway, so why not show them?

If you’ve never seen yourself, wouldn’t you want someone to show you? It would be sad to never discover your pet’s cuteness.
The Crazy Life of the Trash
This humorous sign from El Arroyo evokes a sense of apprehension when you consider the possibility of your trash being removed more frequently than usual. It’s hard to tell if this person is just shy or if it was during COVID time, but either way, it’s funny. The idea of trash “going out” isn’t common, but when you live inside all the time, your mind changes the way you think.

Say hello to the crazy world of 2022, where trash cans have more friends than people. It’s just challenging to explain.
A Private Jet Is the Solution to Everything
It looks like rich people and regular people had very different experiences during the pandemic. A private jet is the answer to all that. The rules required people to maintain a safe distance from each other, refrain from moving, and adhere to all regulations. But for some, the rules weren’t quite as strict. For instance, if you had a private jet, you could pretty much go wherever you wanted and do whatever you pleased. If you reside in a home equipped with a swimming pool and a tennis court, the situation becomes more manageable.

Many people did not experience significant hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to individuals worldwide, their opulent residences and lifestyles remained largely unchanged.
Being Tempted by the Clowns
Anyone who has seen a scary movie knows that you should never trust a clown. This is the most important thing to learn in life. Even though clowns are funny, they’re not fun and can hurt you. However, it appears that this person is so bored and desperate with their life that they are almost ready to follow a clown into the woods without giving it a thought.

It’s possible that the person who put up the signs at El Arroyo was feeling down that day and chose to share it with everyone. It’s funny, but not the most encouraging statement.
Extending the Lives of People Around You
For some people, coffee is an essential part of life. Nothing can improve their day without morning coffee. All of the people they meet will be mean, angry, and sad. This leads many individuals addicted to coffee to assert, “Drinking coffee in the morning extends the lifespan of others.” Even though it’s detrimental for you, it’s worth it.

One possible defense is that they only drink coffee to help other people. They drink coffee because they don’t want to get violent and frustrated with other people.
Such a Beautiful Thought
Sean Connery and Alex Trebek are two of the most popular celebrities. Almost no one has anything negative to say about Sean Connery or Alex Trebek. That’s why this sign is so pretty. They contemplated playing a game of Jeopardy together in the sky after their respective deaths. In the end, it doesn’t look like the future will be so bad.

That they both passed is a little less painful. Without it, it would look pretty sad and hopeless.
A Leaf Blower for People
As you might have guessed, a lot of the amusing signs on this list have to do with people not wanting other people around them. Under no circumstances will they allow people to come close to them. They are ready to do anything to make this happen. How should this be done? Get people a leaf blower.

This leaf blower shouldn’t harm people; it just needs to ensure they stay extremely far away at all times.
The Pro Version of a Crastinator
Have you ever heard of someone who takes things off? Most likely, you haven’t heard of anyone who procrastinates, as it’s a rare phenomenon. You’ve probably heard of procrastinators, who excel in this area. If you’re curious about the experience of being a pro, know that it’s not as glamorous as it may seem, as you’ll likely encounter moments of intense stress and discomfort.

This strange sign at least makes putting things off look like a beneficial thing. If you describe it as an improved version of something else, you can clarify your meaning.
Don’t Use the Toilet in Your Dream… It’s a Trap
This is a positive message to send to everyone, everywhere. If you think of a toilet, don’t use it! Most likely, this is telling you that you need to go to the bathroom. In your dream, it may be too tempting to resist. Visit the bathroom in your dream instead of your bed to avoid waking up with a wet bed.

When you wake up, you’ll be devastated that you didn’t listen to this crucial advice. That’s not what anyone wants to dream about when they wake up.Â