Home Cooks Share Their Funniest Kitchen Fails

There are lots of different kinds of home cooks. While some people are great at cooking, others rely too much on the microwave, and there are even people who don’t know how to use pots and pans. We’d love to say that the photos below show amazing things you can make at home if you really try, but we don’t want to. Besides, these cooking fails look like they could not be eaten at all.
Satan’s Pasta?
As a home cook, it’s enjoyable to try new things with tried-and-true recipes. People who eat out at restaurants have to stick to the tried-and-true taste combinations. And who wants the same thing all day, every day? This person discovered that when they added curcuma to their rice pasta water, they can change things up and try something new whenever they want to at home.

We do not fault them for incorporating a small amount of this spice powder into their dish, as it is so beneficial. But does anyone else sense Hell?
A Real Tragedy
Two types of people exist: cheesecake lovers and those we don’t want to recognize. A lot of work goes into making cheesecake, especially if you do it at home. To keep the right consistency, you need to make sure you weigh the ingredients correctly and chill everything before you start cutting it up. If you don’t, this could happen.

We’ve seen some terrible things, but this is about the worst! We bet the person who made this cheesecake saw their life flash before their eyes. It appeared as though the cheesecake was falling very slowly to the floor.
Coq Au Plastique
To be honest, cooking a chicken is not an easy task. That’s why lots of people get a roasted chicken instead at the store! But it was clear that this home cook wanted to put themselves to the test with this dish, so they made their chicken dinner from scratch. However, it appears that they didn’t read the directions on the baking bag thoroughly enough. They didn’t even buy a baking bag. It was a bag for brine.

We don’t believe that anyone enjoys the taste of plastic when combined with chicken, which further exacerbates this kitchen failure. It’s likely that nobody even ate that chicken.
Expectation Vs. Reality
There are professional cookbook authors, food writers, and Instagram chefs out there who all make the tastiest food we’ve ever seen. These are also useful for home cooks who need some ideas! However, this picture shows how our hopes and expectations for these picture-perfect recipes were different. There are times when things don’t behave as planned.

But this home cook should know that the first pancake is never good! Before the real fun starts, you always have to make a test waffle. Let’s hope this was the first one.
Flat as a (Pan)Cake
Some people say that baking is science and cooking is faith. This individual is by no means a scientist! They failed despite having all the tools, pots, and pans to bake a cake. It’s as flat as a pancake, but we’re not sure if they didn’t add enough flour or if they opened the oven door too soon.

To be honest, this wouldn’t stop us from enjoying the cake. No matter what you put on top of it, we’re sure it would still taste great either way.
Cookies or Churros?
There are a lot of people who want to bake but don’t know how. Even though they have cake pans, spatulas, and every other cooking tool you can think of, they don’t know how to really follow a recipe. Of course, we think this home cook fits into that group! Since the last time we checked, churros have been deep-fried rather than baked in the oven. That’s what they tried to do.

Though we can’t tell if these are churros or cookies, the chocolate chips are the worst. Come on, people, you need to spread them out properly!
A Really Bad Idea
These days, avocados are very popular. You can’t go to your favorite brunch spot without seeing at least three different kinds of avocado on toast. Cooks use avocado to make cakes, mousses, hummus, and many other dishes! But have you seen anything like this before? Let me know. There must be a reason for this, because it sounds and looks terrible.

This home cook made the mistake of pickling their avocado. We don’t know what they were thinking, but we hope they noticed their mistake before they tried it.
A Cracking Mistake
There are some food failures that are just too bad for us to comprehend. Here’s one of them! Ever notice that egg timers don’t go all the way to 30 minutes? Before placing the eggs in the oven at 400°F for 30 minutes, the home cook should have been aware of this. Otherwise, they would not have ended up with dry, rigid eggs that tasted like metal. They should have trusted their gut, but they didn’t.

We know this is a huge cooking fail, but these eggs would look wonderful in a child’s play kitchen set. That is, those eggs are likely to stay the same for another 1,000 years.
Not an Eggcellent Idea
You probably already know that there are many different ways to use eggs. You can boil, poach, fry, or even scramble them. However, just because eggs can do anything doesn’t mean you should! This is especially true if you intend to cook an egg with Worcestershire sauce. That person did something; we don’t understand why they would want to do it. This is what happened.

This looks like something a cat would throw up instead of something a person would eat. We hope that person didn’t eat it. However, if they did, I hope they closed their eyes and pressed their noses together.
Absolute Pandamonium
When it comes to macarons, people usually think of fancy afternoon teas and expensive pastries. But did you know that anyone can make them in their own kitchen? It’s important to follow a plan, but be prepared to make mistakes. All of them will be flawed, even if you shape them into adorable bears. Yes, this batch is completely crazy.

Even though there are too many elements, these pandas are still very cute. We can leave it at that: these pandas had a long night and were feeling a little worn out.
More Like Spoon-Shi
Sushi takes some time to adjust to, but when prepared correctly, it’s incredibly tasty. However, sushi chefs must practice for years to improve. It is tough! We respect that person for giving it a try, but it’s safe to say that things didn’t go as planned. Since the only proper cooking tool to eat this with is a spoon, this is less sushi and more spoon-shi.

For the aspiring sushi chef, it’s not a catastrophic event. If they put everything into a bowl, they could call this their own version of a poke bowl.
Just Keep Swimming
You should learn how to cook at home if you’re in a PTA group. You are required to bake a cake for the cake sale, cookies for the after-school meetings, and food from around the world for the annual school event. This time, one mom chose to make spooky cupcakes for the Halloween party. However, they don’t look very PG because they only have one goofy eye and a weird tail!

We think they’re ghosts, at least. They might be tadpoles or white whales. Let’s hope that they at least tasted tasty and went over well with the other parents, no matter what.
A True Fail
It’s simple to fail at cooking. All you need to do is leave something in the oven for too long, add too much of one ingredient and not enough of another, or use the wrong ingredients altogether. Have you ever heard of someone setting Pop-Tarts on fire? That’s when you realize you’ve failed at both life and cooking.

It only takes a few seconds in the toaster or microwave to make these things, but this person messed that up horribly. Even though we love Pop-Tarts, we couldn’t eat them.
A+ for Effort
There are two main groups of people. There are people who love carrot cake, and there are people who would rather not have vegetables in their cake. If you’ve ever made carrot cake, you know that the carrots’ high wetness content can make it tough to bake. It looks like this person had the same issue. And they said it not only looked bad, but also tasted bad.

This home cook may not have made the best carrot cake ever, but we’re still going to give them an A+ for effort. They even topped it with nuts!
What a Mess
Some recipes need a lot of pots, pans, and other kitchen tools, but there are some tricks that make life much easier for people who want to be cooks. Yes, meet the microwave cake! This hack works by putting all the cake ingredients into a mug and heating it up in the microwave for a short time. When done, it should taste great.

It looks like it didn’t work for this person, which is too bad. Instead of making a soft and tasty chocolate cake, there was an explosion that Thor couldn’t miss. He’s so sad.
A Crime Scene
Don’t worry, we didn’t injure anyone during this massive culinary mishap. Instead, it harmed the hot sauce! This person chose to put a lot of hot sauce into an electronic mixer. It probably seemed like a beneficial idea at the time, but they didn’t know that red splatters on the walls are usually a sign of a crime scene. We are curious about their intentions.

It’s unclear why someone would put hot sauce in a blender in the first place, but who are we to judge what a home cook does with their food? You do you.
The Leaning Tower of Cake
You know how embarrassing it can be to try to cook with a friend or family member who is clearly a much better cook than you. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, your products always look worse than theirs. Despite their best efforts to replicate their friend’s cake on the right, this individual was unable to achieve the desired results. In fact, they failed.

However, does everyone need to know that they tried to copy their friend? This might be a copy of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, for all we know.
A Little Burnt
Who has burned a piece of bread before? There’s nothing worse than toast that’s been burned, but this is way worse. We don’t believe that scraping off the burned parts would help, as the entire toast is completely burnt! We’re also amazed that someone could burn a piece of toast so badly, but we do have some questions.

Didn’t the person who made this smell like gas? Didn’t the smoke give it away? Everything appears too terrible to be real. However, it was true for one guy who didn’t have any toast.
There’s a Mug Under There?
Houston, we need help with another mug cake! No matter how many people try, they just can’t seem to make a mug cake right. When they put the ingredients in the microwave and turn it on, they get a brown blast instead of a tasty afternoon snack. We’ll assume this person ate it despite its unappetizing appearance.

Even though it doesn’t look good, the food inside is still tasty! We guess the tasty stuff that was still in the mug after the blast was okay, after all.
Just… How?
If this cooking failure makes you feel like you don’t know what to think, don’t. You could probably guess this for hours without getting it right. Are you ready for the big truth? It’s Alfredo’s cream sauce! We don’t know how someone made such a terrible sauce, but it looks like they burned the butter and flour mix and kept cooking it anyway.

Anyone with a cat will tell you that this is not Alfredo sauce. We won’t believe it’s not cat vomit until we see proof otherwise.
A Secret Setting
Many people, like you, cook all of their meals in the microwave. People who don’t have much time will love microwaves because they are so useful. It’s possible to thaw meat, cook popcorn, or even bake potatoes in most microwaves. But have you heard about this hidden place? Yes, this is the place where you can prepare a child’s meal. After that, all you have to do is type in the child’s weight.

We’re joking, of course! But it’s pretty odd that this microwave has that setting. This microwave might only function properly if it receives positive attention.
Literally Burning a CD
Gen Zers will never get what it means to “burn” a CD. In the 2000s, many people who wanted to be DJs burned their best songs onto their epic summer mixes. We intended this as a metaphor. However, it turns out that you could actually burn a CD if you want to! It makes sense that someone might want to do that, since this is what happens when you heat up a CD.

This is pretty cool, from the cracked look to the rainbow of colors. People have reported burning entire piles of these items and placing them on their Christmas trees.
Would You Eat It?
Some people still don’t understand that you can microwave almost anything, but you shouldn’t. Additionally, this home cook didn’t feel like making a tasty breakfast that morning, so they chose to “cook” a frozen croissant in the microwave! It does not look cooked at all, though. It looks a little limp.

We would never consume an item such as this if it were presented to us, but would you?
Anti-Gravity Activated
Let’s be honest: cream is a useful thing for any home cook to have on hand. You can use cream to create delicious cakes and cheesecakes, as well as sauces, soups, and a variety of other dishes. You should always keep your cream out of the microwave, though. This is your opportunity! In this case, the home cook successfully solved their antigravity problem.

The fact that this cream exploded and then adhered to the microwave roof is truly remarkable. We’re not sure how it did that. It’s something we’ve never seen before.
What’s the Time, Mr. Cockroach?
You might use a few things around the house to make your big dinners come to life if you’re not a professional chef but rather a home cook. You could have the most expensive cooking tools, as well as the best pots and pans on the market. You could even use a microwave because it’s so useful. Still, it’s safe to say that this home cook was a little shocked when they saw their microwave acting up.

Initially, this person believed their microwave clock was malfunctioning. But when they looked more closely, they saw that it was a bug lying on the screen! It’s time to set the house on fire.
If Spam Made Cake
We don’t blame you if you love eating spam. It’s cheap, fun, and tastes absolutely wonderful. But did you know Spam could make cake? Not really, but this mug cake that did not turn out appears to be a spam cake. The microwave cook seems to have put way too much cake mix into their mug. We’re not sure what happened.

One good thing about this mug cake explosion is that it looks like this person won’t have to clean up their mug afterward. It looks like it will come out easily.
A Nutella Volcano
Someone who’s tried Nutella says it’s the best sandwich spread. It tastes like chocolate and nuts, and it is very easy to spread. We believe it’s already tasty and doesn’t need any changes, but this woman seemed to want to add something new. We believe she forgot to take the Nutella out of the microwave.

The whole jar of Nutella not only burned up, but it also turned into an explosion of Nutella! There is a story that claims this Nutella volcano is still emitting smoke.
Abstract Art
Even though microwaves are useful, they don’t always work right. If you don’t get the temperature, setting, and time just right, you’ll have a kitchen fail like this one. However, some individuals may argue that this incident doesn’t even constitute a loss! This individual attempted to microwave an Oreo, which resulted in it burning. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t clean the marks on the plate.

Some might say that this surreal art tastes great! Actually, we didn’t think dishes and plates could have ads on them, but it looks like we were wrong.
Making Pepperoni Chips
If you like pepperoni, you’ll probably agree that this isn’t a kitchen fail. This person is pretty much a skilled chef! This is due to the fact that crispy pepperoni is the most desirable component of a pizza, particularly if you are not fond of the dough and carbohydrates that comprise the remainder of the pie. This way, you can eat the best part without sacrificing taste! We think it looks really tasty.

It looks like this person’s wife just heats these pepperoni slices in the microwave until the yellow oil runs off, which seems pretty reasonable. From now on, we will only get food tips from this woman.
That Seems Safe…
We shouldn’t leave kids alone near microwaves and other hot cooking tools! We didn’t think we’d have to say this again, but we do! However, it appears that the toddler’s parents failed to understand this, leading to the unfortunate outcome. Once they understood its capabilities, the toddler put everything in the microwave. It contained an Xbox controller, batteries, and a shoe!

To be fair to these parents, however, children’s negative ideas often take over their bodies without them even realizing it. They took about 10 seconds to do this while their parents sneezed.
Drying Them off
There’s no need to be clever to understand that heating something up can dry it out. That’s just how things usually are. As a general rule, though, you should never put electronics in the microwave. That being said, it looks like the owner of these AirPods got those two rules mixed up, which is why she put them in the microwave to try to dry them.

The end result was pretty bad, and we don’t think she’ll be using those headphones again for a while. It’s evident that the headphones have suffered severe burns and are beyond repair.
A Major Kitchen Fail
We’ve observed numerous instances of food failure on this list. It appears that home cooks consistently make mistakes, such as creating mug cakes that explode and using fake eggs. If you’re curious about our opinion, we believe this to be the worst case scenario! We have no idea how this person’s microwave caught fire, but it almost destroyed the whole room. The fire didn’t reach the rest of the room, thank goodness, but the smoke did.

It must have taken a lot of work to clean the black smoke off the roof of this house. We don’t think that person will use their microwave again any time soon!
Honey, I Exploded the Honey
This one’s story is a little strange. It looks like this person chose to celebrate getting their power back after 60 hours without it by microwaving some frozen honey! We want you to know that this won’t work if you ever find yourself in the same shoes. If you neglect to open the lid prior to placing it in the microwave, the situation becomes even more problematic.

It probably took a while to clean up, but the kitchen mess-maker could have used toast to absorb it. Oh, that would have been tasty.
That’s One Way to Do It
You know how challenging it can be to prepare an avocado if you’ve done it before. Remove it without removing too much meat, and fix the large pit in the middle. Most home cooks simply stick a knife in the pit and pull it out. This can be very dangerous, though. This individual chose an alternative approach.

For some reason, they had the nerve to heat their avocado! We don’t recommend it because this microwave blast smells bad.
Nothing to See Here
The truth is that we would have liked to continue our day without seeing this strange and scary picture. However, now that you and we have seen it, there’s no going back! There’s no turning back now! You could have easily thought this was something you’d find in a toilet instead of a microwave. Thank goodness it’s not what you think. Someone tried to thaw this frozen chili in the microwave.

Even though microwaves are great, home cooks need to remember to be patient sometimes. Could you imagine yourself consuming this thawed chorizo? We’re sure that we wouldn’t.
Not Microwave Safe
It’s possible to microwave anything, but don’t. In my opinion, the person who purchased the white mug in 2018 was facing a challenging situation. It became their favorite mug quickly and was microwave-safe. They bought the black mug in 2019 thinking it was microwave-safe. However, as they often say, assumptions can be mistaken.

In this instance, the assumption led to actual burns. Anyone who touched the hot handle of the mug lost their skin. It looks like it hurts, too.
Flipping Hot in There
Microwaves don’t always work the way you want them to. Anyone who has cooked dinner knows that a knife can cut, a pot can heat, and other kitchen tools will do their jobs. Microwaves, on the other hand, are a little different. Yes, they could heat up your food. But they could also turn your food over, making it explode and fall out of the pot. In any case, that’s exactly what happened here.

You could say it was really, scorching in that microwave! It’s likely that the individual who had to consume their lunch from a soiled microwave plate didn’t find the joke amusing.
A New and Improved Frisbee
Some people just don’t do well in the kitchen. People can do everything right, follow recipes to the letter, and follow microwave safety rules, but sometimes things just don’t work out. The individual discovered this firsthand when they attempted to reheat their dinner, resulting in a shattered plate and an abundance of leftover food. We have no idea how this could have happened.

On the bright side, this person received a new frisbee as a reward for their poor cooking skills. We concur that we wouldn’t wish to be struck in the head by this incident.
Kitchen Jenga
Before putting in a new gadget in your kitchen, you might want to make sure the area is clear. If you don’t, this could happen! In the end, this person put their brand-new $450 microwave on top of the cooler, but their cat jumped on the counter and knocked the whole thing over. However, the rules for kitchen Jenga must be adhered to!

We really felt terrible when we saw how much this microwave cost, but this home cook wanted it. If a cat sees something on a table, it will knock it off.
A Unique Setup
Isn’t the kitchen the heart of the house? You can change anything you want in your kitchen if you’re a home cook who owns your own home. You can make the counters look however you want and decorate them however you please. If you feel like it, you can even use spray paint. It was clear that one mom wanted to do that because she spray-painted a fridge and a microwave to match the table below.

We can’t say what we think about this one-of-a-kind look because everyone has different tastes. But it’s really strange! The duck and the blow-up football cap really finish off the look.