Items You Should Never Put in the Microwave

Food poisoning can happen if you keep heating up leftovers.
This one comes up a lot. Many people prefer to reheat their meals in the microwave when they are hungry. This is pretty risky, especially if those leftovers have meat in them. When you heat and refrigerate food, germs can grow and cause illness. Refrigerate the dish after partially reheating it.

That way, you won’t have to keep warming and cooling the whole dish. Additionally, this method preserves more nutrients in the food compared to microwave heating.
When you heat up Chinese takeout, be careful
Pizza and Chinese food are the most frequently reheated takeout foods. You should be careful, though, when you heat up Chinese food in the microwave. It usually comes in packages with small metal handles inside that are difficult to see. Metal doesn’t like microwaves, and sparks can fly when everything gets hot.

The best way to reheat Chinese food is to put it on a plate. We’ll discuss another reason to exercise caution soon.
Putting frozen meat in the microwave to thaw can make bacteria grow
Some things can go wrong when you defrost them in the microwave, but you shouldn’t thaw red meat in the microwave. There is a beneficial reason why most people let meat thaw the day before they cook it. When you defrost meat in the fridge, it does so slowly and evenly. However, microwaves can grow germs and make you sick.

In a hurry, leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours before cooking, but make sure it’s fully frozen.
Onions Can Absorb Toxins From Your Microwave
Microwaves and onions don’t go together very well. Additionally, onions are not compatible with refrigerators, and we’ll explain why. Onions are excellent at taking in toxins from the air around them, we found out. When you microwave an onion or food containing onions, it dries out and loses its flavor. It may also pick up any harmful chemicals that are still in the microwave.

Onions behave similarly when refrigerated. The food may lose its flavor and become dry. It may also pick up dangerous chemicals from the fridge.
If you put bananas in the microwave, they can explode
Who knows why someone would microwave a banana, but hey, to each their own It’s just that we thought this was interesting. Heat bananas in the microwave, and they can catch fire. Some companies put a sticky coating on bananas to keep them fresh longer. People believe that this coating can catch fire if heated in the microwave.

This happens sometimes, but you should know if you microwave your banana.
Microwaves might not get rid of all the germs on a sponge
One hack says that putting a cooking sponge in the microwave for a few seconds can kill all the germs on it and make it almost as fresh as new. It looks like not everyone agrees that this hack really does work, though. Many dissident sources assert that while microwaving a sponge can kill some bacteria, it often leaves behind the most harmful bacteria, which are more susceptible to growth.

If you want to be safe, throw away your old sponge or clean it with bleach or another antifungal cleaner. The last thing you need is a dirty sponge to make your food sick.
Greens that are leafy can explode in the microwave
Maybe “explode” is too strong of a word, but leafy greens have been known to spark pretty badly when cooked in the microwave. NPR suggests that the iron content in leafy greens could potentially explain this phenomenon. Things like kale, spinach, green beans, and even carrots are in this group. Some other ideas are also possible, but they are more complex.

All you need to know is to microwave vegetables with care. To reheat veggies, one option is to use a steam basket that can go in the microwave.
When microwaved, peppers can give off vapors
If you’ve ever eaten a scorching pepper and then rubbed your eyes by accident, you know how careful you need to be with them. You shouldn’t use a microwave to heat up peppers in the same way. If you do that, the pepper might give off the same mist that makes it blistering and makes your eyes water.

When you open the microwave door, the last thing you want is a really annoying pepper smoke to hit you right in the face. Also, did we say that they can blow up in the microwave?
Processing meats in a microwave might make them more dangerous
Most people know that eating prepared meats is harmful for you. Many people believe that prepared meats contain numerous chemicals that can lead to cancer. However, it turns out that microwaving them can make them even worse for you. Why is this? This is due to the high concentration of chemicals in processed foods, which serve to maintain their freshness. If you heat these in the microwave, a process known as cholesterol oxidation may occur. Studies have linked this to heart disease.

Every year in the U.S., heart disease kills about 695,000 people. That’s about one out of every five deaths, according to the CDC. In this case, it’s best to play it safe.
When you microwave Styrofoam, it gives off harmful chemicals
Even though this one should be pretty clear, we’re fairly sure most of us have done it at least once. When we microwave food in a styrofoam container, the styrofoam can release harmful chemicals that can get into the food. You’ll be eating melted plastic, which is probably hazardous for your health even if you’re not a scientist. Yes, the same is true for paper plates.

This is yet another reason to stop using single-use plastics and start using plates again. But no matter what, don’t put food in a sterile dish and microwave it.
When you heat mushrooms, bacteria can grow
You shouldn’t always heat up mushrooms in the microwave, like many other items on this list. Microwave cooking often causes the mushrooms to grow bacteria. There is, however, a way to stop this. To store mushrooms, Mashed recommends refrigerating them immediately after cooking. Additionally, ensure that they are properly stored before cooking.

The proteins in mushrooms can break down if you don’t store them properly after cooking, which makes room for germs to grow.
Microwaves cannot penetrate the metal that makes up China
Someone put a plate in the microwave and saw it light up like a firecracker. That’s why you should be careful what you put in the microwave. It’s pretty much the same reason why you should never microwave beautiful china. Many pieces of china contain metal components, which, despite their aesthetic appeal, are not suitable for microwave use.

Moreover, China’s thinness often contributes to its fragility when microwaved. Alternatively, wait until the shimmering doesn’t prompt you to immediately switch off everything.
If you heat rice in the microwave, it can become poisonous
Leaving rice out for too long can be harmful, as most people know. Cooking rice eliminates a specific type of bacteria that adheres to it. If you leave rice out too long and microwave it, you could get sick.

For later consumption, refrigerate rice for at least an hour after cooking.
Warm potatoes can cause botulism
Potatoes seem simple to cook, but reheating them requires caution. Even when kept in the fridge, cooked potatoes encourage the growth of a germ known as Clostridium botulinum. Consuming this bacteria after it has heated up can lead to botulism, a condition that causes your nervous system to shut down.

Despite its rarity, this illness is extremely dangerous and has the potential to be fatal. If you’re not sure what to do, it’s best to play it safe and not eat the warmed potatoes at all. It is important to note that potatoes cooked in foil are much more likely to have germs on them.
Microwaving Tea Can Ruin It
If your tea gets cold before you can drink it, putting it in the microwave right away might sound like a beneficial idea, but it might not work out. When you microwave tea, it can start to brew, which can make it bitter. Because microwaves work, your tea may have a hot outside and a cool middle.

A lot of the time, if you really want tea, it’s better to just go make another pot or cup. No one wants to drink a cup of tea that tastes awful.
Putting coffee back in the microwave doesn’t work very well
If you like coffee, you probably have a favorite way to make it that makes other ways hard to drink. There are many ways to enjoy coffee. However, it’s likely that you won’t enjoy your coffee after heating it in the microwave, regardless of your personal preferences. This is because it gets very bitter when heated up again.

It might also taste weaker and a little burnt, which is something no one wants. Getting a new cup could prevent disappointment.
Microwaved Butter Can Melt Unevenly
When most of us need to melt butter, we quickly reach for our microwaves. However, this is not the best way to do it. The fat and oils can split in a microwave, which is why the butter might melt unevenly. If you cook with butter, it’s because it gives food a unique flavor. There is a much easier way to melt butter, though.

You can place it in a hot water container. Just make sure the container can handle the heat. You can also watch the butter melt and decide when to remove it.
When you microwave corn, be careful
There are many ways to cook the perfect corn, but sadly, none of them use a microwave. While microwave cooking may seem convenient due to its speed, the resulting corn often turns out extremely dry. Also, if you don’t have time to boil corn, nuking it may be best.

Boiling corn, on the other hand, generally makes it taste better. If you have time, leaving the husk on and cooking it on the grill is also a beneficial choice.
Avoid placing cracked dishes in the microwave
Prior to creating this list, we were unaware of this issue. Never place a broken item in the microwave. No matter how small the crack, you cannot make it safe. When you microwave a dish with a crack in it, it can break into a million pieces, leaving you with a microwave full of broken glass that you need to clean up.

This rule also applies to foods previously believed to be microwave-safe. It doesn’t matter how thick or thin the glass is.
Using the microwave to dry herbs could start a fire
If you don’t want to dry herbs in the sun, many websites recommend microwave drying. Most of the time, those sources are right. If you use a paper towel, you can dry herbs all the way through in the microwave. However, microwave herb drying requires caution.

While drying the flowers in the microwave, be mindful of their potential to catch fire.
An oven can change a cookie into a brick
It’s difficult to beat cookies that are just out of the oven. That being said, you might sometimes want to heat up cookies in the microwave. Do not do it. This action will only lead to feelings of sadness and disappointment. Trust us, we know what we’re talking about. Because cookies dry out in the microwave and harden after warming up.

Returning them to the oven on low would be better, but it won’t restore their freshness.
Don’t forget to shell the peanuts before you nuke them
Research reveals that you can roast peanuts in a microwave. Remember to shell the peanuts beforehand. Also, you should put them in a box. There are a few different how-tos online, but the one that sounded the tastiest said to add butter. If you use an oven, you shouldn’t have any issues with the shell.

There’s also the option of boiling the peanuts and adding red pepper flakes to make them a little spicy. This is our best way to eat peanuts.
Yogurt loses its beneficial bacteria when microwaved
There are a few recipes that call for warm yogurt, but using the microwave to warm yogurt is usually not a beneficial idea. This is likely to kill the good bacteria in yogurt are likely to die if you do this. Furthermore, this can cause the yogurt to curdle and begin to split, a situation you want to avoid. The best way to warm up yogurt is on the stove.

Additionally, it’s advisable to monitor the temperature during the warming process to prevent overheating and curdling. You could also use warm water to heat it.
When you put paper bags in the microwave, they often catch fire
At first glance, it might seem pretty clear that you shouldn’t microwave your paper bag. No, not the brown paper bag from the store—don’t microwave that either. Occasionally, a restaurant may serve you a wrapped sandwich or something else. Therefore, remove the paper before microwave cooking to avoid a fire.

When all you want to do is enjoy a tasty lunch, you don’t want to go back to your microwave and find that you might need to use the fire extinguisher.
If you put grapes in the microwave, they can explode
Grapes explode slightly in the microwave, but not as much as other items on this list. That’s because microwaves emit some kind of plasma. It turns out that this plasma has the potential to ignite. The same goes for dates; if you want to heat them up, don’t put them in the microwave either.

It’s just the type of heat that grapes don’t like. If you use a stove to make a stew or something, you should still be fine.
Do not put your travel mug in the microwave
If your coffee in a travel mug has cooled down, you might want to heat it up in the microwave, but this is pretty much never a beneficial idea. Many of these mugs consist of metal, and we are all aware of the potential consequences of heating metal in a microwave. Although we haven’t heated up a stainless steel travel mug, we anticipate numerous sparks.

Still, there are probably some that can go in the microwave without any problems. If you’re unsure, please double-check. When it comes to microwave fires, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Don’t forget to put sauce pots on their sides when you microwave them
Don’t put any sauce pots in the microwave without being careful. When microwaving sauce pots you bought at the store, be extra careful. When you take off the lid, the sauce gets steamy and spreads all over the microwave. Just remember to put the lid back on loosely so that when the sauce gets hot, you don’t have a big mess to clean up.

Also, you can’t just close the lid and not open it at all. Doing that could explode the sauce, leaving a mess.
Microwaved frozen fruit contains some carcinogens
While we’re not food experts, we will do our best to explain this in as few words as possible. Many frozen vegetables are rich in beneficial nutrients. Some of these nutrients can become carcinogens, causing cancer. If you’re in a hurry to make a meal, you might want to skip the step where the fruit thaws, but it’s not a beneficial idea.

Instead, allow your food to thaw at room temperature. This way, all of those beneficial nutrients will stay in and won’t turn into carcinogens that cause cancer. You could also immerse yourself in warm water.
When you microwave oils, be careful
We have always thought that oil was dangerous to heat in a microwave, so we don’t know why you would want to take the chance. On the other hand, it turns out that 100% oil isn’t really dangerous. If it’s only oil, there’s little chance that it will work. Most cooking oils have a water problem because microwaves use water to heat food.

Again, we don’t know why you’d heat oil, but if you do, use only oil.
Ovens and tomato sauce don’t go together well
You probably already know this, but tomato sauce doesn’t usually work well when cooked in the microwave. Of course it’s not really dangerous, but you’ll have a lot of mess to clean up afterward. Why not just heat up your sauce on the stove instead of making a mess? It also tastes a little better this way, from our point of view.

When warming something quickly in the microwave, cover the container to avoid a mess.
In a microwave, bread can turn to stone
If you need to warm up frozen bread quickly, it might seem like a good idea to microwave it. However, if you opt to microwave it, the result could be just as hard as frozen bread. When used to warm bread, microwaves dry it out, so even a short time in there will make it hard.

The best method is to slowly heat the bread in the oven. You won’t have to use the microwave to get it this soft.
The water inside microwaves gets way too hot
Several articles on this list have already discussed how a microwave uses the water molecules in food to heat it. That implies that it must really boil water, right? No doubt about it, a microwave can heat water up. The water is probably going to be much hotter than you need it to be. We mean above the boiling point.

The microwave and your home may become unsafe due to the amount of steam it emits. It will also be much hotter than you want it to be.
Eggs Can Combust In The Microwave
If you try to cook “boiled” eggs in the microwave, you’re really just playing with fire, or in this case, tiny egg bombs that can catch fire. The water inside the egg will turn into steam as it heats up in the microwave, with nowhere to escape. Most of the time, the eggs simply blow up and make a huge mess inside your microwave. Boiling water is the better choice here.

However, we’ve seen egg-based microwave recipes that work flawlessly. Most of the time, problems arise when you leave the shell on while cooking.
Cooking chicken in the microwave can make you very sick
In light of everything else on this list, it should go without saying that you should never cook chicken in the microwave. People often contract salmonella from chicken, and the last thing you want is to become seriously ill from food. Eating something that contains salmonella can lead to severe illness. You must cook chicken thoroughly to eliminate any germs.

Additionally, while various websites offer differing opinions, some advise against reheating chicken in the microwave. The same reason applies: a microwave has a lengthy time heating a big chicken breast all the way through.
You can’t beat fries fresh from the oven
This one is mostly about what you like. Some individuals find it acceptable or even enjoyable to reheat their fries in the microwave, but for the majority, this may not meet their expectations. There’s a reason why fries lose a lot of their taste when heated up in the microwave, but we’re not sure what it is.

They could make you sick, like warmed potatoes, but homemade fries are more likely.
When put in the microwave, aluminum foil can start a fire
At first glance, you might think this is just another item you should never microwave, but we’ve all done it. When you nuke aluminum foil, it gets really hot and dangerous. That’s because it’s mostly just metal. When it gets stuck in the microwave, sparks fly, but they’re not really sparks of love. If you’re not careful, those sparks could set your house on fire.

In fact, you should keep all metal objects, such as soup cans and the like, out of your microwave.
Microwaves can break thin glass
Thin glass items typically don’t withstand extreme heat, such as in the microwave or dishwasher. For this reason, we recommend against placing thin glasses in the microwave. Fortunately, it’s easy to identify items that don’t appear suitable for the microwave. Additionally, most items these days can be microwaved unless they contain metal.

Also, keep in mind that a piece of glass that doesn’t break when it’s hot doesn’t mean it won’t break when it cools down. If you’re uncertain but determined to break it, exercise caution when handling it.
Nothing should be microwaved
Oh, this is so ironic. It might not seem dangerous to leave your microwave on without anything in it. Maybe someone forgot to put something in their microwave and turned it on, thinking they were heating something up. We’re not sure why someone would want to do that. Something must receive the microwave waves that heat food, which is a bad thing.

In that case, they will just bounce back and forth inside the machine, potentially damaging your device. They might also light it on fire.
In a microwave, cheese can turn into rubber
It’s not true that microwaved cheese turns into rubber; it tastes and feels the same. There are some types of cheese that will not melt well in a microwave, but in general, microwaves are not very good at it. When you melt cheese depends on the type and your technique. A stove or oven will work best.

This might be because there isn’t enough warm air or movement. You could probably melt cheese in a microwave by adding a bowl of water and making steam, but it’s easier to use an oven at that point.
Jello heated in a microwave could damage your kidneys and liver
We’re sure there are many reasons to heat up jello, but these are the ones that come to mind. If you do want to heat up the jello, it’s probably best not to use the microwave. A few studies have shown that microwaving jello changes the jello’s structure. These changes might have severe effects on your health.

In a paper, the Weston A. Price Foundation linked microwaved jello to liver and kidney disease. To be safe, just heat it up on the stove.