Foods Diabetics Should Avoid for Better Health

Diet Soda

If diabetics can pick between regular soda and diet soda, they’ll probably pick diet soda. But it turns out that both are detrimental for you, and diabetics should probably stay away from soda if they want to keep their insulin levels healthy. The American Diabetes Association did find that people who drank diet drinks were 67% more likely to get type 2 diabetes.

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Additionally, research has shown that diet soda can increase the risk of diabetic retinopathy, a condition that can cause blindness in those who already have diabetes.

Artificial Sweeteners

Diabetes foods are available in a variety of styles, often labeled as low-sugar or low-calorie. Advertisers have long promoted a fake sweetener as a substitute for real sugar for diabetics. This is definitely the case. We’re sorry to say that some fake sweeteners can still change your insulin levels if you have diabetes and drink coffee with this stuff all the time.

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Some artificial sugars do, however, fall into this group. Sugar substitutes like Tagatose and Stevia are safe for diabetics because they don’t change blood sugar levels in any way.

Low-Fat Milk

It can be tough to choose between low-fat, full-fat, and plant-based milks, especially for people with diabetes. Previously, experts recommended low-fat milk for diabetics, but a recent study suggests that low-fat milk may not be the optimal choice for diabetics. That’s because low-fat milks replace the fat with extra sugar, which is hazardous for people with diabetes.

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So, people with diabetes should not drink low-fat milk. Instead, they should drink full-fat milk. Particularly, a Swedish study discovered that consuming large amounts of dairy could potentially reduce your chances of developing diabetes.

Flavored Yogurt

To start the day, some people love yogurt and granola. However, people with diabetes need to be careful with the yogurt they buy at the store. For diabetics, eating plain, whole yogurt is safe and healthy. However, adding ingredients to flavored yogurt can cause the glycemic index to rise. If you add high-sugar things like fruit and syrup to the flavored yogurts, this is even more true.

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So, people with diabetes should focus on making their own tasty yogurt in the morning. To do this, put nuts and healthy cereal on top of plain yogurt to keep insulin levels in check.

Canned Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are expensive and not always simple to get. Canned fruits and vegetables seem like a convenient and inexpensive way to get them. People used to believe that canned fruits and vegetables were just as healthy as fresh ones, but recent studies have found some issues with this belief. This is due to the common practice of adding sugar and salt to canned foods to prolong their shelf life.

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Of course, putting any kind of harmful additive in a can won’t help a diabetic. This is particularly true if the can contains the hazardous bisphenol A (BPA), which can increase the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.


A lot of people can’t begin their day without a hot cup of coffee. But if you have diabetes, you need to be careful when you drink coffee, whether you choose a skinny latte, cappuccino, espresso, or even a matcha latte. Although coffee doesn’t increase the risk of diabetes, its caffeine content can raise blood sugar by 8%. We all know that this is not what you want to happen.

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Naturally, adding cream and syrups to coffee makes it sweeter. That’s why diabetics who still want to drink coffee should try to drink as much plain black coffee as they can.

Dried Fruit

For the normal person, dried fruit is a wonderful choice. For people who don’t like the taste of fresh fruit, this fruit is usually smaller and easier to eat. It also lasts a lot longer. On the other hand, people with diabetes should avoid eating dried fruit. This is because eating dried fruit, which has a higher percentage of sugar, can cause your blood sugar levels to rise.

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Additionally, most people consume more sugar due to their preference for dried fruit over fresh fruit. When you can, it’s best to stick to fresh food.

High-Salt Cheese

Cheese is not good for people with diabetes. On the one hand, studies have shown that some types of cheese can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. That being said, cheese is high in salt, which can make your diabetes worse over time. Because of this, if you have diabetes, you should limit how much cheese you eat and choose low-salt varieties.

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For example, it’s better to avoid feta and choose something less salty, like mozzarella. Also, learn about cheeses. Some cheeses are better for you than others.

Fast Food

Most likely, burgers and fries come to mind when you think of fast food. What about burgers and fries? Everyone loves them, right? Some people with diabetes should not eat fast food, even though it is cheap and tasty. This is because this food contains a lot of sugar, carbs, salt, and saturated fat. Of course, people with diabetes should do everything they can to maintain healthy amounts of these nutrients at all times and avoid spikes.

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But that doesn’t mean people with diabetes can’t eat fast food. There is almost always a healthier choice that you can order since many chains now have low-carb and low-fat options.

Fat-Free Salad Dressing

People in the food industry often tell us that “fat-free” solutions are better for us. It’s true that fat-free salad sauces have less fat, but that doesn’t mean they’re always healthy. For that reason, food companies simply use something else instead of fat, such as sugar or salt. Not only that, but studies have shown that full-fat sauces have healthy fats that help the body work properly.

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This means that the next time you want to dress your salad, don’t worry about picking the fat-free kind. For diabetics, the full-fat version is the better choice in this case.

Cereal Bars

Cereal bars are very popular because they are simple to eat on the go and make a satisfying small lunch. There are some healthy breakfast bars on the market, but there are also a lot of very unhealthy ones. Because these bars usually have a lot of carbs and sugar, they’re not too different from a regular candy bar. There are some very well-known names that behave in this way.

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Most nutritionists advise eating fruit and nuts instead of Nature Valley and Quaker Oats breakfast bars because they may cause your blood sugar to rise.

French Fries

It seems like people can’t get enough of these potato sticks called French fries. They can be found all over the world. And potatoes are pretty healthy in small amounts, but too much of anything is bad for you, especially food that is fried in oil that is harmful for you. When diabetics eat French fries, their blood sugar will rise very quickly because of the carbs in the potatoes and the fatty fats in the oil.

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You should avoid fries if possible because even a small amount can raise your blood sugar. You could also make your own, which is healthy and doesn’t involve frying.

Orange Juice

Many people believe that fruit juice is just as healthy as eating fresh fruit. Fruit juice is a beneficial way to get more vitamins, but keep in mind that they also have a lot of sugar, calories, and carbs. Because of this, people with type 2 diabetes should never drink fruit juices to avoid any health problems.

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Still, if you juice your own oranges and make 100% orange juice, a little bit is fine. You could also buy orange juice with less sugar.

Energy Drinks

It’s likely not a surprise that these are on this list. Energy drinks aim to provide you with an energy boost. They do this by adding a lot of sugar, caffeine, and other things to the drinks. If you have diabetes, you should stay away from all energy drinks because they can give you a sudden boost of energy. This is backed up by science. One study found that drinking one energy drink can raise your blood sugar by 30%.

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Certain energy drinks don’t list all their ingredients, making them even more dangerous for dieters.

Potato Chips

It’s fine to eat one or two potato chips every once in a while, but diabetics should avoid them. Of course, everyone knows that potato chips are deep-fried and then seasoned with salt and sugary things. This could cause your blood sugar and salt levels to rise, which will change how much insulin you need to keep your glycemic index in check.

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Besides being very unhealthy, potato chips are also very addicting because they have a lot of salt. You just want to eat more and more of them. That means you need to be careful around chips.

Sports Drinks

People who aren’t diabetic but want to quickly recover and get their energy back should drink a sports drink. They’re tasty and useful, and you can find them in almost all food stores around the world. But if you have diabetes, it shouldn’t be a surprise that these drinks aren’t at all beneficial for you. Anything that makes big changes to the body’s systems inside isn’t good, after all.

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That doesn’t mean people with diabetes should stay away from all sports drinks, though. Because there are so many diabetics in the world, there are now exercise drinks that are sugar- and caffeine-free.

Pre-Packaged Baked Goods

You might think that diabetics can’t eat anything, but that’s not true at all. People with diabetes can eat small amounts of most things. This includes sweets and pastries. For diabetics, this is especially true if they’re made from scratch and low in fat or sugar, but not so much if they come in a box. Because these items have extra chemicals added to them, they last longer.

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On top of that, baked goods that are packaged are full of refined carbs, which turn into sugar in the body. Of course, if you eat them, your body will need more insulin.

Flavored Oatmeal

You might be asking yourself why cereal is on this list. People with diabetes typically consider cereal as one of the best breakfast choices due to its high nutritional content and steady blood sugar levels. However, flavor-infused cereal presents a distinct challenge. This kind of oatmeal has a lot of extras, like extra sugar and chemicals that keep it fresh.

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Of course, if you don’t like the way regular oatmeal tastes, you can make your own flavor by adding homemade cookies, nut butters, and toppings that are safe for diabetics.

Processed Meats

No, people with diabetes don’t have to give up meat. If you have diabetes or are going to get it, avoid processed foods. A study from Harvard University supports this idea. Researchers discovered that eating prepared meats can make you 19% more likely to get type 2 diabetes. That’s because these processed foods have a lot of salt and chemicals that keep them fresh.

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Fresh meat is acceptable for diabetics to consume, but prepared meat is not. Researchers have also discovered that prepared meats can reduce the body’s sensitivity to insulin.

White Bread

Wholegrain bread is better for you than white bread. We believe you already know this. Even though people with diabetes shouldn’t eat too much bread, they can eat wholemeal bread in small amounts. That’s because white bread is high in sugar, which can raise your blood sugar and increase your body’s insulin requirement. Wholegrain bread is also beneficial for you in a lot of other ways.

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People with diabetes should look for wholegrain bread because it has a lot of fiber. It’s true that fiber can change how your body reacts to sugar, which is a beneficial thing.


There are delicious muffins and bad muffins in the world. Wholegrain flour and high-fiber and vitamin-rich grains make up good muffins. Bad muffins, on the other hand, are full of sugar, chemicals, and other harmful things that diabetics should avoid because they can affect their blood sugar levels. Luckily, you don’t have to stay away from muffins if you have diabetes.

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As long as you don’t have diabetes and want something sweet, a muffin is fine once in a while. You should only do that in small amounts, and you shouldn’t eat bad cookies.

Fruit Smoothies

Smoothies are the top of the line when it comes to healthy food. People often mistake smoothies for healthy foods due to their high fruit content. However, it’s important to note that fruit also contains a significant amount of sugar. Even though this is natural sugar, it’s still sugar. This is why diabetics should exercise caution when consuming fruit drinks, particularly those containing a variety of high-sugar fruits.

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If you have diabetes and still want a smoothie, though, the best way to make it better for your body is to add some veggies and protein instead of fruit.

Chargrilled Meat

If you want to find the best foods for diabetics and also love to grill on the weekends, you must be careful. Researchers have found that chargrilled meat is detrimental for diabetics that it can make insulin resistance worse. It can also harm the receptors in your cells, making your diabetes even worse. That doesn’t mean you have to stay away from the barbecue, though.

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Make sure your meat doesn’t burn on the grill. If it does, simply remove the blackened parts and consume the healthy portions.

Country Fried Steak

It makes sense that a lot of people love country fried meat. Usually served with tasty sides, it’s the ultimate comfort food. However, it turns out that diabetics should avoid eating country fried steak for a variety of reasons. The most detrimental aspect of this dish is the use of white flour breading to coat the meat.

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This white flour breading will not only raise your blood sugar, but it will also clog your bowels. So, it’s best to stay away from this fattening food.

Cinnamon Rolls

There’s nothing better than coming home to the smell of cinnamon rolls. But if you have diabetes, you probably shouldn’t eat them. Instead, you should simply enjoy the aroma of these cinnamon rolls. For diabetics, cinnamon rolls are one of the worst foods due to their high sugar and fat content. Especially if you eat these cinnamon rolls all the time.

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“Cinnamon rolls have more added sugars and saturated fat than people with diabetes should have in a whole day,” said one doctor. At these high amounts, it’s best not to take a chance.


Of course, everyone knows that foods with a lot of sugar are hazardous for people with diabetes. But what do you do when your food needs more sugar? Many people mistakenly believe that honey can serve as a substitute for sugar, but this is untrue. Research has shown that honey can elevate your blood sugar levels in as little as 30 minutes. This is detrimental for people with diabetes.

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Honey isn’t as bad as table sugar because it has more nutrients than bottled sugar. You should still eat it in small amounts, though.

Sugar-Free Coffee Creamer

It’s reasonable that a lot of people can’t drink their coffee without creamer. You have to get used to black coffee, which is why creamer can help. These sugar-free options may appeal to diabetics, but they’re not healthy. Most sugar-free creamers use fake sweeteners instead of sugar, which can still make your blood sugar levels rise very quickly.

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But that doesn’t mean you have to drink your coffee black. The nutritionists recommend mixing your coffee with half and half because it contains fat instead of sugar, which is better for people with diabetes.

Flavored Popcorn

Popcorn is one of the best treats for people with diabetes. Oh, and it tastes pretty decent too. It’s a healthy food with not many calories or added ingredients. However, things go wrong when you pick spiced popcorn over plain popcorn. When you add things like butter, salt, candy, chocolate, or even caramel, your blood sugar will rise almost right away. It will also make your blood pressure go up.

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If you want a small snack, you could make your own popcorn instead of purchasing it already packaged. You will have the freedom to customize the toppings.


People often spread Nutella on toast or pancakes for breakfast due to its sweet and creamy taste. Even though the cocoa and hazelnuts in Nutella aren’t as hazardous as some other sweets on the market, diabetics still shouldn’t eat it. It has way too much sugar and veggie oil.

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It’s likely that Nutella substitutes you can buy in stores have the same ingredients. You may be excited to learn that you can make diabetic-safe hazelnut spread at home.

Chocolate Drinks

That sweet taste is probably something you love, whether you like hot chocolate or chocolate milk. Cocoa powder can also be beneficial, but people with diabetes should be careful about how much chocolate milk they drink. This is because a lot of the food you buy at the store has harmful sugars that will make your blood sugar go up.

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One of the best ways to make your own hot chocolate or chocolate milk that is safe for diabetics is to use raw cocoa powder, full-fat milk, and a suitable sugar substitute.


We know what you’re thinking: you can’t give up cereal, right? We’re not saying that diabetics can’t eat cereal, though. You just need to watch your cereal intake, since many are high in sugar. Let’s look at a bowl of Frosties. When eaten all at once, this stuff has 37 grams of sugar, which is way too much for someone with diabetes.

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Instead, you should pay attention to cereal that is beneficial for people with diabetes. This cereal is typically low in sugar, high in fiber, and high in whole carbs. It might not taste as good, but it’s better for you.

Jam and Jelly

To make jam and jelly, cook fruit with a lot of sugar. Those of you who have already done so are familiar with the process. You can guess that this is terrible news for people with diabetes. Avoiding jams and jellies is crucial due to their high sugar content. If you don’t, your blood sugar could go through the roof. You might even develop insulin resistance.

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And while jams and jellies with no sugar might sound beneficial for diabetics, most of the time, brands just use fructose instead of sugar. Still, this is awful for people with diabetes.


Alcohol and diabetes are undoubtedly not compatible. While people with diabetes can consume small amounts of alcohol, it’s crucial to monitor their blood sugar levels during this time. In fact, drinking even a little can make your blood sugar go up. Drinking excessively is even more dangerous.

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Having too much alcohol can cause your blood sugar to drop very low, which can be fatal. So, the “less is more” idea is the best way to go.

Vegetable Oil

People with diabetes need to be careful about the oil they use to cook. This is because some oils are much fattier and worse for people with diabetes than anything they should eat. Soybean oil is considered the worst among various vegetable oils, as it can cause a diabetic to gain a staggering 25% of their body weight. So, if possible, stay away from it.

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Additionally, exercise caution when purchasing oils from the store; this is an added precaution. Leaving “partially hydrogenated” oil on the shelf is right.


You might consider saltines to be among the best crackers. They don’t taste too fancy, after all. But saltines aren’t really good for diabetics, despite what they look like and how beneficial they taste. This is primarily due to their use of enhanced flour, which the body converts into sugar during digestion. This is not what a diabetic wants in their food, of course.

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Furthermore, the high oil content in saltines can lead to weight gain. So, it’s better to stay away from these crackers and choose something healthy.

Frozen Meals

For those times when you’re exhausted from work and don’t want to cook, leftover meals can come in handy. It only takes a few minutes to make a whole meal with these things. Just put them in the oven or microwave. While frozen foods are useful, they’re not healthy, especially for diabetics.

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To keep this frozen meal fresh, it has a lot of sugar, salt, and chemicals added. All of these things can cause your blood sugar to rise. People with diabetes need to stay away from these amounts because they can make things worse.

Gluten-Free Food

In the past few years, grocery shops have had a lot more gluten-free food. This is excellent news for people who are allergic to or afraid of gluten, but it has made it even harder for diabetics who can’t have gluten to find food. That’s because gluten-free foods usually have a lot of carbs to make up for the lack of gluten. This means that diabetics need to be even more careful about how many carbs they eat.

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This doesn’t mean you should never eat gluten-free food again. There’s nothing more to it than being aware of how much you can eat without your blood sugar level going up too much.


You probably already know that these things aren’t good for you, even if we love them as much as the next guy (who really loves them). While they’re convenient to carry in your bag for a quick snack, their main drawback is that they’re laden with salt or other flavors. People with diabetes already need to watch how much salt they eat, so adding more salt to their food isn’t a beneficial idea.

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In case the salt wasn’t harmful enough, pretzels are also full of processed carbs, which can make your blood sugar go up. Because of this, you might not want to buy pretzels for a while.

Bottled Tea

Someone else likes sweet or canned tea for breakfast. There are shelves and shelves of bottled tea in most grocery shops. If you’re thirsty on the go, these bottles are great. However, the tea inside isn’t good for people with diabetes. People with diabetes should never drink these drinks because they often contain a lot of sugar.

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Besides that, a lot of these bottles are huge, which means you’re drinking even more sugar. You can still drink bottled tea, but check the list of materials and the amount of tea before you do so.


A muffin for breakfast is always a fantastic idea, right? Not right. However, bagels are just as unhealthy as eating six loaves of white bread at the same time, even though they taste excellent and come in a lot of different types. Be aware that bagels will quickly raise your blood sugar because they are made from processed grains and carbs, which can be hard for diabetics to control.

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When it comes to food, even wholegrain bagels are hazardous for your blood sugar, so it’s important to pick the right thing. Bread is better than a bagel in the big picture.

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