Top Companies That Misled Consumers with Deceptive Packaging

Includes 1,001 Stickers But 768 Of Them Are Useless Squares

Disney sticker books — If you purchase a sticker book from Disney, most of the stickers are garbage. An adult might be able to whip something up with these squares, but a child is just going to throw a giant tantrum when they exhaust the princesses on their wand and proceed to stick them all around your home.


No one needs 1,001 stickers — so why fill it with little pieces of useless glue? The moment people hear wall stickers, they imagine a child applying one of them on a newly painted wall. Something tells us Disney was in such a rush to get out cheap stickers, they didn’t really think through the ramifications of a kid hearing the name of the stickers out loud.

Word To The Wise: Check The Ounces Before Buying Something

We have no idea why companies go to such lengths, but feel the need to ship it in a box three times the size of the product. Marketers know that if you do not pay attention to the ounces, you may perceive the product to be that size of that box. Don’t be alarm because we have all been tricked before. Â


Are they port aware they are paying more, for all that wasted packag!ng وخ؟ Perhaps the additional packaging ensures that the item does not become broken, yet a marker ought to come that the item is a third of the size. Much needed, we are going to always be reading the ounces on all our beauty product packages before buying. Â

Innisfree Would Rather Spend Extra Money On The Bottle Than The Product

If you’ve purchased a lot of skincare in the last few years you’ll be familiar with how popular it became for brands to use frosted glass on the outer shell, with plastic inside to store the product. It beautifies it and weighs the bottle down while still adding no product. Â


Anyone else remember when this company really took that concept to heart because this tub is so much larger than the real product container. This is done to deter shoplifters, but in doing so they are charging people for air, which is free last time we checked. Â

I purchased the Stickie Notes solely due to their gold border design.

Anyone else remember when this company really took that concept to heart because this tub is so much larger than the real product container. This is done to deter shoplifters, but in doing so they are charging people for air, which is free last time we checked. Â


The company was too cheap, it seems, to use gold to feature on every sheet of paper, but why give the impression that this is the case? I’m sure there was some really tiny font saying that the rest all had white boarders, nut and nobody could see that. Where does the evil end?!

One Bracelet’s Worth Of Beads Included

This kit teaches little ones what it is like to be disappointed at an early stage of life. I mean they only give you like 20 beads, such an awful use of plastic. But how many bracelets can they actually produce? Are they only using one or two beads in a design? Â


This is what you get for a dollar at the dollar store for a beading kit; I guess if you buy a dollar, you get a dollar’s worth of supplies. That is too much plastic to not provide sufficient product — this should be illegal. At least, as a silver lining, the two additional trays of beads that remained unseen in the front compartment. Â

The Sticker Is Microwave Safe, But The Cup Sure Isn’t

Although the sticker says it can be placed in the microwave, the mug thinks otherwise! Perhaps only the sticker itself is microwave safe, and you should know to go ahead and take that off in order to get the real instructions. Guessing they found this before putting it through the dishwasher or microwaving it. Â


There must be generic stickers they use regardless of the actual instructions, so be sure to remove them before using cups and bowls. Why not just put a barcode on there and cover up all the important instructions? Â

You should never judge a book by its cover because you never know what’s inside.

You can never really know what is deep down inside a person until you peel away the layers (or, in the case of food packaging). It looked like a great cake, but inside the cake was only half full. Much like the many people we encountered in high school. Â


You may as well name this cake because there are approximately three poppy seeds present in the middle when the whole thing is meant to be full. We would want our money back. Of course, this isn’t what the package promised, it’s just lazy. Â

“Printed All Over” seems to mean something different for this business.

As this company puts it, all-over-print means all-over-print except on the sides. Would it have cost so much more to print out the center? Makes you think how do these companies sell their products with such trickery. Â


Just think about it, setting up a nice little picnic with the boys, unwrapping the package and finding it white as Fuck in the middle. It would really destroy the ambience of the table. What actions must consumers take to receive what is offered on the product package? Â

Natural Is Just Part Of The Brand Aesthetic, But It Means Nothing

This brown sugar was as natural as Khloe Kardashian; which is to say, not at all natural. We can’t tell you what country this is from, but we are fairly certain that the law prohibits writing natural if it is an outright lie. The natural is just that part of the name and has nothing to do with the product. Â


Admittedly, this packaging does have some semblance of a warning that it is not, you know, actually natural. Someone else with a product would leave that out and then people argue with them natural sugar. Amrit could be renamed Amwrong. Â

Rolling Stone Presents (39 Of The) 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time

You may be forgiven for thinking that this book has 500 songs in it when it tells you it has 500 Greatest Songs of all Time, but look at the small print. It features 39 of the 500 songs, but they won’t write that in big letters because nobody is going to buy that book. Â


It’s understandable that they couldn’t fit all 500 songs into a single book, as that would be a giant book of sheet music. And they say — lawyers, anyway — “Read the fine print.” and now we know why. It would be sad to mistake this for a purchase well worth the price just to be able to possess all of the songs. Â

“Bigger Bag – More To Share” Means More Air To Share

They fill chip bags with more air than chips because it was claimed to prevent breaking. Still, the chips break, and consumers pay for a bag of air with a sticker on top. When will we all realize that we have to read the magnitude of a property? Â Â Â


The biggest lying liars of all will be Doritos, who said there was more to share and it turns out that means not an extra chip in it! These companies will do anything to squeeze a few more bucks from each bag except add 100 extra grams of chips to it.

Grateful For The Single Candy Topping

If your parents packed you cosmic brownies in your lunch as a kid, I bet you were asked to swap a lot of snacks. Though we wouldn’t wante to be be swapping it for one with only one random dose slapped on it. To be fair it does say candy topped, not “candies topped.”


It’s likely as scrumptious as it would be with or without the candy, but it destroys the show. They must have had a mishap with the batches they were making because I can only imagine they have an allotted amount that goes into each brownie.

Buying Colored Pens Was A Good Idea Until They Realized Every Single One Of Them Has Blue Ink

Why go through the trouble to make attractive pens in a variety of colors if all the ink is blue? Fine, you would never have your yellow pen stolen, because shiny yellow pen is useless—who wants to write in yellow—but the other colors? That would be a let down for a person that was attempting to color code their notes. Â


Underneath the package it likely stated blue ink in the small print but who would think to look there when it came to a pack of colors? Even the black one writes blue ink, which would be quite the decision for anyone rummaging through the pile for a pen.

They Should Recommend Buying Balls Separately, Or Don’t Buy This Product

Total marketing bs, not even a baby included! We just hope whoever bought this doesn’t let their kid get lost in a supposed ball pit. Essentially, to fill this beast up you’re going to need a good 500 balls as a minimum, and it came with barely 20.


Not only was it some BYO balls action, but also the buyer received something totally different from what was on the box. Delta says pat the baby during the pit pic, hopefully there were not that many balls in this pit to disappoint their baby. Basically, it should have been called a nylon pit with some balls, Â

Why Not Put It In A Smaller Container

And that is exactly why you have trust issues. And the box of beef jerky was actually stacked to make it look like there is meat in the container and as soon as the person opened it they knew they were had. True, wise them net weight of matters and all, however that container ought to have been smaller.


The container is almost empty and it makes it such a waste of plastic. Sure, the company might claim that this is to keep the product unharmed but all of them are vacuum sealed in the plastic container and we doubt a beef jerky will suffer damage in transit.

Non-Dairy As In It Contains Milk

We don’t quite understand how this can be possible while also being considered dairy free when it literally mention included milk. Imagine someone who was allergic to dairy used this without reading every tiny ingredient list. It would be a bad day for them.


Most of them tend to be a product with some sort of dairy. Unless it is some other kind of milk, you never know because these companies are sneakier than we would think. I you examine at the components, we would not advocate to drink this whether you have a milk allergy or not.

Would It Have Killed Them To Add An Extra Inch?

The person who put this wrap together is a branding genius. Putting the few pieces of chicken and sliced lettuce on the bread, they made sure that absolutely nobody would be able to see behind the label, and sold the sandwich with no full sandwich inside for the price of a full sandwich. Um, whoever bought this must feel duped, betrayed, and perhaps even hornswoggled.


Are you telling me it would have killed them to add an inch on each side? It only looked like a mistake made by a new employee still learning how to make the wraps right, but not wanting to toss out the mistakes but instead having them repackaged well by the manager as to not waste.answer They can at least add “evil sales genius” to their CV, now.

They Wondered Why Their Hand Instantly Hit The Bottom Of The Container

This guy had just opened a fresh bag of cashews and was wondering why his hand is already at the bottom of the bag. This would be very misleading as they must have gotten some ideas from wine bottles with this design.


In reality, the net weight indicates how much product is left in the container, but you feel sorry to finish the pack after 5 nuts. Cashews aren’t exactly a budget item and it’s not like they need to charge you a premium for such little thing in this deceptive box.

The Built-In Sharpener Can Make Them Even Smaller

These may be the ideal sized pencils for a child’s hand, but Crayola obviously forgot they have a sizable adult market share. These mini-pencils are only half-length of a full-sized colored pencil, and the mini-sharpener is to make them even mini-er … ‘cause they weren’t small enough already.


They probably leave no color at all and cost extra because of the sharpener. You may as well splurge on some colored pencils and a sharpener themselves to get maximum effect for your money. Almost as if they minimized them just to include the included but probably unnecessary sharpener.

New Packaging, Same Price, Double The Plastic

In the most random of moves, the company opted to shake-up its packaging. The company exchanged its short, wide container filled with product for a taller container that was half-full. These folks did not go green, they went right the other direction into More Plastic Waste.


They could probably no longer fit their long list of chemical ingredients on that tiny jar, and most likely had to charge more to be able to buy larger packaging. And how was the previous packaging inappropriate? All they altered was the volume of garbage.

The Package Said 800 Pieces, But 550 Of Them Are Tiny Dots

While the box may claim 800 pieces, half of them are meaningless dots that’ll either go missing, end up being eaten by the dog, or sucked up in the vacuum cleaner. Buying off-brand blocks thinking it would save them some cash — but that backfired on them.


If you want to trust the quality: buy Legos, you exactly know what you are getting. These knock-off brands will rob you blind, chuckling as they pack up a whole bunch of paper-weights. The size of the box also would lead one to believe they were receiving more than that.

Watermelon, But Without Watermelon

We are making watermelon juice — well, just mix apple-beetroot-carrot-ginger juice. Slap a watermelon sticker on it and no one will ever know the difference. On top of that, it claims it contains strawberry and lemon, but neither of them are in the ingredients.


And that really begs the question, what else are they hiding in this juice? The only thing that made sense was that one side had been given the wrong label, which clearly explained why they don’t match. Hopefully this one has an allergy to whatever ingredients may be in this

White letters on a white background conceal the makeup palette’s shadow, which is not eye-safe.

An eyeshadow should be safe for use in and around eye area when you purchase it, no? Well, it turns out not all eyeshadows look like that. Adding to this is that they put it in white letters but yet over a white background. I mean, eyeshadow is supposed to go on your eyes right?


Well, it reads “not for intended eye area use”, but where else exactly are you supposed to put eyeshadow? What is that shadow meant or? But do they want you to apply it to your skin, or do something else with it? If it is not safe then (sigh) don’t put that shade in a palette.

New On The Outside But Not The Inside

That moment you got plastic surgery, but you are still the same ugly bitch inside. That’s the same as this shampoo; new bottle, same old crap in the bottle. Their slogan could be, “because you are worth it,” yet we do not know if they believe it,


Read the small print on their bottles and the shampoo only really works with its partner conditioner. Laird, we recognize this is the same old ugly formula in a new slicker dress, and we aren’t falling for the shiny wrapping one more time.

The Box May Say 1,000 Pieces, But It Actually Only Has 523

Gave them a refund because clearly states 1,000 pieces on the box and upon counting they only received 523 blocks. Even though its just unnecessary blocks like previous bunches, if they are going to call this a 1,000 pieces they might as well at least include an accurate number of blocks to be fair.


You have to hand it to them for counting every part. At least it means there are 477 fewer opportunities for them to crush one of these. There’s got to be some loophole in fine print somewhere on 1,000 pieces = only a ballpark figure, not what goes in the box.

New Whey Protein Only Filled Half-Whey

Their protein powder was only halfway full when they opened their new tub of it. Even if they made the experience, outside the fact that they should do not trust this brand ⇾ They only gain weight in the gym. Sure, I guess they say contents will settle in transport, but we think that is a bit excessive.


Protein powder is not a budget item by any means, and now we know why it’s so pricey – they’re charging you for the plastic. Would it kill it to go into a smaller fucking container? Do they really not give a fuck about the planet? I think we can safely say that it is not at the top of their priority list.

The Meatballs Wanted A Window Seat To See Your Reaction

The meatballs felt lonely and moved to one part of the pizza, where they could look out the window. It certainly has to be a divine punishment for anyone who dared to add meatballs on their pizza! There are certain things that just will never be pizza toppings; pineapple.


They lost the right to this when they couldn’t be bothered to pack a sauce packet themselves. All the meatballs could at least watch this person go through the various stages of how he unboxed the pizza. In seconds their bright expression turned to a puzzled frown.

Eight Percent Alcohol… Or So You Thought

Anyways this person officially wins the award for sneakiest packaging. They added “less than” above the eight percent in Font the same Colour as the can with almost no Contrast. And even with the underlining, you can hardly make out what it says.


This brand is unknown to us and they are looking really shady and we seriously were under the impression that this is the best beer that India has to offer. The way it goes is like the store discount slogans of “up to 80% off” nothing got down more than 10 per cent but we will bite on biggest number we see.

Harmful To Aquatic Life, But Flush It Down The Toilet

A store is selling flushable wipes with a large sign saying that they are dangerous for aquatic life (with long-term effects). Are we alone in thinking that those two things are in strongly opposition? They might have your toilet singing like a star but those things shouldn’t be going down the can with those warnings.


I guess plumbers love these things as it must keep them in business clogging every drainage. They kill 99.9%, bacteria, fish, coral reefs. Just end up eating them instead, chuck them in the bin.

New Cereal Box Is 11% Taller With 1.6% Less Cereal

General Mills is pulling a fast one with their huge new boxes, and less cereal inside. We see this with net weight, then give a tall pack that is mainly air more air than cereal and probably still charge a premium for a pack taller than the other. What was the defect in the original box?


If someone was sprinting in the store to pick up a few essentials they will go for the one which has taller type because it feels like it will endure longer only to be bamboozled. Why not round these weights to the next whole number? And why 11.1 ounces and not a neat 11?

Not Bigger In Size, Bigger In Audacity

We are not sure compared to what but their new chocolate bar is bigger. Yes, it is actually larger than one square of chocolate, but it is the same size as the old candy bar. The only thing larger in this candy bar is the now bigger headline,


Asterisks spoil everything — there should be some small type on the back saying that it is not really larger. You could slap that sign on anything and it would mean nothing. It must have come from the lesson our exes gave them; that line has worked in the past on us.

This Box Of Mostly Sticks With A Few Matches In It

The matchbox may contain 250 pieces, but 95 percent of them are useless wooden sticks. They will alight, but you’re not gonna set a fire with a match the way you expect it to. The fine print for those “strike anywhere” matches are sold separately fire at least.


It was likely a clerical error on their part because they would be out of business by now if they did this. They can just use the extra to create a little bonfire that will extinguish in a few seconds but will provide them with plenty of material to replace it when it dies out each time.

They Went Through A Lot Of Trouble To Create All Of This Wasted Packaging

We really wish we could have been a fly on the wall in this design meeting. We’ve designed something elegant, with a sparkling gold and party icon treatment,” the designer said. what do you think?” Their bosses were pleased, but wanted to go further.


They did not even fill the package with candy, but put instead a triangle of cardboard right in the center, thus only a quarter of the package was actually used. They quite literally went the extra mile to make something like this, but should have realized when they bought this ultra-light box that something was afoot.

Sticker Rolls That Barely Include 10 Stickers

The pack says there are 200+ stickers but with how small this “roll” is, we find that hard to believe. If there are 200 stickers, they’re likely those useless little ones that occupy corners of characters.


This is somehow even sadder because some kid absolutely blew all their Dave & Busters tickets on this shit-pack of useless stickers. Seriously, if you were a kid that this saw this rip-off happen, would you not rage over it? Someone had probably asked to speak with the manager.

The Case Is Made In The USA, But The Insides Are Made Elsewhere

This hose nozzle’s outer plastic later was manufactured in America, but when they looked closer into it, they found the core was manufactured in China. That’s the kind of betrayal that makes us wonder about the integrity of these companies. There are things they hide under all that glitz, you never know.

These days, I dare you to find something without at least a single component manufactured in China. Before long, those will be the only items found on the marketplace. We know domestically-sourced part added a premium to an otherwise outsources assembly line.

It’s Not The Size; It’s How You Use It

Like the Crayola colored pencils, these acrylic paints are pint-sized for no reason at all. Who the fuck are they to waste all that space, not even the length of the container? Even the bottom is covered so you can′t tell they are not full-size tubes.


If it had been watercolor or oil, it would kind of make sense–a little goes a long way with those paints–but you burn through acrylic (especially if applying with a brush) pretty quickly. We’ve made Bob Ross more angry than he would ever show, because there’s a bunch of angry trees painting the fuck out of this deception here.

She Chose The Bigger Box But Ended Up Paying For Air

This box was originally chosen by someone in store who was having a lot of trouble deciding between this and another brand of chocolates, I know because I was right behind them. They went with the bigger box and later learned it was almost all air. Takeaway here is, guess no more how big the object without checking the weight!


How useful that empty plastic waste just to keep them apart!!! What this individual basically purchased was extra cardboard, more plastic, and even additional inbuilt space. They’re never going to trust the package size of a product again, but it’s a lesson we all have to learn sooner or later.

Actual Size Is Not The Actual Size

Not even kidding, this is likely the only instance where a product exceeded a customer expectation…but wish it was smaller. One company did say the photo was true to size, but then ommited a couple of inches. Either these are two separate products or they shrunk the picture at the last minute to save on printing costs.


Those tiny little icons on the product are not accurately reflected in the photo, and now this poor sap has a giant WiFi adapter that is definitely not compact as they were hoping. If they keep it away from their face then it is more like the photo.

Primary Colors Plus A Friend

This just wouldn’t fly in our minds, since crayons are heavy, and even one look at the carton would tip off someone that it can’t be full. Most likely they were attaching these to a coloring book or something and didn’t want to give too many crayons away.


So why is it always the primary colors plus this green one? The other colors are feeling neglected and they never get elected for the complimentary box of crayons. Well, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and there are no positive surprises hidden under there.

Coloring Kit That Is 90% Empty And Counts Each Piece Of Paper As One Piece In 100 Pieces

WARNING: This coloring kit is the biggest scam! They left all that plastic in the kit container and counted every sheet of paper as part of the 100 pieces of the kits. Reading the contents list of a package is never a bad idea, and the lightness should have alerted them to something being up.


Why go through the trouble of putting it inside this huge container and then just stuffing the inside with cardboard? However, they could at least use the cardboard to color on, but it wouldn’t help that they were duped. That’s just plain evil since it’s clear this was intended for kids.

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