Popular American Foods You Won’t Find in Other Countries

Boxed Mac and Cheese

Not sold in: Austria, Norway, and the EU 
Why? Potentially dangerous coloring agents

In the evening, is there anything better than a tasty bowl of mac and cheese? We didn’t think so. You can cook your own mac and cheese anywhere in the world, but it will be hard to find boxed mac and cheese in food stores in Austria, Norway, and other European Union countries.


This is because a lot of boxed mac and cheese contains a coloring agent that may be harmful to children. That’s why Kraft Heinz Co. had to change its mix for Europeans.

Chewing Gum

Not sold in: Singapore
Why? To help clean up the streets

Singapore prides itself on being clean, cultural, and desirable, as experienced visitors know. Singapore prohibits people from chewing gum while strolling around. Laws in Singapore stipulate that individuals found in possession of gum face a $100,000 fine or a two-year jail sentence.

Wikimedia Commons/Lusheeta

While some individuals can chew gum due to medical necessity, the majority cannot. In the end, they don’t want to make the streets dirty.

Coffee Mate

Not sold in: Hungary, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark
Why? Dangerous ingredients

You can try Coffee Mate instead of black coffee if you don’t like cheese. You can add lactose-free powdered milk to your coffee to make it taste and feel creamier. It can totally change the way you enjoy your morning coffee. But do you know what’s in Coffee Mate? Cottonseed oils and partially hydrogenated soybean compounds are the ingredients in this case.


These foods can be unhealthy when consumed in large quantities and have been associated with heart disease and other heart problems. Because of this, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark all banned it.

Rare Burgers

Not sold in: New Zealand and the UK
Why? Potentially high levels of bacteria

What way do you like your burgers? Good job? Medium? Rare to medium? In the United States, many people also love to eat a rare burger with their favorite toppings. Some people get sick when they see blood coming out of the burger, and it appears that some countries have gone even further and won’t serve rare burgers at all.

Wikimedia Commons/Ewan Munro

Due to the bacteria that could be harmful in the meat, rare burgers can’t be sold in some places in the UK and New Zealand. They cook their burgers a little longer than you might prefer, to prevent anyone from getting sick.

American-Made Sprinkles

Not sold in: Great Britain
Why? Dangerous ingredients

Most of the time, when you spend hours making your own donuts or when you buy a colorful cake with your groceries, you don’t think about your sprinkles. They’re just there to look appealing and add a little sweetness, right? Not really, though. If you live in Great Britain, you might be interested to know that stores can’t sell anything with sprinkles made in the United States.

Wikimedia Commons

That’s because sprinkles made in the United States contain erythrosine, which is also known as FD&C Red No. 3 in the US. This ingredient turns the sprinkles red, but it can make kids very active.

French Fries

Not sold in: Singapore, Austria, and the UK
Why? They contain azodicarbonamide

You’ll be glad to know that we’re not talking about all French fries. After putting them in the freezer, you can quickly remove the potato chips. While frozen fries are ideal for individuals with busy schedules or limited cooking time, some brands contain harmful ingredients.

Wikimedia Commons/Vincent60030

These frozen fries frequently contain azolidicarbonamide to extend their shelf life, but asthmatics should avoid these fries due to this chemical.

Instant Mashed Potatoes

Not sold in: Europe, Japan, Australia
Why? Dangerous ingredients

You could just boil and mash your own potatoes if you love cooking and making filling meals for your family. But sometimes it’s easier and less expensive to just buy mashed potatoes. Of course, most people think these are just potatoes. That’s one reason why Europe, Japan, and Australia don’t allow quick mashed potatoes.


Many brands use Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), a preservative, to maintain the taste and flavor of fast food. Unfortunately, BHA is known to cause cancer and is not safe to eat or drink.

Post Honey Maid S’mores

Not sold in: Europe, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and more
Why? Dangerous ingredients

People love American cereal because it’s enjoyable and different, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy or safe to eat. Most people would happily eat Post Honey Maid S’Mores, even if they didn’t know what was in them, because they taste so good. Several countries banned this renowned cereal after discovering its ingredients.


Post Honey Maid S’mores have been banned in different parts of the world because they contain Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), which has been linked to cancer.


Not sold in: Somalia
Why? Religious beliefs

People in every country in the Middle East and South Asia make and sell samosas. You can find them in both restaurants and street vendors. A pastry pocket filled with anything from ground meat to veggies makes this snack very tasty, and a lot of people love them. However, you won’t find samosas in Somalia because the government there has chosen not to allow them on religious grounds.

Wikimedia Commons/Ning Gusti

In 2011, Somalia banned this food due to its high Muslim population. And they thought that the triangle shape of samosas looked too much like the Christian Holy Trinity.

American-Made White Bread

Not sold in: UK, Peru, Canada, and more
Why? Dangerous ingredients

That being said, most people in the U.S. probably buy their food without giving much thought to what’s in it. However, you might be surprised to learn that many products manufactured in the United States are illegal in other countries. Other countries outlaw even American-made white bread. This bread contains unique ingredients that give it a distinct appearance from other breads.

Wikimedia Commons/Yauwoloufrajm

In fact, American-made white bread uses potassium bromate to accelerate the rising and baking processes. However, due to its potential harm to the liver and nervous system, many countries have banned potassium bromate.

Ritz Crackers

Not sold in: Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Austria, Hungary
Why? Dangerous ingredients 

These crackers are known all over the world and are often thought to be the best-known crackers ever. People really like these crackers in the US, but it’s difficult to find them in Europe because they contain something that could be dangerous. That being said, what isRitz Crackers contain hydrogenated cottonseed oil, a fact that has caused controversy over the years.ears.


While some health experts tout the health benefits of this oil, it has also been associated with liver damage, miscarriage, and heart disease over time. Because of this, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Austria, and Hungary all banned it.


Not sold in: Greece, Luxembourg, Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria
Why? Genetic modification

The demand for soybeans has gone up a lot as more people switch to veggie and vegan diets. As a result, many farmers in the US have resorted to genetic modification as a means of producing larger and faster-growing crops. That being said, this helps them, but it doesn’t always assist people who eat them.

Wikimedia Commons/rawpixel

In fact, nearly half of the countries in the European Union have banned these soy products due to their connection to numerous health issues, including cancer.

Mountain Dew

Not sold in: Europe and Japan
Why? Causes birth defects

We’re going to guess that you’ve had Mountain Dew at least once. Around the world, people love this drink as much as people in the United States do. Mountain Dew isn’t hard to find, but it can be hard to find in some places of Europe and Japan. These places have banned soft drinks because they contain harmful chemicals.


Chemicals in Mountain Dew have been associated with birth defects, hearing loss, and mental health issues. Despite this, there’s still no cap on how much you can buy in the United States.

Casu Marzu

Not sold in: The U.S.
Why? The fermentation process

Cheese is always a beneficial choice, right? However, according to the US, it’s not permitted. People all over the world love the hard pecorino cheese outside and the soft, creamy cheese inside, but for some reason, the United States does not allow Casu Marzu cheese. You might be surprised to learn that a specific type of fermentation in the cheese achieves this structure.

Wikimedia Commons/Shardan

In fact, fly larvae (also called maggots) release a special juice during the process that softens the inside of the cheese. As a result, the United States has chosen not to sell maggot cheese.

Tostitos Salsa Con Queso Dip

Not sold in: Norway and Austria
Why? Contains dangerous food colorings

Many people in the U.S. can’t get enough of Tostitos Salsa Con Queso Dip, which goes excellent with chips and dip. This dip is favored by the majority of individuals due to its delectable flavor and visually appealing appearance. After all, it’s very bright and bold! This isn’t always a beneficial thing, though.


Tostitos Salsa Con Queso Dip has Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 food coloring to make it this color. These are banned in Norway and Austria because they cause serious allergies.

American-Raised Pork

Not sold in: 150 countries around the world
Why? It contains ractopamine

Almost every country in the world has pork. Even though each country has its own rules about how to care for and treat pigs and how to raise pork, it looks like a lot of countries don’t want anything to do with pork grown in the United States. For that reason, U.S. pork is often full of chemicals, such as the harmful ractopamine.

Wikimedia Commons/Mark Miller

The farmers give these chemicals to the pigs to help them get as big as possible quickly. However, the people who eat the pork also consume these chemicals. This is why 150 countries don’t allow pork raised in the United States.

Betty Crocker Fudge Brownie Mix

Not sold in: Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Austria, Hungary
Why? Dangerous ingredients 

Betty Crocker has probably come in handy more than once if you don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen making fresh cakes and cooking a storm. People who want to make their own cakes and sweets without having to do a lot of work will love this name. Americans buy these mixes all the time, but Europeans don’t.


More specifically, many European countries don’t allow the Betty Crocker Fudge Brownie mix because it contains hydrogenated cottonseed oil and soya oil. Both of these substances can be very dangerous if taken in large amounts.


Not sold in: EU
Why? Contains Bromine

People in the United States love Fresca, but most people outside the country have never heard of it. Most people outside of Europe have never heard of Fresca due to its non-saleable status. This is because this citrus-flavored soda contains bromine, a poisonous chemical that can burn people, damage human tissue membranes, and even cause schizophrenia.


So it makes sense that the European Union has banned this substance. However, other places continue to offer it. It looks like the recipe won’t be changing any time soon, though.

Hot Dogs

Not sold in: United Arab Emirates
Why? Reduce obesity 

Is there anything better than ketchup and mustard on a hot dog? You can find different kinds of condiments in different countries, but you can acquire hot dogs in most grocery shops and restaurants. In the United Arab Emirates, though, this isn’t true. A study in 2014 found that 14% of school-age kids were overweight. Schools banned hot dogs as a result.

Wikimedia Commons/ElGatling

Schools no longer serve hot dogs because they are high in salt, fat, and processed meat. Instead, they serve food that is beneficial for them. Also banned were soda and fried chips.

Raw Milk

Not sold in: UK, Canada, some of the U.S.
Why? Health concerns

Food fads come and go, and a lot of them say they are beneficial for you. While drinking raw, unpasteurized milk has worked for some and been fun for others, it’s hard to find in the UK, Canada, and some parts of the US. Yes, there are some health benefits to drinking raw milk, like better digestion, but in the end, the risks are greater than the benefits.

Wikimedia Commons/AshokaJegroo

Many countries will only sell pasteurized milk because of the risk of Salmonella and Listeriosis. This process eliminates harmful bacteria and reduces the likelihood of illness. It looks like things will stay that way.

Foie Gras

Not sold in: 16 countries around the world
Why? Animal cruelty

Some people may be familiar with foie gras if they’ve attended a high-end culinary show or dined at an upscale restaurant. But are you sure that this food is what it says it is? Foie gras is basically duck liver, but it’s known for being extra smooth and creamy. In order to get this smoothness, farmers feed the ducks twice a day for at least two weeks before killing them.


I’m sure you can guess that many countries around the world don’t like this process. This is why 16 countries, such as Australia, Israel, Denmark, Italy, and Germany, have banned it because it hurts animals.

Little Debbie Swiss Rolls

Not sold in: Norway and Austria
Why? Dangerous food colorings

We’re pretty sure that everyone in the U.S. knows what Little Debbie Swiss Rolls are. Although it looks simple, that chocolate cake and cream mix has more complicated ingredients. In fact, these Swiss rolls are full of Yellow 5 and Red 40, which are harmful food colorings.


Researchers have found a link between these food colorings and mental problems in kids, as well as birth defects and organ failure. This is the reason Norway and Austria have completely banned the sale of Little Debbie Swiss Rolls.


Not sold in: Sweden and Norway
Why? Dangerous artificial colors

If you like tasting the color, there’s a good chance that you also like Skittles. That this candy has been a favorite for decades shouldn’t be a surprise, but it is full of ingredients that are harmful for you. The fact that Skittles have the fake colors Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 has even led to their ban in Sweden and Norway.


Children and adults have linked both of these artificial colors to hyperactivity and even allergic reactions. Norway and Sweden oppose the exposure of their citizens to these ingredients.

Fruit Loops

Not sold in: Austria, Norway, France, Finland
Why? Artificial colors

Many countries are now restricting artificial preservatives and food colorings. This is why Fruit Loops, a famous cereal, has gotten negative press over the years. This bright cereal is unhealthy, but most kids want to try it. Besides being full of cereal, it also has a lot of added flavors and colors.


Many European countries dislike the colors because they have been linked to problems with cell growth. Because of this, they have chosen not to sell the cereal at all.

Durian Fruit

Not sold in: Singapore
Why? The pungent smell 

Most countries encourage their citizens to consume more fruits and vegetables due to their health benefits. Fruits and veggies are important in Singapore, but it will be challenging to find a durian fruit with your other groceries. To explain, durian fruit is not the same as apples or cherries. To avoid confusion, it is known as “the smelliest fruit” because of its strong smell.

Wikimedia Commons/G.Mannaerts

We can see why the Singaporean government doesn’t want this stuff on the streets. Some people even say that a durian fruit smells like rotten onions, sulfur, honey, and sewage.

Farm-Raised Salmon

Not sold in: Australia and New Zealand
Why? Health concerns

Adding salmon to your grocery list and cooking it is something that many people all over the world do. Salmon is one of the most popular fish to cook with. Salmon raised in farms differs from wild salmon. The main differences are their color and nutritional value. Australia and New Zealand have completely banned farm-raised fish because it is bad for your health.


Farm-raised salmon is pinker thanks to the use of oil-based chemicals, but eating these chemicals can be harmful to one’s health. Studies have even connected these chemicals to eye problems in individuals.

Beluga Caviar

Not sold in: United States
Why? Conservation reasons

For the most part, people don’t buy caviar with their other groceries. However, caviar is still a famous high-end item all over the world. Sometimes only Michelin-starred restaurants and high-class hotels can have it. There are a few different kinds. But Beluga caviar is not available in the United States. Many people enjoy this “black gold,” as caviar enthusiasts refer to it.

Wikimedia Commons/Rudolph.A.furtado

A few years ago, however, Beluga caviar got some bad press because of concerns about the highly endangered Beluga whale. These issues result in the ban on the sale of Beluga caviar.

Pop -Tarts

Not sold in: Europe
Why? Dangerous food colorings

People in the United States love pop-art. There are a lot of delicious types of Pop-Tarts, and people eat them for breakfast, dessert, or just as a snack. Most people know that Pop-Tarts aren’t beneficial for them, but it’s safe to say that most people don’t know how harmful they are for them. In fact, many European countries won’t let you buy them because they contain so many harmful food colorings.


This is before discussing sugar content in these foods. Research has linked many of the food colorings in Pop-Tarts to behavioral problems in children. Some countries only sell Pop-Tarts with a warning label on the box.

Boxed Pasta

Not sold in: Australia and EU
Why? Contains azodicarbonamide

If you don’t like cooking, boxes and packets are helpful. You can buy them at the same store as your other items and make them quickly for dinner. Boxed pasta kits are easy to make, but they contain azodicarbonamide, which is why they are illegal in Australia and some EU countries.


It is true that azodicarbonamide makes the pasta’s color stand out and the dough lighter, but this chemical is also very dangerous to humans.

Frosted Flakes

Not sold in: Japan and EU
Why? Contains BHT

There are lots of different breakfast cereals out there, but Frosted Flakes is without a doubt one of the most well-known. Children beg their parents to buy them this cereal, and the main reason is that it’s very sweet. However, Japan and many EU countries do not allow frosted flakes for this reason.


That’s because frozen flakes contain butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), a chemical commonly used in drug manufacturing. When consumed in large quantities, this BHT can pose significant risks to human health.


Not sold in: United States
Why? Breaks Department of Agriculture laws

People from Scotland love haggis, if you know anything about them. So much so that it’s their national food! People from Scotland love the stuffed lungs and heart of a sheep, but if they move to the US, it will be challenging for them to find this taste of home. That’s because the United States doesn’t allow any haggis at all.

Wikimedia Commons/Chris Brown

The Department of Agriculture enacted a law in 1971 prohibiting the making of haggis. It is against the law to eat animal innards, so haggis could not get away.

Black Pudding

Not sold in: United States
Why? Sanitary concerns

There’s no question that this food is not for everyone, whether you call it black pudding or blood sausage. This dish originates from traditional British cuisine, combining oatmeal, wheat, and either pig or cow blood. The cow then inserts this mix into its intestines and cuts it up like a sausage. But you can’t eat it in the U.S.

Wikimedia Commons/O’Dea

The United States has banned black pudding because it could spread germs, which is bad for health. In the end, you shouldn’t eat blood all the time.

Kinder Surprise Eggs

Not sold in: United States
Why? Choking hazard

Even though the ban on Kinder Surprise Eggs ended in 2018, the mere fact of their ban brought about significant changes in the chocolate industry. Because they come with a plastic egg that has a toy inside, Kinder Surprise Eggs used to be one of the most famous kinds of candy on the market. Then everything changed.


Finally, the FDA decided that the toy and the plastic egg were too dangerous for children to play with because they could choke on them. However, following modifications in their manufacturing process, the FDA once again approved them.


Not sold in: Sweden
Why? Branding conflict

M&Ms have become one of the most famous candies in the world thanks to their crazy commercials and diverse flavors. Most people have a favorite flavor, and some even keep these tasty treats in their food cabinets. You must search for M&Ms in Sweden for a long time without success.


Sweden prohibits the sale of M&Ms due to their name’s similarity to a Mondelez snack known as “M.” The snack looks a lot like their logo, and the brand looks a lot like the snack.

Unpasteurized Cheese

Not sold in: U.S.
Why? Bacteria risks

We’re pretty sure you already know that the United States is chock full of cheese. The store has so many cheeses that you won’t know which to choose. Have you ever wondered why the cheese counter never displays any unprepared cheese? That’s because it’s against the law in the U.S. because it could spread germs.

Wikimedia Commons/Stephanie Watson

Despite the seemingly contradictory findings of the study, some individuals maintain that unpasteurized cheeses may harbor harmful bacteria that could cause severe illness. People in the US decide not to risk it.


Not sold in: Canada and Denmark
Why? Harmful additives

You may have tried Marmite if you’ve been to the UK. The same way that Vegemite in Australia is a learned taste, you either love or hate Marmite. But even though a lot of people love the rich yeast paste, it hasn’t quite caught on around the world. It’s possible that this is related to the fact that Canada and Denmark have banned this food.

Wikimedia Commons/WestportWiki

Marmite has a lot of extra ingredients added to it so that it stays fresh for months at a time. It’s because of these additives that grocery shops in these countries no longer sell it.


Not sold in: France
Why? Cultural issues

Ketchup is a very well-known sauce around the world. You can easily find Ketchup in any location. In France, you can purchase Ketchup, yet schools forbid its use. This prevents kids from consuming it with their French fries.


This is because the French government doesn’t want kids to dull their famously excellent taste buds. Instead, they want their kids to learn about traditional French food and all of France’s most famous meals.


Not sold in: The U.S. and Europe
Why? Can be fatal 

If you eat chicken or meat that isn’t fully cooked, you could get sick. However, undercooked fugu presents a distinct challenge. This pufferfish dish is so dangerous that it can kill you if you don’t cook it right. A 1991 episode of The Simpsons made this unique quality popular. In fact, few cooks can make this dish.

Wikimedia Commons/Sgconlaw

Fugu is truly terrifying, and it is absurd to believe that a single bite can result in the deaths of so many individuals. It’s even stranger that the United States and countries in the European Union are the only ones that have banned fugu.


Not sold in: Venice
Why? Bad for their reputation

To many people, burgers are just a normal part of life. It’s easy to make these at home, and the closest restaurant serving them isn’t too far away. However, if you’re looking for a kebab in Venice, you might want to consider your options as they’re not permitted there.

Flickr/Lesya Dolyk

This issue is unrelated to the flavors or nutritional value of this delicious snack. That’s only because the people in charge think that “low-quality” kebabs will hurt their culture and character.

Halal and Kosher Meat

Not sold in: Greece
Why? Animal welfare violations

Halal and Kosher meat are important to some beliefs, but it’s difficult to find either of them in Greece. Different steps follow the same rules and involve killing animals without shocking them, which is typical for non-Halal or Kosher meat. However, this has not gone over well with the Greek government.

Wikimedia Commons/Christopher Paquette

They argue that the methods used to produce Halal and Kosher meat violate their Animal Welfare Acts, as the animals are conscious and awake during their slaughter. Therefore, people who need it can’t easily get their hands on it.

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