Budget-Friendly Hacks to Enhance Your McDonald’s Experience

Ask for the Mcmuffin Eggs to Guarantee Freshness

Well, there’s no way to go (pun intended) around that eggs are always going to be round. Which is why we get it if you’re not really a fan of McDonald’s weird, square eggs. The regular squared eggs, too, might become a bit stale close to closing time. This is why we suggest you order the special round eggs they create fresh in the AMs for your McMuffin. At times, they will follow your instructions as employees.


Even though, it will make their job a bit of a extra work. However, when they do oblige you, you always receive a new set of round eggs!

Ask the staff to press this hidden button to receive half-priced hash browns.

For anyone who’s ever experienced the magic of biting into that little nugget of potato heaven that is the McDonald’s hash brown, you know just how good they can be. And that someone is also aware that one of these fuckers is never, ever enough. They’re normally a dollar each, but there’s an unmarked button on the till machine: the “Uplift Hash Brown” button that lets you get one of these for 50 cents.

katielikesbread / Instagram

When hash browns are added to any meal, the button prices them at 50 cents a pop. This is something McDonald’s employees are aware of, yet instructed to charge a buck except this whole discussion comes into play.

Meals with a lot of four-piece nuggets are less expensive than larger meals.

Some inexplicable McDonald’s for some reason will charge you extra for the larger meals in a not-improperly-proportioned manner to the smaller meals. For example, with nuggets, it will cost you $1.19 for a four-piece meal, but $3.60 for a ten-piece. Now, if you know your multiplication table, you’ll realize that doesn’t even make sense. And then, go ahead and look up those prices for yourself!

hungryhungryhipgrave / Instagram

You might even do better ordering two four-piece meals instead of a standard ten. Think creatively: You need to have creativity for saving money.

Ask for the Receipt and Your Food Will Magically Taste Better

Now, I know this sounds like magic, but it’s actually pretty simple stuff. The only thing mysterious here is mystery shopper! You know, the ones that come in super stealthily and order food to give it a rating. Restaurants have long since conjured their ways of determining who is or is not a mystery diner, and one of those methods is watching for anyone who asks for receipts.

Alpha / Flickr

Receipts is the currency mystery shoppers use to keep tabs on a retail outlet. But if you ask for receipts, then you might just start to look like a mystery shopper to McDonald’s, hence why politely going that extra mile to ensure your food’s as fresh as possible.

Make a DIY Ice Cream Float for your kids.

One ugly trait kids seem to have is wanting every single thing in life right now. They just want it big: They don’t care if they can afford what they want (they generally can’t) they just want it tall. They still have not learned how to mesh or not mesh well together. So, next time your kid is trying to get you to buy him one of everything on the dessert menu, slip him one of these suckers.

hungrymerui / Instagram

Get you some ice cream and a soda of your choice, then smash the two together. And there you have it, your very own McDonald’s Float. That should be enough to appease your child, hopefully.

Partially order Sausage Egg McMuffins to save money.

Oh, yes. The Sausage Egg McMuffin. It is nearly better than your average, boring ass, McMuffin (although the regular McMuffin goes absolutely insane as well). Sadly enough, though, it seems the owners of McDonald’s know exactly how much this piece of breakfast perfection is worth, as it costs quite a lot more than a typical McMuffin and even your average sausage McMuffin. Below you’ll find the admittedly high price of admission before entering a McDonald’s; however, there is an out.

foongpc / Instagram

Believe it or not — this is the simplest of trick. Well, you hardly have to lift a finger. You just have to order the regular Sausage McMuffin and add a side of eggs. Somehow, that’s cheaper.

The Secret to the Perfect Oreo McFlurry

Many people might be happy with their own specific version of ordering the McFlurry, but trust us, this recipe might actually be better than any other type of McFlurry you’ve had. Just politely (as is right and proper) have the folks at McDonald’s squirt a bit of caramel and hot fudge into your McFlurry. And if they do you discover just how excellent a bit of McDonald’s soft serve can be.

Katrina Caryl Hernandez / Pinterest

Now, if you for some reason have hesitated about trying this, we ask you to ignore your reservations for a bit and give this a go anyway. You won’t regret it.

Use these two ingredients to make your own Boba tea.

There is some weird craze gripping the globe. Yes, we are of course talking about Boba Tea. It’s all the rave nowadays. Pun only PUNremitting, but you really cannot escape, where to lose where to determine the Boba Tea. And unfortunately, McDonald’s is not one of those places—yet. However, you are entitled to prepare yourself some superb milk tea, which really is boba tea but with no boba. Simply ask for a cup of sweet tea.


Then place your order for a side of creamer. Combine the two and enjoy your artisanal brew of sweet tea. We promise it’s good.

Pro Tip: To receive a fresh batch, choose the saltless fries.

But don’t fret, you will also request some salt sachets separately, sprinkle onto your fries! It simply inscriptions that you will acquire a brand new set of fries, not the stale, old ones that have been sitting around all day, just chillin’. Your nearest McDonald’s most likely doesn’t have a supply of salt-free fries sitting around, which means they’ll have to make the fries just for you from scratch.

oli_lele / Twitter

Now, are you going to have some McDonald’s employees that get paid minimum wage with a little bit of a chip in your shoulder that you are making the, putting in a little extra work? Sure. Is it still worth it? You’re damn right it is.

Not a Tray? Easy Peasy: Just Use the Fry Box.

Fortunately, the boxes in which Mcdonald’s fries typically arrive are reasonably malleable. That means they can be changed as per your whenever-needed nature, and at times you need a spot to put your ketchup in case you have no fixed plate to work with, or whatever sauce you fancy. Simply cant your chip container like the photo, and zezz, done!

@todayyearsoldig / Twitter

Congratulations! Congratulations, you just designed a custom fry box for McDonald’s! Sounds absolutely delicious, right?

No Table Needed for This Space-Saving Trick

It looks like a crazy scientist at McDonald’s has devised one of the most inventive, practical, and perhaps sacrilegious methods to eat McDonald’s. We can only speculate that he had been laboriously creating this schema for years, driven by who knows And brilliantly, plainly and borderline sinfully, a potentially batshit crazy scientist in the employ of McDonald’s had a new way to eat McDonald’s. One can only imagine that he had been painstakingly concocting this scheme for years, driven by gods know what. Anyways, the directions are simple enough, unfold the burger box and use your cup as a fulcrum. It’s basically just that simple.. In any case, following the directions is quite easy: simply open the burger box and use your cup as support. In essence, that is all there is to it.

Crente Sincero / Twitter

For those among you who are overly precise and need specific orders, we included the poster’s guide as well. That ought to work anyway.

Use the McFlurry Lid to Redefine the Way You Snack While Driving

Anyone who has ever had the privilege of getting Mcdonald’s from a Drive-Thru understands the sumptuous experience of eating fries in the car, on your way back home or wherever that feast you just purchased is destined to be devoured. So sadly, snacking on fries can become a little dull. And here’s where the lid of a McFlurry comes into play.

EricaKuzmicz / Twitter

Just plant one of those schmuck boxes as you get into the McFlurry lid, which isMperfectly built for these sauces. There U Go, TakeAway For The Road, Fries & Dip!

Save Some Money by Getting a Large Drink for Two

If there’s one thing that we can all pretty much agree on, it’s McDonald’s is pretty crafty with their marketing strategies and ploys. For example, there is a thing called “the decoy effect” where McDonald’s will price their medium drink at a price much closer to the large drink than the smaller-sized drink to subconsciously encourage consumers to purchase the larger-sized drinks over the smaller.

mcdrink_review / Instagram

However, if you’re dining with a friend, we do have a loophole. Purchase a large beverage, split the large beverage into two small cups. That’ll put some buck in your pocket!

Know Your Rush Hours for Better Service

One of the most well-known sayings that has been going around for the last few years, if not decades among McDonald’s understanders is that know where you’re going and when to go. As for the where, we’ll leave that part for a different day, but we’ll happily discuss the when: the majority of McDonald’s have peak hours that are not so fun. You get hospitable service you won¿t be in these hours that will take care of your needs. There’s what it is to be done about that.

mcdonalds_obyhovo / Instagram

Which means, don’t go to McDonald’s at peak hours Please. You can work out your local McDs individual rush hour, but the unofficial rule is steering clear around midday from 12-2pm and again from 5-7pm.

Free Hot Chocolate!

The next hack comes courtesy of a TikToker who claims that McDonald’s employees have confirmed its authenticity. If you want a free hot chocolate, simply ask for a hot water from Starbucks, and two packs of chocolate sauce (or more, we do not pass judgment). Add the chocolate to hot water, stir it up, and done! We offer you a complimentary McDonald hot chocolate.


The people working at McDonald’s jumped in the comments on that viral TikTok, saying that sounds about right, and the hot chocolate they sell is basically just that- so this is definitely hack worth the effort!

A Small Price to Pay for the Perfect McFlurry

This article is all about saving money and not spending, which we can do, however there are certain things in life which should be spent on. For example, the ideal McFlurry is absolutely one of those things. So what does a perfect McFlurry actually look like? So, we’ll tell you — the perfect McFlurry has a great ratio of Ice cream to toppings. That’s pretty unique in this day and age, unfortunately. However, there is a way to ensure this ratio.

emmakateblogs / Instagram

You could have as many squirt of sauce and chocolate topping you want for just 50 cents. So, something to remember next time you get a McFlurry, right?

Make Your Own DIY Big Mac

For this kind of Big Mac lover who knows one Big Mac simply is not enough. For sure, some will swear by the Big Mac when it comes to McDonald’s burgers. They just think its the best thing on the menu, And yet those same folks will over the years tell you how the Big Mac, ironically, isn’t even really big! This kneat little hack is thus so darn useful.


What you do is order a McDouble (not a Big Mac) sans ketchup or mustard, with a side of big mac sauce, and just slather your patty in that sweet, sweet Big Mac sauce.

The Happy Meal Box Actually Doubles as a Plate

On the other hand, the one thing about the Happy Meal that hinders your happiness is that it doesn’t have a plate, and your child or whoever ordered the Happy Meal is so likely to dirty clothes thanks to that. Actually, it turns out we were just using the Happy Meal packaging all wrong because the Happy Meal box is basically its own plate. Pretty neat, right?

Lucy Bishop / Pinterest

This is one of those really not many people actually use, so you might as well use this for your own gain! And we’re also convinced you’re going to shock a few people with your esoteric McDonald’s knowledge.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for a Refill

Anything so we’re showing you guys two super hacks for getting cheap McDonald’s drinks. Free anyway, but getting two tips instead of one, so score. The first one is all about promo drinks — purchase any hot drink of your choice & when you finish it, just go to the employees & ask for the refill of a promo drink. Thatll wet your whistle for sure

glen.shots / Instagram

Second Tip: Special McDonald Happy Hour: Some McDonald has a few hours in a week when all the beverages are being served at half the price.

Order an Extra Shot on the Side for a Caffeine Kick

What is unfortunate about coffee is that the most delicious your cup of joe is, the worst it works. You can drink milky latte — yummy, but it still will not give you a coffee boost like a double shot of espresso. Fortunately, there is a means to get around this — you can always have an espresso shot on the aspect and stir it into your coffee drink of choice.


If you are getting mocha latte we highly suggest to throw in a shot or two of espresso. Goes down easy and it will give your heart the ole caffeine boost. What’s not to love?

Don’t Pick Just One Flavored Milkshake, Have Them All at Once

The Neapolitan milkshake: Probably something you’ve never thought about before. Yes, that’s right, it’s a thing. “What could that thing be?” You ask. Let’s put it this way: Has anyone ever had trouble deciding on a flavor of McDonald’s milkshakes? Have you ever worried if you should have strawberries, chocolate, or vanilla? And it’s in instances such as these when McDonald’s developed their brilliant idea.

ruth.wurster / Instagram

So they invented the Neapolitan milkshake, which is simply all those flavors together in just the right proportions to make sense. I know, sounds weird, but actually good.

A Mcdonald’s Brunch? Sure, Why Not

Attention all brunch lovers, this is our urgent message to you: there is actually a way to eat the best of both worlds when it comes to the McDonald’s menus. Mcdonald’s beautiful brunch Mcdonald’s serves breakfast and lunch menus between 10:30 and 11:00, and this can make for some brilliant brunches that set your mouth watering. Okay, maybe a Egg McMuffin Big Mac is a little bit too much, but you only live once, right?


So go ahead and try it! You could discover some magical mashup of breakfast and lunch fare that will have you returning for McDonald’s brunch on a weekly basis.

Cut That Pesky Drive-Thru Queue

There are a number of means that one might go about doing this, The first mean, and this one is a simple, though, bizarrely, difficult one, is to think about what you want to order before it is your turn, and hence quickening the queue. Well, that’s easier said than done, let’s be real, however, imagine a world where all your diners will know what they want to eat the second they have the opportunity to order.

It’s almost a utopia, really. But there is a slightly selfish little hack you could use to skip the queue — just go inside and order to the counter!

Take Your Fries To Go

Because who hasn’t had their french fries snatched? Like those fair game bag fries that your passenger devours as you drive fry-less after some spilled in the to-go bag. No more! Scroll to keep reading TikTok is where this user showed us the ultimate way to prevent your fries spilling out the side. Simply fold the highest point of the fry box over, and down, and it seals the container so no more runaway fries!

TikTok/ differentmotherhood

Now whether you have fries in a communal bag, or just want to bring your partially finished fries with you somewhere, you don’t have to worry about losing any.

A Burger to Conquer All Other Burgers

Okay kids, gather ’round, we’re going to spin you a yarn. Say hello to this monster of a burger: the Land, Sea, and Air Burger. Now, this is a goddamn beast of a burger, that’s a given. A combination of a beef patty (land), the Fillet-o’-Fish (sea) and the McChicken (air). This bad boy weighs in for two to feed.


Needless to say, we won’t be recommending giving this one a go unless you’re feeling exceptionally brave and gluttonous (both are essential if you’re to tackle this one head-on).

How To Make A McDonald’s Ice Cream Sandwich

Summer is the season of batshit desserts, after all. Make, eating ice cream sandwich in the winter time is just like; ‘t makes sense at all, but summer just wouldn’t be summer without devouring at least one of these bad boys. Big problem: They don’t hit at McDonald’s. Fret not! Well, we have the perfect answer in this for you. Two soft-baked chocolate chip cookies and an Oreo Mcflurry.

@nxthvniel / Twitter

Then go ahead and sandwich that Oreo Mcflurry between your two cookies. We know, this sounds like a bizarre form of redneck engineering, but some things need to be a little quirky to taste right.

This Just In: Fries Are Actually Dessert

Well, growing up, we were definitely one of the kids who were totally grossed out by dipping fries in ice cream. We never did at all — it smacked of evil to us. Sounds like too much of a great thing, right to us — I mean, what could possibly be so great about dunking a bunch of salty fries into a sundae? We were baffled. Discombobulated. Dumbfounded. And then, one day many months later, we actually decided to give it a go. And we haven’t really been back since.


Trust us, this goes hard. We’re not exactly sure why, it feels entirely counter to everything we learned about food groups, and yet, it still rocks. Looks like some rules are made to be broken.

Make Yourself a McNuggets Salad

This next one is a little weird, but one that you might use every now and then. So if you ever feel the need for something half decent and (dare I be bold enough to say) healthy, but still must visit the Holy Meat Palace known as McDonald’s, well something like this little meal right here may be just the trick. Order some chicken — detachable bits, like McNuggets

karisjade_my.journey / Instagram

After that, just toss in a few of the other ingredients you want until you have a salad! It sure beat this, doesn’t it?

Try Your Hand at Pancake Alchemy

We’re all aware that McDonald’s pancakes don’t exactly top the list when it comes to anyone’s list of favourite items on the McDonald’s breakfast menu– not because the pancakes aren’t good per se, because we all know they are, but perhaps if more people knew it was actually possible to convert those McDonald’s pancakes into legit crepes (all it requires is a little planning and some ordering skills – two pancakes + one kid’s fruit basket), the pancakes would get a little more love. Then too, refer for this pictorial.


As in, fill those fruits, shove them in your McDonalds pancakes, and voila — you got yourself your own crepes! Ain’t that something?

The Custom McDonald’s Coffee Dessert

Here come the TikTok hyperfixations — which is precisely what we love most about this platform: it pushes the masses to pioneer some deeply twisted (but also mildly impressive) stuff. Like this dessert made by TikTok. They created their own spin of the classic Italian dessert affogato (essentially ice cream + espresso)— To create it simply order an iced latte and a cone of regular McDonalds ice cream.

Penang Foodie / Instagram

At this point (and this is the crazy part) you just dip that ice cream cone in your iced latte. I know it sounds strange, but there is some genius here.

Dirty Up Those Fries

Now, while we’re the first to admit our love for McDonald’s (of which there are many here), we’ll also admit that it’s not exactly serving those rich, dirty food dishes that tend to come from other joints. For example, good luck finding cheese fries on a McDonald’s menu. So we had to settle for buffalo ranch fries, which, luckily for us, was the next best thing. Simply get a side of buffalo sauce and ranch, and drizzle them bad boys on your fries.

u/CheeseSneeze99 / reddit

Appropriate warning, this is not a faint-of-heart meal. This is one of those meals that will literally fall off of your tongue. You have been warned.

Use The Fries Container as A Sauce Shield!

Like, you know how you eat a burger, and it’s a simultaneously heavenly and terrifying sensation because of its high-risk rewards? The payoff, of course, is a good-tasting burger, while the tradeoff is that you are now at any moment at risk of getting burger sauce on your clothes. So here is one little trick that you can do to get rid of what is specifically this threat. The only thing you have to do is take your tray of fries out

yuminem20 / Twitter

And then just shove your burger into waddled into your fries holder, so the holder touches all the spilled burger sauce! Ta-da! Your direct stomach and a smell place in T-shirt!【5†Source】

A Caesar’s Salad? At McDonald’s?

If that Chicken McNuggets salad isn’t really your jam, you might want to look for this other internet-sourced salad alternative. Simply order a side Caesar with 2 grilled chicken breast slices. At that point, you can decide whether you want to chop the chicken into servings or simply serve them as mains with the salad as a side.

GermanFoodReviews / YouTube

What a world of possibility opens up when you stop thinking of it as just McDonalds, because there are so many meals you can have at McDonalds. Not that they’re all golden, but hey, give em a go.

Three Patties For The Price Of One

First, we have introduced you to some great secret menu items and some less expensive hacks of late, but we think it’s time to put the two together. Just go order a McChicken and a double cheeseburger off the value menu — they’re both usually about a dollar each. Put those things together, and you’ve got a massive, gut-stuffing burger for less cash than just about anything else on the menu. Or how it’s so good people said the combo was lifechanging.

melika_zaid/Tik Tok

Try this combo next time your cruise the drive-thru and thank us later — with your savings, you can even order a McFlurry!

Stick That Pie in Some Ice Cream

And why, you ask, should someone do that? So, let us break it down for you: the apple pie is undeniably one of the greats of all time and an indisputable McDonald’s desert classic but for some, it’s becoming a bit stale. There simply is nothing on the McDonald’s menu that remotely compares to (and therefore potentially threatens to blunt the sales impact of a new pie flavor) and that’s exactly why McDonald’s is out there rying so hard to come up with a new pie flavor.


Or you could simply create your own modern twist on the traditional pie dish. Just see if you can use it as a dip for other sweets. Hopefully, it has to taste good at least, right? What is there that isn’t to enjoy about pie and frozen yogurt?

We Miss the Nasi Lemak

You could say something like that about McDonald’s Nasi Lemak burger, a mystifyingly burger-pattying item that momentarily rocked the world before being promptly erased off the menu as if it had never been. Yet it happened and now it will exist through memory and our hearts. However, what is one to do when the Nasi Lemak is calling to him? I mean, you can always make your own, you know.


You just have to request an extra serving of sambal on your special order. And with that, you have all the things you need to relive the Nasi Lemak burger awesomeness.

No More Picking Out Sesame Seeds

Admit it, some people are simply picky eaters and are unlikely to change that fact. What can you do about the unchangeable, right? Although, some hyper-picky eaters do not care for sesame seeds on their burger buns. These dudes typically have a habit of picking out the seeds one-by-one, which is not an impossible chore by any means — just not our idea of fun. Which is why we suggest requesting a plain steamed bun without sesame.


Employees usually honour your request and bake a single bun for you. And they’ll make sure to mark it up, so that it doesn’t get lost in the ether of regular-old buns.

Let Those Milkshakes Energize You

The reason you love McDonald’s milkshakes is that they’re freaking good, and you pretty much consume them in seconds. Imagine instead leveraging the efficiency of your desires and getting a shot of espresso on the side, and pouring that bad boy into the McDonald’s milkshake. So you can caffeinate yourself in an instant while you work your way through your lovely McDonald’s milkshake.

Evening Standard

After all, coffee and ice cream is the pairing of the ages! It’s even got a name – you can ask the Italians, it’s an Affogato.

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