Surprising Foods You Thought Were Healthy but Aren’t

Coconut Water

Coconut water is one of those things that is generally considered very good for you. It knows a lot of electrolytes so after a workout or even a night of booze you would reach for this yummy drink to be your recovery / hydration drink. However, coconut water has a secret side that is little known to many! Because it has a very high potassium content, a few side effects can occur due to an excess of potassium in the blood when consumed like this regularly.


High potassium levels from drinking coconut water regularly can result in extreme stomach pain and may even cause severe heart problems in severe situations.


Acai has been the biggest health craze in the last couple of years going to every health store, health restaurant, and smoothie stand. And while acai is, overall, a fruit rich in antioxidants and thought to promote your health, there are a few surprising facts that need to be unpacked. These days it so mass-produced that almost all store-bought acai is loaded with sugar, preservatives and unhealthy calories.


But if you are careful where you get your acai from and make sure it is as fresh and natural as you can get it, there is no reason that your acai eating adventures cannot continue. Just remember moderation is key!

Kids’ Yogurt Cups

While many yogurts are marketed for children, implying they are full of good nutrients and the ideal healthy snack for a developing child. But many of these cups of yogurt are nutritionally declared a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and not as good for your children as parents have been led to believe. Yogurt can be great for those essential gut healthy bacteria and even calcium, but these kids’ yogurts are not it. They are far too sweet, the are loaded with artificial colors and flavors.


That’s a pass — these yogurts are less a healthful snack and more a candy in disguise, so stick to something like greek instead.

Dried Fruit

How is it that fruit can actually be unhealthy? Dried fruit is considered a healthy snack and, naturally, because it’s fruit — right?! This may not be the healthiest snack for a different reason, besides the dehydrating process that leaves most of the nutritional benefits behind. Dried fruit is often sweetened and therefore packed with sugars, making the option less ideal than fresh fruit.


For example, dried dates and raisins contain as much as 60 or 65% sugar, while apricots have about 50% sugar! At that point, you might as well just eat a candy bar, or just choose a fresh apple.

Rice Cereal

But as quick and handy as cereal could be for breakfast, it’s not as wholesome as you might assume. In particular, rice cereals are marketed as a healthy breakfast option, yet have no nutritional value. These processed cereals are high in artificial sugars — well, you know the drill! They are also frequently colored with food dyes associated with studies that appear to worsen symptoms of ADHD in kids.


While most people believe cereal is harmless, it is alarming to find out the drawbacks that are associated with eating a bowl of rice cereal on a daily basis.


Coffee — staple of many cultures, drank by millions, and something people will most likely never forsake. But coffee is also harmful to health! Overconsumption can set off caffeine withdrawals, cause sleep disorders, and even aggravate anxiety and cardiovascular problems. Often, people either are unaware or take the “ignorance is bliss” approach about having to admit that coffee is simply caffeine in a cup, and what is caffeine compared to other substances oh highly addictive.


There are countless conflicting information surrounding the health properties of coffee, and, as with excessive consumption of anything, it will ultimately negatively impact you. Well don’t worry, everything in moderation is better.

Granola Bars

What is the most common healthy snack for a kid’s lunchbox or for going on a hike? It’s probably a granola bar! in nearly all the commercials for granola bars, they display someone exercising or exploring in nature around the granola bars, so, that’s what people can relate it to. This may come as a surprise, however: they’re actually not as good for you as everyone says! In reality, they are almost always so sugary, they qualify as a cleverly disguised cookie.


Homemade granola = much healthier and better but in the case of packaged granola bars, this is a no go.

Canned Tuna

Canned tuna is promoted as a healthy and safe source of protein to include in almost any dish, and is often low-cost and easy to find and purchase. But is that a marketing gimmick or something? How good can it be in terms of health? The principal risks of eating canned tuna include mercury poisoning, excess sodium, and chemicals such as BPA. Those leafy green salads overflowing with canned tuna can even send your blood pressure sky high from all the sodium.


Of course, mercury poisoning or consuming chemicals from the canning process can be extremely dangerous for your health. While fish is a healthier protein, this particular tuna in a can might be one to skip from here on out.

Peanut Butter

That sprouts donc peanut butt, a peanut butt always seem to be present not to mention, a peanut butt doing there you to lack meat fuller as failure to eat! It usually takes the form of being smeared on apples, mixed into chia pudding, or simply consumed on its own. There are many people who do not see a problem in snacking on this on a daily basis, however, they can become unhealthy really fast when most people do not realise. Peanut butter contains a lot of saturated fat which could eventually clog the arteries and cause heart problems.


Now, to the extent that eating peanut butter round the clock doesn’t sound like the neatest of ideas, do be mindful of it in case you don’t need to eradicate it from your life altogether.


Strawberries are one of the most favorite and favorite fruit ever. But how is this tiny little thing that is like basically a vegetable bad for you? Strawberries are not bad strawberries but how they are being grown. And there you have it the dirtiest fruit of all — strawberries — the most likely of all to contain pesticides! These toxins are just not good for your body, and sometimes even rinsing them is not enough. However, this is how the majority of strawberries are cultivated and produced.


They are tasty, but no one is interested in munching down on pesticides and chemicals to the max! Either get a decent disinfectant fruit spray or leave them at the grocery store next time you run through.

Raw Cashews

For years now, cashews are one of the most common snack that people are convinced is near to a superfood! Always in trail mix and pushed as a replacement for crackers or some junk food stuff. The truth is, raw cashews actually aren’t so safe to consume. Yes, raw cashews have a substance called Urushiol which is also present in poison ivy, and this can lead to very reactive skin and also be toxic. This is why consuming cashews should be done in moderation.


Even if nuts are considered healthy, eating too many of them can be very harmful. What a negative side affects this snack you can find in every grocery store had, who would have thought?

Sparkling Water

What possible issues can there be with drinking water? Well, actually the healthiest thing you could every drink is water! However for sparkling water, it’s actually rather astonishing for that’s actually not where it concerns be true. Actually, there are lots of harmful chemicals in sparkling water formed when making the water fizzy. The problem of course is that not every bottle can be, but if they are, the PFAS does not have many good side effects for you.


Water is de facto harmless, but many of these chemicals are involved in both major health problems (vitamins) associated with disruption of thyroid hormones. Drink water not something fun got it.

Artificial Orange Juice

Orange juice is an easy breakfast drink that is yummy and fruit flavored. Well, if it isn’t raw, that means it is full of a ton of unhealthy additives. And artificial orange juices have so much food dyes and sugar that they are super unhealthy for your body — even worse when you die with it every morning. Second, it has no nutritional value; you might as well put down a cup of real orange juice, so you can miss out on this.


Orange juice — If the label says freshly squeezed, then it’s freshly squeezed — not all orange juice bottles, you must check and double check, because usually nothing is freshly squeezed!

Protein Drinks

So it is not uncommon for those who move a lot and pay attention to their diet to know protein bars and protein drinks. However, you should definitely know the fact that these products that we so commonly consume can prove to be harmful for your health. There are also studies that found metal in protein for these drinks, and consuming too much can cause digestive issues and be very hard on your kidneys. These protein drinks sound like a good way to go at first, but they really are not worth the risk.


Many of these health and energy boosting products that are marketed to you, that many people would never dream were so harmful to such a large number of people!

Sunflower Seeds

I know sunflower seeds sound healthy, am I right?! And yes, although it is a seed and for most it is a super healthy one, it can be unhealthy for you. These seeds are loaded with sodium, so it is too common to overload your salt intake because most people eat a lot in one sitting. However, another scary aspect of sunflower seeds is that they are high in a type of mold toxin — aflatoxin!


Clearly, eating something that is filled with toxins is not so great for your health and damn frightening to even think about, making it a good idea to just skip these seeds and grab a healthy snack instead!

Soy and Almond Milk

These days everyone seems to be sensitive or intolerant to dairy so different types of milk are all the rage. There are a mind-boggling number of choices — oat, soy, almond milk, the list goes on. While they come across as a more healthy option than dairy, it really isn’t as healthy as you think. And I can bet you that 90% of these flavoured soy and almond milks are loaded with sugar and crap like vanilla faking the flavour, bringing these drinks to an unhealthy level.


But you have to be careful drinking these kinds of milk on a regular basis because just one cup or bowl of this milk can send your sugar intake over your daily threshold.


Because it comes from an apple, people assume applesauce must be good for them; fruit is healthy right? It is a common misconception that soda is a good after school snack for kids and this is a huge mistake. Surprising, as applesauce generally is loaded with sugars and more corn syrup than you can shake a stick at! That’s right, so your really not getting vitamin and nutrients but instead tons of artificial gym!


This way, on your next shopping spree, you will know precisely what is healthy and what is not and would not end up with unhealthy snacking!

Whole Wheat Bread

Knowledge about what is healthy, what is not and how to not do ecological harm to yourself is the best tool for healthy eating. For a long time whole wheat bread was touted as a healthier option compared to white bread but it turns out, it is not even the most nutritious choice! Enriched means that wheat bread has much more sugar content, ever heard of the low nutrient sugar-eating bread style, then wheat bread could be fine since it mostly contains the Enriched flour.


Wheat bread: these are their not-so-healthy labels, do not be misled here. Instead choose multigrain or sprouted grain bread!

Rice Cakes

Rice crackers are seen as a healthy alternative to chips or the crunch of bread and are expensive in calories. However, there is a downside to these lil rice snacks that NEEDS to be discussed! They’re a sweet, almost donut-like experience. So if you aim for a healthier twist, rice cakes aren’t it. It can increase your blood glucose value, particularly if you consume a lot in one setting.


Normally proclaimed as a healthy snack, but they could have a dark side! So snacking on these is questionable as they lack nutritional value severely.

Iced Tea

When you don’t feel like water, iced tea would seem to be a healthy drink but who knew it could be so dangerous for your health? You envision water brewed with a tea bag and poured over ice, but how horrible could it be? Many drinks sold under the guise of tea are more like sodas, with upwards of fifteen spoons of sugar!


If you drink these prepackaged iced tea drinks like your life depends on it, it can increase your insulin, and that is not good for your health in the long run. But, homemade iced is really simple and so, definitely healthier for you, so you don’t have to part ways with it completely.


Popcorn is a delicious snack that is everywhere, at almost every party, movie, and sports game! It is generally a better choice than other junk foods because it would be very low in calories. However, the premade popcorn you buy has a lot of salt and even if you add loads of seasoning, sugar or butter to it, it still is unhealthy. But still, popcorn is considered a healthy snack.


But now, it is time to reveal the truth about these long-term feel bad snacks.


As weird as it may seem to you, the fact that a tomato can be unhealthy, this time it’s not for what you may be thinking. Tomatoes have thin skin, so when they are sprayed with pesticides, the tomatoes absorb all the chemicals. And that is exactly why even if you scrape away the top coat, it still isn’t going to cut it! Organic tomatoes chock full of chemicals that are not suitable might be the way to go but there is a catch.


This is not great for people who struggle with an acidic stomach because tomatoes are extremely acidic! Now, most people crouch like “Whoa, I didn’t know tomatoes could hit that hard.” But it’s worth knowing.

Canned Fruit

You have heard about the fact that fruits and vegetables are healthy and everybody should eat them daily to stay fit and you already know all the basics about a balanced diet. How else, though, could it not be the same for tinned fruit? It’s literally just fruit — how on earth does fruit become unhealthy? Canned fruits are shelf-stable which means they can hang around in your pantry for possibly years on end without ever going bad. Which is right why they have no more of the nutrients associated with fruit in the first place.

Canned fruits are chock full of sugars, corn syrups, and harsh preservatives — none of which are good for you. Fresh fruit is always a great choice

Coconut Oil

Everyone (well, a lot of people) appear to have gone coconut oil insane. It is awesome for skin and hair and, for baking, appears to be the healthiest option compared to most cooking oils! However, there are a few caveats that make coconut oil less healthy than many people brag about, if you eat it day in day out. The catch is that it consists largely of saturated fats, which means the unhealthy cholesterol.


The cholesterol levels will not be immediate for you, however, it is one of the important things you need to consider if you regularly consume coconut oil because it can lead to some severe heart problems.

Veggie Chips

Veggie chips are a favorite for most people. And even though they seem like a better choice than regular potato chips, they’re not so much healthier. Theyre still processed, and pumped full of sodium but hey, at least they are technically savored prepare from vegetables or something. You may be surprised to find out because they are touted as a fabulous chip alternative, but do not be fooled – they are not healthy.


Veggie chips are useless, the sodium and oil contents are so high, that instead of eating chips, you may just eat your carrot and celery sticks!

Refried Beans

Beans are also full of protein and can feed the body through their rich fiber content making beans a healthy superfood. That’s where people make the mistake. That’s not true for every bean, and as you’ll discover when it comes to refried beans, most of the time, you shouldn’t count on them for nutrients. Refried beans are among the most processed beans we can find, as well as loaded with salt and saturated fat and, therefore, stripping all health benefits away!


Though beans are typically considered a health food, refried beans are a product of nasty additives and beans you should definitely avoid.


The thing you’ll eat the most off all, potatoes are likely not the one you’ll read how bad they really are for your health. Potatoes are not one of those natural vegetables that you can consume on a regular basis. In fact, they are loaded with carbs themselves and are typically cooked in a manner that blankets them with oil, butter, and salt. But that’s not even all! Potatoes decay and contain glycoalkaloids that can contribute to everything from food poisoning to death.


Suddenly it does not seem so healthy anymore does it? Remember that the next time you do your groceries or cook it!


What is the “better” sugar substitute? It’s agave nectar! Then don’t freak out when you find out its really no good for you. I know, shocker, right but because its marketed so heavily as a more natural and healthy sugar replacement the reality is it contains just as much sugar, if not more sugar. Because of the high fructose and calorie content — so it is harmful, especially if consumed daily!


In the end, honey is the healthiest option versus table sugar and agave! Don’t be fooled by ads, and even never use agave nectar.

Hot Dogs

While hot dogs are amongst the simplest and most convenient items to prepare, and a staple of barbeques, they have fallen out of favor somewhat. But what you’re not aware of is they’re terribly destructive for your body. Which happens to be the reason they are incredibly processed! That industrial-grade meat is not a clean flesh; it is all the flesh that fills an animal with excess salt and preservatives. Better yet, it’s primarily a source of bad fat and not the nutrients that your body needs.


Maybe hot dogs are fine and dandy, but you just shouldn’t be putting those kinds of ingredients into your system. Being cheap and super widely available doesn’t mean its good to eat!


Oh no, not onions! What could really be wrong with these also? Believe it or not, onions can actually be quite terrible for others. They are so acidic that if you let your guard down, you may inadvertently consume some onions which can lead to a lot of unpleasant and potentially damaging consequences for your body. But if you are one who suffers from colitis, ulcers, and heartburn, do all you can to stay away from these pungent vegetables!


Onions are good for digestion but if you have a sensitive stomach, consuming them on a daily basis might lead to some terrible symptoms, so you should better cross them off your next shopping list.

Tortilla Chips

Nachos are an extremely popular snack and as attractive as tortilla chips are, they are not very healthy. They sound basic and only require a few ingredients, how bad can they really be? However, if they are fried, they are oozing with sodium, fats, and calories. So if you constantly munch on these, you could well be in for a very nasty side effect such like hypertension, hence why you should only use it on moderation.


Tortilla chips are mostly corn, but they don’t offer any nutrition. Great, another unhealthy snack to add to our growing list of food for our kids to avoid!

Frozen Yogurt

Frozen yogurt is often regarded as a healthy alternative to the real deal by folks who are attempting to be more health conscious about their diet. And right there is where they get it all wrong! It sounds like it would be way more beneficial to you, just by the name. And it’s also meant to be somewhere the hell below any old ice cream in fat and calories but definitely not short on sugar. I know that it’s yogurt but don’t be deceived it’s every bit as bad!


Not that you should be eating those this often anyway. Just keep in mind that frozen yogurt is dessert, no better for you than ice cream.


Due to its widespread consumption, especially as a snack in childhood and in hospitals, many people perceive Jell-O as a healthy food. So how is it legal, then, but bad for you? It is mainly gelatin, and guess what gelatin is made out of? Gelatin iis a boiled mixture of animal tendons and bones! But how safe this is to eat is uncertain, and it is definitely not the healthiest kind of treat you would want to give to your children.


Various carcinogenic food dyes are used to color Jell-O as well. It’s probably not ideal to be eating it everyday.

Veggie Burgers

A veggie burger is obviously one of the first things that comes to mind when asked for an alternative to a burger. Eating it is so much healthier than eating red meat and if it’s vegetable based, where’s the harm? Spoiler: most frozen premade veggie patties are bad. Almost always they are loaded with salts and preservatives, more sodium than a beef patty even has in fact! So if you’re searching for a better-for-you burger alternative, this isn’t exactly it.


Unfortunately, these delicious delicacies are not as healthy as many would like to assume because they include an endless number of unhealthy preservatives and chemicals.

Microwavable Rice

Given that rice is a staple in most households, the idea that it could be unhealthy may seem implausible. However, the nutritional content of prepackaged microwaveable rice tends to decrease. Although it’s quick and easy, these items include far more preservatives than usual. While cooking rice takes longer, the benefits outweigh the inconvenience, as packaged rice typically contains high levels of sodium. Rice does not contain sodium.


The health concerns associated with routinely consuming such pre-packaged flavored rice packages are worth the extra cooking time for ordinary rice. Thus, do yourself a favor and just buy real rice!


Traditionally, people used butter for everything when baking and cooking, but margarine emerged as a more readily available and affordable substitute. However, not many people are aware that margarine contains a significant number of harmful chemicals. Margarine primarily consists of various oils, not animal milk. What makes this so detrimental to you, then? All of the oils, however, are loaded with trans and saturated fats, which have been connected to a number of terrible side effects, including diabetes and heart disease.


If you regularly consume this, it’s time to switch to a healthier option to avoid exposure to any dangerous substances.

Chewing Gum

Although chewing gum is a popular method to refresh your breath, few people consider the potential health risks. However, gum contains a significant amount of sugar, which can quickly lead to serious health issues. With all the sugar in gum, you could easily consume more than you should each day without realizing it, which could lead to tooth decay. It may come as a surprise, but it’s better to know now than never that choosing a sugar-free mint is preferable to taking a chance.


So why not just get gum without sugar? Because of the continual ingestion of air pockets, chewing gum has been linked to stomach issues. This causes bloating and pain in the abdomen; therefore, completely disregard the gum!


Do you want a simple, quick snack? Pretzels seem like a fantastic choice, though. Discovering that pretzels are also a poor choice for a snack can be disheartening. Though they don’t appear harmful, they are actually just salt and carbohydrates with little nutritional value. Consuming too many processed and typically low-fiber foods can lead to stomach pain. It is advisable to stay away from these, especially if you are already prone to digestive problems.


Who knew that such a straightforward snack could cause such bodily inflammation? You will now know to avoid including these in your diet.

Hot Sauce

Which condiment is the most widely used and well-liked? Naturally, it’s hot sauce! People add it to chips, burritos, and veggies. However, few people are aware that hot sauces are unhealthy, even though they taste wonderful. Although the purpose of spicy sauce is to spice up your snack, it can cause severe irritation to your stomach’s lining. If you eat this every day, you may even develop gastritis.


Despite the widespread belief that hot sauce aids in burning abdominal fat, it actually only causes harmful side effects and burning sensations!

Turkey Bacon

Selecting turkey bacon for breakfast instead of pig or sausage sounds like a healthier option. For those who enjoy breakfast, finding out that turkey bacon isn’t healthy might be extremely upsetting. Why would this have such a negative impact on your health, given that turkey is typically considered a healthier meat? Because turkey bacon is highly processed, it has a lot of added sugars, chemicals, and fats that might be harmful to your health.


We recommend not consuming this every day to avoid these potentially dangerous side effects. The secret is to approach things moderately.

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